Software Engineering Tidbits

Software Engineering Tidbits shares practical advice and insights on software development, drawing from the author's experiences at Airbnb, Uber, and Microsoft. It covers a range of topics including coding practices, code reviews, release and outage management, scaling personal productivity, development experience, API design, engineering course opportunities, and maintaining a positive engineering culture.

Software Development Best Practices Code Reviews and Management Release and Outage Management Personal Productivity in Engineering Development Experience Improvement API Design and Documentation Engineering Education and Courses Engineering Culture and Communication

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
98 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Large Language Models (LLMs) are key in AI applications like OpenAI's ChatGPT and Anthropic's Claude.
  2. Vector databases and embeddings help understand word associations, with tools like Pinecone and the Embedding Projector by TensorFlow.
  3. Tooling in AI is advancing, with Vellum for versioning prompts and Not Diamond for routing prompts for optimal model response.