The hottest Government Power Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
Discourse Blog β€’ 884 implied HN points β€’ 11 Sep 23
  1. The charges against activists for opposing a police training facility are extreme and nonsensical.
  2. The indictment serves as a warning to deter dissent and showcases the power of the state in suppressing opposition.
  3. Government actions against the Stop Cop City movement highlight the broader fight against the expansion of the security state.
God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger β€’ 65 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 24
  1. JSOC, known as the President's private assassination squad, operates globally with a wide range of secretive military missions.
  2. SOCOM and its sub-command JSOC conduct specialized tasks like assassinations, intelligence analysis, and counterterrorism operations.
  3. JSOC operates in multiple continents, including Africa and the Middle East, with a specific focus on counterterrorism activities.
The Redneck Intellectual by C. Bradley Thompson β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 14 Feb 23
  1. America's revolutionary era brought about innovative constitutional thinking in the realm of individual rights and the relationship between individuals and government.
  2. The concept of self-ownership was strongly upheld by the founding generation, with property rights viewed as absolute and a primary responsibility of government was to protect those rights.
  3. The founding generation emphasized the need to limit government powers to protect private property and contracts, institutionalize due process, and prevent abuse such as bills of attainders and ex post facto laws.
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bad cattitude β€’ 10 implied HN points β€’ 19 Mar 24
  1. Ensuring freedom of speech is crucial in the modern public square - without it, we risk losing our rights and becoming subject to censorship by the government or other entities.
  2. The First Amendment is designed to protect people from the government and any attempt to suppress speech by those in power should be questioned and challenged.
  3. Censorship inhibits meaningful discourse and the search for truth - the remedy for wrong speech is more speech, not silencing differing opinions.