Search Engine with PJ Vogt

Search Engine with PJ Vogt is a diverse podcast that delves into a wide range of topics, from the intricacies of cryptocurrency and its societal impacts to personal and universal questions about the internet, work, fame, and the digital economy. The podcast combines investigative journalism, personal narratives, and listener interactions to explore contemporary issues and curiosities.

Cryptocurrency Podcasting Internet and Social Media Music and Entertainment Health and Wellness Crime and Legal Issues Economics and Finance Technology and Innovation Societal Trends Personal Development

The hottest Substack posts of Search Engine with PJ Vogt

And their main takeaways
12 HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. The author reflects on their 20-year experience with taking speed medication and the impact on their life.
  2. The author discusses the importance of ongoing evaluation and discussion with doctors when it comes to prescription medication.
  3. The story also touches on the complexities of mental health, medication, and the challenges of managing personal struggles.
3 HN points 17 Nov 23
  1. The post explores the taboo topic of cannibalism and why we don't eat people.
  2. The episode delves into different storytelling formats like the two-way conversation and brain dump style.
  3. Future plans for the podcast include in-person events for paid subscribers to build a community around the show.