The hottest Error Handling Substack posts right now

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Bite code! 1467 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. Decorators provide syntactic sugar for code reuse of callback processing.
  2. Popular usages for decorators include intercepting calls, registering functions, and enriching function behavior.
  3. Decorators can be combined and used creatively to enhance your code, but be mindful not to overdo it.
Web Dev Explorer 59 implied HN points 28 Apr 24
  1. React 19 Beta Release introduces new concepts like Actions to simplify state management and error handling in React applications.
  2. React 19 enhances form handling with features like useActionState and useOptimistic hooks, improving data submission processes and error management.
  3. New features in React 19 like useDeferredValue, Advanced Document Metadata Management, and Resource Loading APIs enhance performance and provide better control over rendering.
Bite code! 1223 implied HN points 08 Jul 23
  1. Making HTTP POST requests can have unexpected challenges, like dealing with network issues and corporate setups.
  2. Using ThreadExecutor and ThreadPoolExecutor in Python can help manage tasks efficiently, especially in scenarios like log aggregation.
  3. Error handling is crucial in programming, and sometimes unconventional solutions are needed to manage exceptions effectively.
Burning the Midnight Coffee 83 HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Faults in code lead to errors, which then cause failures in a program's behavior. Understanding this process is crucial for effective error handling.
  2. Handling an error means returning the program to a known, correct state, which usually involves restarting it in some way. Proper failure handling is key.
  3. Exceptions as both error handling and additional return values can lead to more faults and failures. It's important to define and address failures distinctly from errors.
Daily bit(e) of C++ 78 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. To represent domain-specific error codes in C++, use std::error_code customization mechanism.
  2. The custom implementation involves an enum for error codes, an error category for text descriptions, and a mapping from enum type to category type.
  3. This customization allows for a more specialized and descriptive handling of errors in C++ programming.
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Jacob’s Tech Tavern 1 HN point 18 Jul 23
  1. Unit Testing with async/await allows for writing robust and maintainable software using modern language features.
  2. Async tests focus on checking interactions with dependencies, successful function calls, and handling error states.
  3. By making code testable through dependency injection, it becomes cleaner and easier to reason about, with encapsulated logic and separated responsibilities.