The Waiting Room

A place for unusual and compelling real-life stories that you can't find anywhere else. Each letter focuses on one interesting person and their story.

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83 HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Don Bolles is a collector of lost pet posters from the 70s and 80s.
  2. Don admires the unique artwork and heartfelt messages on the posters.
  3. The posters show a different, more personal approach to finding lost pets compared to modern methods.
39 implied HN points 14 Aug 23
  1. Gwyneth Paltrow's body double from the movie Shallow Hal faced challenges while portraying the character due to fatphobia and negative societal views on weight.
  2. The body double, Ivy Snitzer, experienced difficulties and health issues after the film's release, including weight loss surgery and negative public reactions.
  3. Ivy's journey showcases the complexities of body image, including struggles with weight, disordered eating, and societal perceptions.