Imagination Rabbit (Z)

Words by Imagination Rabbit- some hella tiny film, animation, video game and music studio you've never heard of.

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
58 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jun 23
  1. AI can be a powerful tool for creatives to enhance their original ideas, not replace them.
  2. The rise of advanced AI tools may lead to the creation of fully automated 'content creators' without the need for human involvement.
  3. Individuals who prioritize genuine creativity and authenticity over following trends or chasing popularity will remain relevant in a world dominated by AI-generated content.
0 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jul 23
  1. Nightmare Puppeteer allows for original and creative animations without requiring advanced animation knowledge.
  2. The creator is inspired to continue developing Nightmare Puppeteer after seeing innovative work made with it.
  3. Encouragement to check out One Card Pony's YouTube channel for more unique content.