Home Economics

Forward-looking, data-powered analysis of American housing

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And their main takeaways
117 implied HN points 18 Jul 23
  1. Seasonality in the housing market has been disrupted by the pandemic.
  2. Activity in the housing market used to follow seasonal patterns.
  3. New listings in the housing market are now influenced more by mortgage rates, not just by the seasons.
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137 implied HN points 30 May 23
  1. Measuring changes in 'real' terms, accounting for inflation, makes more sense when talking about home prices.
  2. National indices may show home prices higher than a year ago, but adjusting for inflation reveals lower prices in real terms.
  3. The article emphasizes the importance of considering inflation when discussing changes in home prices.
117 implied HN points 24 Feb 23
  1. The article discusses the complexities of measuring inflation.
  2. Inflation measurement is a challenging task.
  3. Understanding the inflation conundrum is crucial.
98 implied HN points 11 Jul 23
  1. Mortgage rates are high and home prices have not dropped, leading to decreased affordability and a decline in home sales.
  2. This post discusses the impact of economic factors on the housing market.
  3. The newsletter focuses on using data visualization to analyze economic news, particularly in the housing sector.
98 implied HN points 07 Feb 23
  1. Cartoon about monetary policy shared in the post
  2. Investors delay rate hikes in response
  3. Post content is for paid subscribers