Ancient Beat

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And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Ice Age hunters in Europe were not one homogenous group, but actually comprised of multiple distinct cultures.
  2. Neanderthals and humans coexisted in Northern Europe 45,000 years ago, shifting previous knowledge about the timeline and interaction between species.
  3. Recent excavation in Sweden revealed a unique dolmen burial chamber from 3500 BCE with missing skeletal parts, hinting at possible ritualistic practices.
0 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Ancient tool technology may have evolved gradually rather than through a single abrupt revolution during human dispersals, challenging previous notions of advancement.
  2. Archaeological findings suggest intentional use of hallucinogenic plants like henbane in ancient Roman settlements for medicinal or narcotic purposes.
  3. Discovery of possible ancient game boards in Kenya provides insights into the recreational activities of past civilizations, indicating strategic gameplay in ancient times.
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