Underconsumed Knowledge

Underconsumed Knowledge explores the depth of human behavior, philosophy, politics, and societal trends, delving into how beliefs, biases, and societal structures shape individual and collective actions. It critically examines the influence of knowledge, empathy, ideology, and biological predispositions on decision-making and societal progress.

Human Behavior Philosophy Politics Societal Trends Psychology Decision-Making Ideology Biological Predispositions Knowledge Consumption Social Issues

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And their main takeaways
19 implied HN points • 19 Nov 21
  1. People want to act as they please, not as dictated by reason or profit
  2. Individuals often manufacture feelings and circumstances to feel alive
  3. Human beings have a tendency to resist being truly independent and struggle with real living
19 implied HN points • 08 Nov 21
  1. Empathy is not always a good guide for decision-making; logic and reasoning can be more effective.
  2. Empathy can lead to overwhelming emotional responses and can sometimes even lead to violence.
  3. Critical thinking is important in making moral decisions, especially when facing sensitive issues or challenges.
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19 implied HN points • 26 Oct 21
  1. Cognitive Scientist Steven Pinker argues that the values of the Enlightenment have significantly improved the world.
  2. Enlightenment thinking focuses on building better institutions rather than trying to change people.
  3. Pinker emphasizes the importance of critical thinking, non-violent resistance, and the complexity of societal problems.
1 HN point • 11 May 21
  1. Humans naturally grow towards self-realization, fulfilling their potential and contributing to humanity.
  2. Neurosis stems from conflicts between an individual's real self and idealized self, leading to alienation and lack of personal growth.
  3. Different neurotic personalities - expansive, self-effacing, resigned - have unique ways of coping with inner conflicts and suppressing growth.
0 implied HN points • 26 May 21
  1. It's important to question assumptions and expectations in life, especially regarding happiness and fulfillment.
  2. Karen Horney's concept of 'The Tyranny of the Should' highlights the pressure of societal and personal expectations.
  3. Finding your own meaning and purpose in life is essential, even if it means challenging societal norms and expectations.
0 implied HN points • 29 Jul 21
  1. Man's biggest freedom is the choice of attitude towards life.
  2. Finding meaning in suffering can lead to growth and change.
  3. Trusting instincts and taking responsibility for life can lead to inner peace.
0 implied HN points • 06 Jul 21
  1. Understand the importance of self-government and community in America.
  2. Recognize the impact of different narratives and identities in politics.
  3. Emphasize the need for honest, original work and thinking in a divisive political climate.
0 implied HN points • 17 Jun 21
  1. Respect and cultural differences play a big role in daily interactions.
  2. Small business owners face challenges and stress in running their businesses.
  3. Balancing personal responsibility and societal needs is crucial for a harmonious society.
0 implied HN points • 17 Jun 21
  1. Thomas Sowell's writings can profoundly influence how you view politics and the world.
  2. Sowell seeks truth and challenges conventional thinking, even if it may be uncomfortable.
  3. Reading Thomas Sowell may prompt you to reconsider politically unpopular opinions and see things from a different perspective.
0 implied HN points • 16 Jun 21
  1. Success in life is influenced by many factors beyond an individual's control, such as upbringing.
  2. People have different goals and priorities, not everyone strives for the same outcomes.
  3. Discrimination can have various costs beyond just financial, impacting decisions and outcomes.
0 implied HN points • 15 Jun 21
  1. Tolstoy emphasizes the importance of intelligence, honesty, and morality over religious beliefs.
  2. Questioning assumptions and seeking truth can lead to feelings of despair and sorrow.
  3. Critical thinking and self-awareness are essential in navigating ideologies and belief systems.
0 implied HN points • 09 Jun 21
  1. The best defense against hate speech, discrimination, and prejudice is the marketplace of ideas.
  2. Liberal science values freedom of belief and speech, rejecting authority in knowledge.
  3. In a liberal scientific society, no one should claim to be above error and sincere criticism should be welcomed.
0 implied HN points • 09 Jun 21
  1. People need unconditional acceptance, empathy, and positive regard for positive growth and change to occur
  2. Understanding and accepting the feelings and perspectives of others is crucial in fostering personal growth
  3. Engaging in activities that feel valuable or worth doing is important, as it leads to personal satisfaction and growth
0 implied HN points • 21 May 21
  1. The history of the United States involves a constant battle between preserving democracy and limiting monopoly power.
  2. Concentrated economic power can lead to a decline in democratic institutions.
  3. The tug of war between monopoly and democracy has been ongoing since the Revolution, influencing economic and political landscapes.
0 implied HN points • 21 May 21
  1. Keynes did not foresee explosive population growth and the shift from wants to needs.
  2. Suggests a paternalistic government guiding people towards the 'good life' with values beyond consumerism.
  3. Proposes reforms like reduced working hours, UBI, and ethical state decisions to address societal well-being.
0 implied HN points • 20 May 21
  1. Anger is influenced by one's cultural expectations and can be a learned behavior.
  2. To manage anger effectively, it's important to address the root cause of the emotion.
  3. Attitude and self-reflection play key roles in how we experience and express anger.
0 implied HN points • 12 May 21
  1. Dave Chappelle encourages kindness and being nice to each other.
  2. The world is complex, and political opinions should be met with humility.
  3. Taking a break from social media and practicing kindness can lead to positive interactions with others.
0 implied HN points • 11 May 21
  1. Being truly self-aware and understanding can reveal love and dissolve the ego.
  2. Striving for outcomes and clinging to beliefs can hinder creativity and understanding.
  3. Genuine change starts with acknowledging and understanding ourselves without judgment.
0 implied HN points • 10 May 21
  1. Orwell wrote to expose lies and draw attention to important facts
  2. Orwell highlighted the importance of facing real-world complexities without losing judgment
  3. Orwell emphasized the enduring value of intellectual integrity and unwavering principles
0 implied HN points • 18 Mar 21
  1. Orwell questions the true intentions of many 'Socialists' who may not actually care about their fellow man but seek control over society.
  2. The class differences and prejudices between social classes create an inherent barrier to true understanding and unity.
  3. Many 'intellectuals' and 'Socialists' display hypocrisy in their beliefs and actions, leading to a disconnect with the working class they claim to advocate for.
0 implied HN points • 15 Jan 22
  1. The value of brains over brawn in the economy has changed women's options in life, including the ability to defer childbearing.
  2. Foraging societies use various methods to raise children without starving, such as sharing childcare duties and fathers playing key roles.
  3. Human nature and social norms play significant roles in shaping behaviors, such as violence, gender differences, and societal hierarchies.
0 implied HN points • 21 Nov 21
  1. People often view others as fulfilling their needs; self-actualization involves abandoning this dependency.
  2. Self-actualization leads to better perception of reality and acceptance of self and others.
  3. Self-actualized individuals demonstrate altruism and embrace deficiency needs with gratitude and love for others.
0 implied HN points • 10 Nov 21
  1. The mind is composed of different modules that evolved separately, leading to conflicting thoughts and behaviors.
  2. Evolutionary principles shaped our sense of morality to benefit our species.
  3. Inconsistency in moral standards and hypocrisy can undermine societal principles and policies.
0 implied HN points • 21 Oct 21
  1. The Red and The Black explores the tyranny of public opinion on individuals' lives.
  2. The book delves into themes of hypocrisy, vanity, and the struggles of young people finding their place in society.
  3. Stendhal critiques societal norms, expectations, and the impact of class distinctions on relationships.
0 implied HN points • 25 Sep 21
  1. Our primary motivation is the fear of death and the desire for immortality, leading to the pursuit of fame and notoriety.
  2. Many people avoid self-reflection and live in denial to protect their self-esteem.
  3. Repression, societal roles, and belief systems help individuals cope with the fear of insignificance and the harsh realities of existence.
0 implied HN points • 31 Aug 21
  1. Modern discourse often ignores human nature when discussing economic and societal changes.
  2. Striving for utopian ideals without considering human nature can lead to unrealistic expectations and failures.
  3. Progress in society requires understanding the complexities of human behavior and perspectives, beyond just empathy and idealistic visions.
0 implied HN points • 17 Aug 21
  1. Sowell emphasized the importance of understanding reality and history before planning for the future
  2. Critics lacking substantive arguments resort to questioning motives rather than addressing arguments
  3. Intellectuals sometimes exacerbate poverty by promoting victimhood over self-improvement
0 implied HN points • 05 Aug 21
  1. African-American thinkers like Thomas Sowell, Gloria Naylor, and James Baldwin share overlapping convictions despite their diverse political views.
  2. Thomas Sowell and Gloria Naylor emphasize the importance of truth in their work and beliefs.
  3. People should have the freedom to choose their own path in life, determining their values and making trade-offs without societal constraints.
0 implied HN points • 28 Jul 21
  1. Life is about facing and solving problems, not avoiding them.
  2. Mental health is rooted in feeling valuable and requires effort and discipline.
  3. True love is about cultivating individuality, effort, and selflessness.
0 implied HN points • 16 Jul 21
  1. Seek self-improvement regardless of barriers
  2. Confront life's cruelty and uncertainties with a positive attitude
  3. Perception shapes reality; see the good in people and situations
0 implied HN points • 07 Jul 21
  1. Black cultural beliefs such as victimology, separatism, and anti-intellectualism can hold the community back
  2. Embracing victimhood can hinder black progress and perpetuate a sense of inferiority
  3. Challenging cultural norms and embracing education are key to overcoming self-sabotage in the African American community
0 implied HN points • 05 Jul 21
  1. Natural instincts play a significant role in human behavior and must not be ignored in modern society.
  2. In times of danger, external threats can unite people more effectively than during peaceful times.
  3. Balance between individual freedom and societal order is crucial for a fulfilling and successful life.
0 implied HN points • 01 Jul 21
  1. Happiness is possible with acceptance of life's conditions
  2. Knowing the origins of our actions helps us understand ourselves better
  3. Understanding human nature leads to harmonious relationships