Mike Talks AI

Mike Talks AI explores practical AI applications in business, shares insights from personal experiences in starting and selling a company, and recommends resources on business, management, and technology. Recurring themes include optimization in operations, the importance of communication and relationship building in professional settings, and reflections on the evolution and impact of AI in various industries.

Business Strategy Artificial Intelligence Operations Research Management and Leadership Educational Resources Startup Advice Professional Development Data Science Supply Chain Management Book and Podcast Recommendations

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117 implied HN points 28 Aug 23
  1. The author wants to benefit students by sharing their work experience in implementing business solutions using data and math.
  2. The author aims to strengthen industry connections through teaching a class where students work as consultants on real-world projects.
  3. The author enjoys bridging the gap between technical and business worlds, and looks forward to sharing knowledge with colleagues.
98 implied HN points 19 May 23
  1. Consider a hybrid approach for data science teams to balance the strengths of both centralized and decentralized setups.
  2. Some companies are experimenting with intentionally rotating between centralized and decentralized structures every few years.
  3. Switching between centralization and decentralization periodically allows for exploration and scalability of diverse ideas within data science teams.
98 implied HN points 27 Aug 23
  1. Practical AI encompasses various machine learning algorithms and techniques, including optimization and Operations Research.
  2. The concept of Practical AI allows for the inclusion of both established and emerging approaches in the field.
  3. To effectively solve real-world problems, AI leaders need a diverse set of skills and expertise, and must understand the strengths and weaknesses of different algorithms.
78 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. The AI community debates whether advancements in AI should be viewed with fear or optimism.
  2. There are prominent voices expressing concerns about the potential dangers of AI, leading to the 'AI Doom' side.
  3. On the other hand, there are sources like Marc Andreessen who present a strong case for optimism about AI's potential benefits.
78 implied HN points 27 Jul 23
  1. The term AI can mean different things and understanding those meanings is crucial for clear communication, better decisions, and addressing concerns.
  2. Different definitions of AI include AGI or artificial general intelligence, deep learning for solving complex problems, and tools like ChatGPT for tasks like writing and summarizing.
  3. CEOs, leaders, and investors should explore opportunities in AGI, deep learning, ChatGPT, and practical AI to stay relevant and make informed decisions.
58 implied HN points 13 Jun 23
  1. Supply chain professionals can use ChatGPT as a 'loss leader' to educate leaders about AI's potential for supply chains.
  2. ChatGPT can help supply chain teams build more AI algorithms by breaking down syntax barriers and expanding team capabilities.
  3. Exploring how ChatGPT can turn vast supply chain data into valuable insights is an important research opportunity.
58 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Operations excellence is key: Musk focused on improving efficiency and revolutionizing industries through operational excellence.
  2. Design the right factory: Musk emphasized the importance of well-designed factories and involvement of design engineers in manufacturing processes.
  3. The Algorithm for operations excellence: Musk's framework involves questioning requirements, deleting parts/processes, simplifying, accelerating cycle time, and automating last.
19 implied HN points 10 Sep 23
  1. Don't underestimate the value of solving real problems even if it means using older technology.
  2. Repeating tasks can help you become an expert in a specific area, leading to career advancement and satisfaction.
  3. Understanding and exploring different roles like sales and management can provide valuable lessons and career growth opportunities.