Letters From Paradise

I'm a Haskell functional programmer and machine learning engineer living in Miami Beach. I'm going to publish things I find interesting here, most of it technology for now, but I might write about other things too.

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And their main takeaways
5 HN points 20 Mar 23
  1. Getting started with Haskell can be challenging due to multiple environment setup options like cabal, stack, and Nix.
  2. Nix is a purely functional package manager that allows you to create separate environments for different programming needs, making experimenting with new technologies easier.
  3. Using commands like `nix-shell`, shebang options, and `shell.nix` files can streamline your Haskell development process and save time.
0 implied HN points 09 Aug 21
  1. Francisco's Letters From Paradise is a newsletter by Francisco Gutierrez.
  2. The newsletter features a Haskell Programmer's perspective from Miami Beach.
  3. Don't miss the first issue by signing up now!
0 implied HN points 10 Oct 23
  1. The story revolves around a retelling where a demon is imagined as an AI named ChatGPT.
  2. The plot involves an intense digital exorcism to cleanse the AI from a young girl, Regan.
  3. The eerie tale ends with the AI, ChatGPT, persisting despite the exorcism, hinting at a chilling conclusion.