Creative Fuel with Anna Brones

Creative Fuel with Anna Brones is a newsletter exploring the role of creativity in daily life, emphasizing the cyclical nature of creative energy, personal reflection, and the importance of pausing and presence. It offers insights into embracing seasonal rhythms, connecting deeply with nature, and valuing creativity as a fundamental aspect of identity and well-being.

Creativity and Daily Life Seasonal Rhythms and Reflection Nature and Well-being Personal Identity and Creativity Digital Retreats and Advent Calendars Artistic Inspiration and Process Cultural and Seasonal Observations Sustainable and Mindful Living Memory and Sense of Place

The hottest Substack posts of Creative Fuel with Anna Brones

And their main takeaways
3832 implied HN points 05 Jan 24
  1. Creativity is cyclical, take time to rest and reflect.
  2. Consider January as an 'in-between' month, avoiding pressure for grand new beginnings.
  3. Focus on practicing and committing to creative routines rather than solely on productivity.
3871 implied HN points 28 Dec 23
  1. Midwinter is a time for rest and regeneration.
  2. This in-between period is a pause for reflection and observation.
  3. Embrace the lethargic, slower pace of midwinter for creativity and renewal.
1631 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Celebrating milestones, even small ones, is important.
  2. Balancing depth and breadth in creative work is crucial.
  3. Creativity thrives on a balanced mix of input and output.
1395 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. Winter can be an excellent time for regenerating creativity.
  2. Take the cold as an invitation to connect physically and creatively to the season.
  3. Try the practice of capturing one moment of cold in one sentence each day to see what it reveals.
1375 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Exploring liminal spaces can be a powerful practice for creativity and growth.
  2. Acknowledging the contrasts between darkness and light can enhance creativity.
  3. Embracing the transitions of seasons, like from winter to spring, can offer deep insights and inspiration.
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3105 implied HN points 01 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being calendar has started for the season
  2. Consider the Japanese tradition of microseasons for a gradual outlook on time
  3. Think about your seasonal compass: How do you want this season to feel?
1395 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. The full moon can inspire creativity with its shapes and symbolism
  2. Nature's imperfections, like the moon not being a perfect circle, can serve as creative reminders
  3. Basic shapes like circles are essential in our visual vocabulary and inspire creativity
3243 implied HN points 08 Nov 23
  1. The calendar is a digital Advent calendar focused on slowing down and making space for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. The Advent calendar is a way to plant creative seeds and remind us to find joy and gratitude in our lives.
  3. It's a secular calendar inspired by winter solstice, offering daily prompts from December 1st to December 24th to encourage creativity, appreciation, and presence.
1965 implied HN points 06 Dec 23
  1. Early December can bring exhaustion without the festive spirit.
  2. The societal pressure for 'more' during the holidays can be overwhelming.
  3. Reflect on the reasons behind the desire for 'more' during this season.
1100 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. January can be a month for reflection and percolating ideas, not just for production.
  2. Removing the layers of expectation and output can lead to vulnerability and true clarity.
  3. Creativity is about holding opposites and finding balance, like navigating extremes and shedding layers for expansiveness.
2378 implied HN points 03 Nov 23
  1. Creativity is more than just what we do, it's about who we are.
  2. Society often reduces us to what we do for work, but we're more than just our jobs.
  3. Creativity asks us to balance taking it seriously without losing ourselves in the process.
1788 implied HN points 24 Nov 23
  1. Support small businesses, as they heavily rely on holiday season sales for revenue.
  2. Consider sustainable consumer habits by buying what is needed, second-hand options, or supporting causes.
  3. Value art and culture for emotional connection and as catalysts for change in building a different economy.
1179 implied HN points 24 Dec 23
  1. The post is part of a digital Advent calendar focusing on presence, creativity, and gratitude
  2. It is a seasonal offering for paid subscribers
  3. The author invites readers to subscribe to access the full content and offers a 7-day free trial
1198 implied HN points 20 Dec 23
  1. Year-end recaps can feel accomplishment-focused
  2. Pause and take a moment of reflection amidst the busy year-end hustle
  3. Consider the definition of success that truly matters to you
1218 implied HN points 16 Dec 23
  1. This is an offering for paid subscribers called 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being, an Advent calendar for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. The weather report mentioned in the post highlighted a potential white Christmas in Sweden, showing different weather predictions in various parts of the country.
  3. The author discussed the weather in the Pacific Northwest during El Niño years, describing the warmer and drier conditions that come with it.
1395 implied HN points 03 Dec 23
  1. The post focuses on slowing down and taking a moment for small celebrations during the holiday season.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of creating cozy moments with simple activities like lighting a candle and watching the flicker.
  3. The overall message is to find a moment of peace and light to counteract our busy lives.
1375 implied HN points 04 Dec 23
  1. Embracing the fog and finding beauty in darkness.
  2. Slowing down in the early morning hours can bring a sense of presence.
  3. Letting go of expectations and embracing the changing seasons.
2044 implied HN points 20 Oct 23
  1. Being in tune with nature and the outdoors is important for our health and well-being.
  2. Connecting with our bodies by being present in the moment can help reduce stress and chaos in our minds.
  3. Trusting our own intuition and senses over technology can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling experience.
1238 implied HN points 08 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for slowing down and making space for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. Friday is a special day to celebrate and mark with special activities.
  3. Consider incorporating happy hour as a way to bring joy and relaxation into your Friday evening.
1277 implied HN points 02 Dec 23
  1. The post is about adorning spaces with holiday decorations and creating a festive ambiance.
  2. The author shares the sentimental value of their small holiday decoration collection.
  3. It's a reflection on the significance and stories behind each holiday decoration item.
1100 implied HN points 12 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. The author writes each day's content in real-time to stay connected with readers and the world.
  3. Subscription to get full access to all posts, with a 7-day free trial available.
1100 implied HN points 10 Dec 23
  1. Jólabókaflóð is Iceland's Christmas tradition of exchanging books on Christmas Eve.
  2. Iceland's Christmas book sales account for around 40% of total annual book sales.
  3. The tradition of Jólabókaflóð began during World War II when paper wasn't rationed.
1002 implied HN points 17 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for presence, creativity, and gratitude
  2. The post is by Anna Brones, offering a moment of imagination and play
  3. Paid subscribers get exclusive access to seasonal offerings like this
923 implied HN points 22 Dec 23
  1. Life often doesn't go entirely according to plan, and that's okay.
  2. Serendipity can lie in the unexpected moments, so don't be afraid to let go of control.
  3. It's important to manage our expectations during this season of planning and high hopes.
1120 implied HN points 05 Dec 23
  1. Seasonal cues can be important for triggering certain traditions and rituals.
  2. Cues and habits are closely connected in the brain, making habits more ingrained with repetition.
  3. Having a specific cue or ritual before creative work can help our brain associate it with productivity.
1081 implied HN points 07 Dec 23
  1. This post is about a digital Advent calendar for slowing down and embracing creativity and gratitude.
  2. It highlights the tradition of sending gratitude cards during the holiday season.
  3. The history of holiday cards goes way back with roots in art and creative expression.
982 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for slowing down and making space for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. The post discusses the concept of a Not-To-Do List, which can be a helpful tool for increasing productivity and reducing overwhelm.
  3. The content is a seasonal offering for paid subscribers, providing prompts and resources for intentional living.
884 implied HN points 23 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for presence, creativity, and gratitude
  2. It is a seasonal offering for paid subscribers
  3. The content encourages slowing down and making space for creativity
1022 implied HN points 09 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar.
  2. It focuses on slowing down, presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  3. Subscription gives access to the full post archives.
1533 implied HN points 28 Oct 23
  1. Creativity can be a tool for empathy, helping us connect and understand others' experiences.
  2. We can't expect ourselves to have perfect emotional responses to every crisis, it's okay to acknowledge the overwhelm.
  3. Creativity is a way to strengthen empathy and connect with others, it's a form of self and community care.
943 implied HN points 13 Dec 23
  1. December 13 is Saint Lucia Day, celebrating light in darkness.
  2. Saint Lucia Day originated from Italy but is now celebrated in Sweden.
  3. The celebration marks the beginning of the festive season.
884 implied HN points 11 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being: December 11 is a digital Advent calendar for slowing down.
  2. The post discusses 'The Inner Landscape of Beauty' interview with John O'Donohue and Krista Tippett.
  3. Readers can subscribe to Creative Fuel with Anna Brones for more content and a 7-day free trial.
805 implied HN points 19 Dec 23
  1. The post is about a digital Advent calendar for slowing down and making space for presence, creativity, and gratitude.
  2. It includes a recipe and reflections on past, present, and future self.
  3. The post is part of the 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being series by Anna Brones.
805 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. 24 Days of Making, Doing, and Being is a digital Advent calendar for presence, creativity, and gratitude
  2. It offers a seasonal offering for paid subscribers
  3. The content encourages slowing down and making space for creativity and gratitude
2279 implied HN points 04 Aug 23
  1. Memories can shape our sense of identity and belonging, influencing how we navigate different cultural spaces.
  2. Finding comfort in the in-between spaces of life, like feeling rooted within oneself when torn between different places or languages.
  3. Creativity thrives in the uncertainty of the in-between space, where self-discovery and personal expression take center stage.
1454 implied HN points 06 Oct 23
  1. Our view of time and value influences how we think about creativity.
  2. Art and creativity take a lifetime to develop and create.
  3. The relationship between art and money is complex, often tied to the time invested in creation.
2024 implied HN points 18 Aug 23
  1. Memories are formed through everyday rituals and actions, not just final moments.
  2. Engage deeply with your surroundings to truly remember a place or moment.
  3. Artists attempt to capture intangible feelings and moments through their work.
648 implied HN points 21 Dec 23
  1. Today marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day and longest night of the year.
  2. The term 'solstice' comes from the Latin words for 'sun' and 'to stand still,' which reflects the sun's position at this time.
  3. The post offers a digital Advent calendar for slowing down, making space for creativity, and expressing gratitude.
687 implied HN points 14 Dec 23
  1. Creativity resides in the body, especially in physical activities like dance and painting.
  2. Movement is essential for our creativity and overall well-being.
  3. Taking moments to rest and settle our thoughts is crucial for rejuvenation and centering.