Return to Self $8 / month

Return to Self focuses on personal growth, astrology, and spirituality, offering weekly oracle readings, exposing individuals to astrological forecasts, shadow work, and the importance of self-love. It incorporates personal narratives to discuss self-perception and media representation, and hosts events like full moon ceremonies and retreats.

Personal Growth Astrology Spirituality Self-Love Shadow Work Media Representation Event Hosting

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0 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. The first YouTube reading of the month is about identifying what is blocking romance in your life.
  2. Discounted love readings are offered for the month of February, providing guidance on love, blocks, moving forward, and affirmations.
  3. Love readings will be delivered via email with a photo of your cards and an attached voice memo containing the reading.
0 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. The video discusses what you are releasing and what you are calling in.
  2. This shift will lead to necessary changes in your external environment.
  3. The messages in the reading may not resonate with everyone, so only take what feels right for you.