The Practitioner

The Practitioner substack explores themes of personal and professional transformation, emphasizing the importance of reflection, conversation, and self-awareness in fostering change. It covers a range of subjects from individual growth, societal dynamics, to organizational development, with a focus on creating generative change through inquiry and appreciative intelligence.

Personal Growth Professional Development Organizational Change Societal Dynamics Reflective Practices Conversational Impact Creativity and Innovation Cultural and Environmental Awareness

The hottest Substack posts of The Practitioner

And their main takeaways
157 implied HN points 10 Apr 22
  1. Remember to take a pause and reflect on why you are on your current path.
  2. In a competitive economy focused on numbers, it's important to find time for reflection.
  3. Sometimes, slowing down and questioning your current path takes bravery.
58 implied HN points 10 Oct 22
  1. Collective trauma can lead to deep-rooted rage and suffering, with the need for listening and acknowledgment.
  2. Human-caused collective trauma often results from polarization, creating victim and perpetrator groups.
  3. Healing from collective trauma requires acknowledging responsibility, changing the narrative, and developing a listening capacity.
58 implied HN points 17 Sep 22
  1. Life often happens unexpectedly, and it's okay to surrender control and let things unfold naturally.
  2. Creativity and growth can stem from difficult times, like turning pain into something meaningful.
  3. Surrendering doesn't mean giving up, it's about finding strength in acceptance and trust in the universe's plan.
98 implied HN points 13 Mar 22
  1. Conversations are essential for change and results
  2. Silence can indicate suffering or challenges
  3. Asking 'Do you want to talk?' is an important first step
39 implied HN points 13 Sep 22
  1. Letters to Mr. Hanx are personal narratives about life's ups and downs.
  2. Life is always evolving and people tend to think past eras were simpler.
  3. Despite challenges, it's important to keep dreams alive and move forward.
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39 implied HN points 10 Sep 22
  1. Background and vocabulary play a crucial role in professional assessments and relationships
  2. Understanding cultural differences in vocabulary can bridge gaps in communication
  3. Shared vocabulary is essential for forming connections across different worlds
98 implied HN points 20 Jul 21
  1. Conversations can transform the results we get and are crucial in any change process.
  2. Language awareness is foundational to creating change at any level, influencing how we shape reality.
  3. Conversations are a meeting of hearts and minds that can shape the world, exchange hope or despair, and create new possibilities.
58 implied HN points 06 Mar 22
  1. Courage means exploring profound questions about ourselves, not just seeking adventures.
  2. Returning to old stories or books can offer new insights and perspectives, reflecting personal growth.
  3. It takes courage to revisit old stories and beliefs, as they may hold answers and lessons we've missed.
78 implied HN points 16 Sep 21
  1. Self is the most valuable instrument of change, impacting the change process based on social roles, personal strengths, and weaknesses.
  2. Understanding self as an instrument involves bringing our whole self to our roles for effective change.
  3. Use of self is important in facilitating change, with our values, assumptions, and worldview influencing the process.
78 implied HN points 05 Sep 21
  1. Cities reflect our inner narratives and shape our identities based on location.
  2. Yazd showcases the potential for innovation in challenging environments.
  3. Appreciative Intelligence is about seeing the hidden potential in the present for shaping a better future.
78 implied HN points 04 Aug 21
  1. Being a practitioner involves liberating oneself from structured limitations and societal norms.
  2. Practitioners ask generative questions to observe phenomena and create new narratives.
  3. Examples like Abbas Kiarostami show how breaking societal norms can lead to creativity and varied life experiences.
58 implied HN points 25 Sep 21
  1. Changing roles lead to new self-knowledge.
  2. Self can be seen as fixed and predictable or adaptable and relational.
  3. As a change practitioner, understanding self as process impacts how we work with people.
58 implied HN points 14 Sep 21
  1. The newsletter aims to help people make positive changes in various aspects of life.
  2. The author is focused on strengthening collaboration and promoting positive change.
  3. The goal is to build a community of 100 subscribers from different countries.
58 implied HN points 31 Jul 21
  1. Weekly reflections summarize musings, researches, and conversations from the week.
  2. Art is seen as a facilitator of change, providing insight into inner narratives.
  3. Societies may collapse due to human impact on the environment, climate change, social attitudes, and more.
58 implied HN points 28 Jul 21
  1. Hope can have a generative side, involving goal orientation and taking action to achieve desired outcomes.
  2. Degenerative hope lacks goal orientation, pathway thinking, and a sense of agency, leading to blind optimism and lack of taking responsibility.
  3. It's important to reflect on the true meaning of hope and consider how our context, social dynamics, and geographic location shape our narrative of hope.
58 implied HN points 14 Jul 21
  1. Amir Mehrani transitioned from IT to organizational development with a passion for literature and philosophy.
  2. Practitioner is geared towards those who want to make a positive impact in their personal and professional spheres.
  3. Content on Practitioner focuses on generative change, theories, and dialogic approaches.
39 implied HN points 22 Sep 21
  1. Our differences in understanding situations create the meaning of our relationships.
  2. Embracing diversity in interpretations can lead to more meaningful relationships.
  3. Express curiosity in understanding others instead of mechanical attempts.
39 implied HN points 20 Aug 21
  1. Art captures moments of fear and hope simultaneously.
  2. Liminal spaces are transitions between past and future.
  3. In liminal spaces, holding space for vulnerability is crucial for emotional support.
39 implied HN points 07 Aug 21
  1. Listen to music to spark deep conversations and memories.
  2. Consider the importance of collaboration and embracing our connection to nature.
  3. Reflect on changing narratives and shifting towards a mindset of abundance.
19 implied HN points 09 Mar 22
  1. Exciting news: The Practitioner is now available in the Substack app for iPhone.
  2. The Substack app offers a dedicated inbox for subscribed content, ensuring posts are not lost in email filters.
  3. Android users can join the waitlist for the Substack app, which is currently available for iOS.
19 implied HN points 17 Oct 21
  1. Improvisation helps understand vulnerabilities and emotions
  2. Observation of behaviors is key to learning and improvement
  3. Practicing is essential for growth and performance in both art and life
19 implied HN points 09 Oct 21
  1. The world is more connected than we think.
  2. Life's meaning is co-created by connecting with others.
  3. Appreciate and acknowledge the impact of all unknown creators and connectors.
19 implied HN points 28 Aug 21
  1. Creating art from sadness can lead to new creations and self-understanding.
  2. Listening to and understanding the profound experiences of others can provide new perspectives on life.
  3. Engaging with music and performances, like the Elgar Cello Concerto, can evoke powerful emotions and connections.
19 implied HN points 16 Aug 21
  1. The Practitioner Model involves activating senses for generative change.
  2. Practitioners need to reframe situations by questioning the status quo to find new opportunities.
  3. Understanding the social context is crucial for practitioners to navigate and contribute to change.
0 implied HN points 13 Feb 23
  1. The torch in our hands symbolizes our unique perspectives and the importance of sharing them.
  2. Aligning with life involves accepting change and uncertainty as part of the journey.
  3. Key qualities for aligning with life include learning through observation and theory, and embodying wisdom through action and feedback.
0 implied HN points 23 Jan 23
  1. Teal organizations are characterized by self-organization and self-management, breaking away from traditional hierarchical structures.
  2. Questioning the status quo and keeping conversations alive can lead to the emergence of new consciousness levels in societies.
  3. Keeping the conversation alive around a topic can show what we are paying attention to, serving as the first step towards a newer level of consciousness.