
Chartography Substack explores the history, innovation, and artistry of data visualization through the lens of charts, maps, and diagrams. It features diverse topics from hot air balloon voyage charts to modern digital tools for data storytelling, emphasizing the blend of aesthetics, functionality, and narrative in information design.

Data Visualization History Chart and Map Design Innovative Visualization Tools Data Storytelling Information Graphic Designers Historical and Modern Data Graphics Cartographic Storytelling Analog and Digital Visualization Techniques Information Design Inspiration Visual Data Analysis Methods

The hottest Substack posts of Chartography

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 24 May 19
  1. Watch the short film 'Unbreaking America' narrated by Jennifer Lawrence, which explains systemic corruption in American politics using visuals like charts and diagrams.
  2. Learn design tips from historic visualizations in a conversation with Andy Cotgreave, Tableau's Technical Evangelism Director.
  3. Connect with RJ Andrews to share your favorite visualization, offer feedback, or just say hello.
0 implied HN points 24 Apr 19
  1. A visual essay by Michelle Rial contrasts the wealth of tech billionaires and entertainers.
  2. Michelle Rial's charts provide a unique and accessible way to compare rich individuals.
  3. Readers are encouraged to share their favorite viz and offer feedback for improvement.
0 implied HN points 11 Mar 19
  1. A visualization of the 'Théâtres de Paris' designed by Émile Cheysson in 1889, showing gross receipts with fan diagrams and a beautiful base map.
  2. There is a virtual book club session hosted by Lisa Charlotte Rost on the book 'Info We Trust' with RJ Andrews on March 12th at 12 noon EST.
  3. Readers are encouraged to share their favorite visualizations or offer feedback to improve the newsletter.
0 implied HN points 06 Aug 19
  1. Glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, shown through a New York Times visual essay.
  2. The design of the essay effectively portrays the loss of glacier coverage over the years.
  3. RJ's book Info We Trust is now available as an audiobook on Amazon.
0 implied HN points 26 Jul 19
  1. An 18th-century Virginia estate was depicted in a graphic with rich context and comparisons.
  2. William Lee, Washington's personal valet, was a fearless horseman and key figure during the Revolution.
  3. 10 out of the first 12 American presidents enslaved African-Americans.
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0 implied HN points 20 Jun 19
  1. The Tropic of Cancer is the most northerly circle of latitude where the Sun is directly overhead during the June solstice.
  2. The Tropic of Cancer is moving southward at a rate of about 15 meters per year due to Earth's axial tilt wobbling.
  3. Design lessons from historic visualizations can still be inspiring and offer valuable insights for modern visualization projects.
0 implied HN points 30 Apr 19
  1. The tableau showcases the vertical and latitudinal distribution of animal life around the world in a visually captivating way.
  2. The visualization effectively balances between pictorial depiction and abstraction to present a simple view of a vast space like the Earth's surface.
  3. The composition not only details various continents but also includes the vertical distribution of marine life and provides an excellent treatment of islands.
0 implied HN points 27 Mar 19
  1. The American Desert is beautifully illustrated in Richard Orr's _Nature Cross-Sections_
  2. Check out RJ Andrews' essay 'Tear Up Your Baseline' on the Data Visualization Society website
  3. Connect with RJ Andrews to share your favorite viz or offer feedback on the newsletter
0 implied HN points 28 Nov 22
  1. RJ Andrews has a series of book events in London, including a keynote and a book talk at the Florence Nightingale Museum.
  2. There's a Cyber Monday sale on the 'Information Graphic Visionaries' book series, with discounts on single books and the full set.
  3. Readers can order the 'Information Graphic Visionaries' books directly from Visionary Press and shipping is available worldwide.
0 implied HN points 24 Feb 20
  1. Campaign for funding the map is live
  2. Unique reward options available during the first few days
  3. Future campaign updates will be on Twitter and Kickstarter
0 implied HN points 14 Oct 19
  1. Anatomy of a Giant is a graphic marvel from National Geographic in the October 2019 issue.
  2. The design features a phylogenetic foundation, species anatomy comparisons, and artful layering.
  3. Fernando G. Baptista led the team in creating the infographic, providing insight into its making.
0 implied HN points 01 Oct 19
  1. The woodblock pictorial diagram from 1850 illustrates organ functions using familiar scenes and advises against gluttonous behavior.
  2. RJ Andrews is traveling to Tacoma and Vancouver for NACIS and IEEE VIS and is looking forward to meeting people there.
  3. Readers can engage with RJ by sharing their favorite visualization, offering feedback, or just saying hello.
0 implied HN points 14 Aug 19
  1. The post discusses a chart on the regularity of employment between 1914 and 1919.
  2. The chart is praised for its well-designed comparison and clear annotations.
  3. Readers are encouraged to share their favorite visualizations and provide feedback for improvement.
0 implied HN points 19 May 21
  1. In 1939, the USSR presented a compelling album showcasing its power at the World's Fair with integrated maps and statistics.
  2. The USSR album displayed creative and powerful visual storytelling techniques through thematic maps and abstract charts.
  3. A crowdfunding campaign exceeded its goal to produce 'Information Graphic Visionaries' with support from the global data visualization community.
0 implied HN points 06 May 21
  1. Information Graphic Visionaries series on Kickstarter launching May 11 celebrates spectacular data visualization creators.
  2. Visionaries like Emma Willard, Florence Nightingale, and Étienne-Jules Marey made groundbreaking contributions to understanding time, public health reforms, and data visualization.
  3. The series will feature new writing and reproductions of information graphics to showcase the richness of their craft.
0 implied HN points 09 Nov 20
  1. Digital zoo live streams activities of hundreds of animals daily.
  2. Engage with data visualization design through video and podcast series.
  3. Unique Lego cartogram of electoral votes created for visual representation.
0 implied HN points 01 Nov 20
  1. Bloomberg Graphics visualized US midterm elections on a cake in a creative and joyful way
  2. Stanford University launched a digital exhibit on data visualization and modern imagination
  3. Interactive Q&A sessions can engage and educate a large audience effectively
0 implied HN points 07 Feb 20
  1. Few Female CEOs highlighted by impactful chart design
  2. Dr. Seuss-inspired unique isarithmic map created intrigue
  3. Exciting updates on map Kickstarter campaign and upcoming book talk at Stanford
0 implied HN points 28 Aug 19
  1. The water pie charts showcase Earth's water distribution in a unique and impactful way.
  2. RJ Andrews will be headlining public dataViz events in NYC and DC in mid-September.
  3. Readers can engage with RJ Andrews by sharing their favorite visualizations, giving feedback, or just saying hi.
0 implied HN points 03 Jul 19
  1. Thomas Jefferson compiled a chart of seasonal fruits and vegetables in Washington's market
  2. RJ Andrews is preparing a new data story on Apollo 11 for its 50th anniversary
  3. Readers can share their favorite visualization and give feedback to RJ Andrews
0 implied HN points 05 Jun 19
  1. A weather forecast played a crucial role in the success of the D-Day landing.
  2. Visualization with data has been historically significant in persuading and informing important decisions.
  3. The history of meteorological visualization is rich with insights from extraordinary data collection efforts.
0 implied HN points 28 May 19
  1. The Pacific's Fiery Ring is a new story for National Geographic
  2. The design of the story focuses the reader's attention on the topic
  3. The story includes details on tectonic activities, population risks, historic eruptions, and more
0 implied HN points 15 May 19
  1. The animation 'THE PILUS MACHINE' explains how bacteria moves using a grappling-hook-like extension
  2. Visualization plays a key role in informal science education, as seen at the VISUAL_ISE conference
  3. The animation by Janet Iwasa demonstrates how data can be blended to create a coherent explanation
0 implied HN points 10 Apr 19
  1. The pendant necklace represents the size ratio between the earth and the moon.
  2. Wearable maps can hold secrets and be elegantly executed, like this necklace.
  3. Familiar models like the necklace can help grasp the vastness of space.
0 implied HN points 04 Apr 19
  1. The chart by William Playfair in 1821 inspired with its modern aesthetics and unique features.
  2. Playfair's use of color and precision in the chart resembles those of modern tech companies like Google.
  3. The chart's multiple vertical axes with different scales and unique sharing of the numeric scale can be marvelled at for its innovation.
0 implied HN points 05 Mar 19
  1. RJ Andrews shares weekly visual inspirations on his Substack.
  2. Mark Hallett and Barbara Hoopes' elephant illustration highlights the immense appetite of elephants.
  3. Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic recently interviewed RJ Andrews about his book on her podcast.
0 implied HN points 27 Feb 20
  1. Interactive visualization of Dutch Railway travel across a normal weekday
  2. Utilizing dynamic digital design to showcase time, geography, and train lines
  3. Crowd-funding campaign for printing 'Cross-Sections Through California' is 77% funded
0 implied HN points 17 Jul 19
  1. The data story 'Neil and Buzz Go for a Walk' showcases heart rates during the Apollo 11 moonwalk.
  2. The data story 'Buzz and Neil' sheds light on lesser-known aspects of the Apollo 11 moonwalk.
  3. Consider providing feedback or sharing your favorite viz with the creator, RJ Andrews.
0 implied HN points 18 Apr 19
  1. The chart showing how the ocean has apparently shrunk with faster transportation technology is visually striking and conveys the idea of the world getting smaller.
  2. Exploring word frequency datasets based on the book 'Info We Trust' revealed fascinating visualizations created by hundreds of people.
  3. You can contact RJ Andrews to share your favorite visualization or offer suggestions for improving the newsletter.
0 implied HN points 19 Mar 19
  1. An interesting project by a Copenhagen-based studio combines common flag colors and layouts using a y-matrix.
  2. Last week's virtual book club on Info We Trust led to vibrant discussions about data storytelling.
  3. Readers are invited to share their favorite visualization or offer feedback for improving the newsletter.
0 implied HN points 05 Jan 22
  1. Standards for graphic presentation were recommended in 1915 to improve how complex information is imparted and interpreted.
  2. Consider new projects in information design for 2022, including data strategy, novel encoding systems, design critique, and teaching.
  3. South Manchuria Railway Company published data viz postcards in 1937 featuring interesting compositions with Neurath-inspired pictographs.
0 implied HN points 11 May 21
  1. Information Graphic Visionaries is live with 125 backers and almost $25,000 raised.
  2. You can get early bird discounts by backing the campaign now.
  3. A short film introducing the series has been published. Don't forget to turn the sound on.
0 implied HN points 23 Apr 21
  1. Neil Halloran's film 'Degrees of Uncertainty' on global warming is worth watching
  2. The film effectively uses visuals and glitch effects to depict our relationship with reality
  3. Stay tuned for RJ Andrews' upcoming publishing adventure
0 implied HN points 02 Feb 21
  1. The first conference hosted by the Data Visualization Society is approaching, offering inspirational talks and networking opportunities.
  2. Explore the fascinating Turkish graphics from Cerîde-i Adliye journal, showcasing creativity and mathematical precision.
  3. Enjoy information graphics from Visionary Press, including a Swedish globe that serves as a decorative ornament.
0 implied HN points 02 Sep 20
  1. The 1897 data dashboard about Agriculture of the Surroundings of Paris is a beautifully designed tableau.
  2. The creator of the dashboard, Paul Vincey, was inspired by Ministry of Public Works stats albums.
  3. The dashboard features detailed topsoil composition, summary statistics with pie charts, and an elevation view of Paris's ridge lines.
0 implied HN points 11 Aug 20
  1. There's an upcoming exhibition at Stanford University on data visualization and modern imagination.
  2. French geographer Philippe Buache's river profile graphics predate famous bar charts and are considered significant in data visualization history.
  3. Historically, meaningful information graphics have often emerged from turbulent times.
0 implied HN points 05 Mar 20
  1. A number line with animal silhouettes was an iconic graphic created by Otto Neurath and featured in Compton's Encyclopedia in 1939.
  2. The original 1939 version of the animal lifespan graphic looked very different and had incorrect information that was later corrected.
  3. The design journey of iconic graphics like the animal lifespan chart shows the importance of understanding their origins.
0 implied HN points 30 Jan 20
  1. Charles-Joseph Minard published a treatise on flow maps in 1861, revealing the design thinking behind his creative power.
  2. Minard's essay details the historical context, mistakes, and evolution of his flow map designs, along with how others copied and manipulated his work.
  3. A Kickstarter campaign will launch in February to crowd-fund the printing of a new map celebrating the natural wonders of California in an Isotype style.
0 implied HN points 16 Jan 20
  1. France's _Albums de Statistique Graphique_ series featured stunning thematic maps
  2. Info We Trust revamped their domain with new design and organization
  3. Info We Trust's latest project is a unique map of the mountains and valleys of California