Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version

The Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version focuses on the Ruby and Rails community, offering insights into web development practices, career advice, and technical tutorials. It addresses themes like code optimization, team management, diversity in tech, and the impact of new technologies. The newsletter also highlights personal development, health, and community engagement.

Web Development Career Development Technical Tutorials Tech Community Updates Diversity and Inclusion in Tech Personal Development Health and Wellness Team Management and Leadership New Technologies and Tools Open-source contribution

The hottest Substack posts of Women On Rails Newsletter - International Version

And their main takeaways
0 implied HN points 08 Nov 23
  1. Angular introduces a new full-stack framework called Analog.js, incorporating Vite, Nx, and Nitro for features like routing per file, SSR, and SSG.
  2. The newsletter discusses making Sorbet compatible with Ruby 3.2 for developers to leverage new features like the Data class and anonymous arguments.
  3. Understanding the concept of headless CMS is highlighted, showcasing how it enhances modularity for content creators by reducing dependency on the development team.