Vic's Verdict

Vic's Verdict delves into the intricacies of personal development, decision-making, coping with emotions, and navigating the modern complexities of life. It combines theoretical explorations with practical advice, touching on themes like adaptability, rationality, identity, and the pursuit of meaning through various lenses including psychology, philosophy, and personal experiences.

Personal Development Decision Making Emotional Coping Strategies Modern Life Complexities Rationality and Emotional Intelligence Identity and Self-Perception Philosophy and Psychology

The hottest Substack posts of Vic's Verdict

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 23 Aug 20
  1. Daniel Kahneman discusses the two systems in our brain for judgments and choices: System 1 involves intuition, while System 2 involves critical thinking.
  2. The key to making good decisions is to harmonize the intuitive System 1 with the logical System 2, treating System 1 like a puppy that needs discipline and care.
  3. Techniques like journaling and going for a walk can help us understand our intuitions better and balance our decision-making processes.
0 implied HN points 29 Dec 22
  1. The post is about 'The Decision Dilemma - Chapter 7.'
  2. It discusses Risk/Reward Impact.
  3. The content is for paid subscribers only.
0 implied HN points 14 Dec 22
  1. Chapter 5 of 'The Decision Dilemma' discusses Crafting a Vision
  2. The post is for paid subscribers only
  3. Previous chapters of the series are available to read
0 implied HN points 23 Nov 22
  1. Chapter 2 of 'The Decision Dilemma' is available on
  2. The post is for paid subscribers only
  3. Previous chapters and introduction are also accessible on the same site