The hottest Transgender rights Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
Freddie deBoer 11906 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Medical arguments are crucial for defending trans children to ensure access to necessary healthcare.
  2. Advocating for trans rights should focus on practical strategies that work in the real world, not just theoretical ideals.
  3. Challenging societal norms and privacy laws for medical decisions of trans children may have adverse political consequences.
Erin In The Morning 6368 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Hundreds showed up to protest against a bill removing trans civil rights protections in Iowa.
  2. The bill sponsor made derogatory remarks about transgender individuals during the hearing.
  3. The bill was defeated in the subcommittee with a 3-0 vote against passing it.
Erin In The Morning 5935 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. Florida Democrats urge Biden to use Real ID Act to block ban on trans driver's license changes.
  2. Florida implemented measures banning gender marker changes on driver's licenses for transgender individuals.
  3. Biden's administration can use the Real ID Act to protect transgender individuals facing discrimination in various states.
Erin In The Morning 5011 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Protesters staged die-ins at multiple Florida DMVs against the new policy prohibiting transgender individuals from changing their gender markers on driver's licenses.
  2. The protests were organized by various organizations in Florida and involved over 100 participants laying on the ground for 37 minutes to symbolize the challenges faced by transgender individuals.
  3. The risks associated with incorrect gender markers on official documents for transgender individuals include increased harassment and abuse, while correct gender markers are crucial for lowering suicide risk and supporting their transition.
Erin In The Morning 5228 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles no longer allows gender changes on driver's licenses, and trans people could be charged with fraud
  2. Florida considers gender and biological sex to be equivalent, leading to strict penalties for misrepresenting gender on licenses
  3. The new policy in Florida could lead to legal challenges for transgender individuals during traffic stops and impact their daily life significantly
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Erin In The Morning 3911 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Maine Democrats voted down a bill to establish the state as a refuge for transgender individuals after facing right-wing attacks.
  2. The bill aimed to protect trans individuals seeking care across state lines but was criticized for its language and provisions.
  3. This rejection is notable because Maine may become the first state with both a Democratic governor and legislature to strike down such a bill.
Erin In The Morning 4284 implied HN points 16 Jan 24
  1. Erin has created an anti-trans risk map to track legislation affecting transgender adults across different states.
  2. The map methodology includes qualitative assessment, scoring worst bills, and monitoring legislative trends nationwide.
  3. The map categorizes states by risk levels for transgender adults, ranging from low risk to do not travel advisories, based on the severity of anti-trans legislation passed or proposed.
Erin In The Morning 3262 implied HN points 01 Feb 24
  1. Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds introduced a bill to mandate trans people display both gender markers on licenses if they undergo surgery.
  2. The bill would make it evident on IDs that the person is transgender, potentially leading to dangerous situations and discrimination.
  3. This bill represents a significant policy priority as it is introduced by the Governor and could make Iowa the third state to target transgender people's driver's licenses.
Erin In The Morning 3675 implied HN points 24 Jan 24
  1. Florida committee passed a bill mandating health insurance cover conversion therapy for transgender people
  2. The bill also restricts transgender individuals from updating gender markers on their driver's licenses
  3. The bill could have significant impacts on mental health care by allowing coverage for conversion therapy
Erin In The Morning 4245 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. West Virginia introduced a bill to ban gender affirming care for trans individuals under 21 and mandate conversion therapy.
  2. The bill labels being transgender as a 'sexual deviation' and restricts mental health professionals from affirming transgender patients.
  3. This bill is part of a worrying trend of increasing anti-trans legislation in the state and across the country.
Singal-Minded 941 implied HN points 18 Mar 24
  1. The article discussed critiques about a cover story on trans kids, emphasizing that the argument for everyone to have access to sex-changing medical care was poorly defended and seemed more like trolling than meaningful discourse.
  2. There was criticism of the way the coverage of youth gender medicine was framed as a rights versus medical issue, highlighting that minors' decision-making capacities are different from adults and need to be considered.
  3. The piece also highlighted how the author viewed the anti-trans movement, pointing out that, according to them, the biggest opposition surprisingly came from liberals rather than the expected groups.
Erin In The Morning 5640 implied HN points 02 Aug 23
  1. A federal judge ruled that bullying transgender students through misgendering and harassment is not a right.
  2. The lawsuit aimed to overturn a policy protecting transgender students from harassment in the Olentangy Local School District.
  3. Courts are increasingly siding with transgender students against discrimination in schools.
Erin In The Morning 6092 implied HN points 21 Jun 23
  1. U.S. District Judge Moody declared Arkansas trans ban unconstitutional with over 311 statements of fact in the ruling
  2. The ruling sets a precedent for ongoing legal battles with potential impact across multiple states
  3. Judge Moody discredited state's experts, highlighted the irreparable harm of banning care, rare detransition cases, and misrepresentation of evidence
Erin In The Morning 6859 implied HN points 20 May 23
  1. The map shows a clear divide between states with full legal protections for trans people and states persecuting them through harsh anti-trans laws.
  2. The assessment methodology considers factors like partisan breakdowns, bill analysis, election results, and statements by governors to categorize states' risk levels.
  3. States like California, New York, and Washington provide strong legal and cultural protections for transgender individuals, while states like Florida and Alabama enforce severe anti-trans legislation.
Erin In The Morning 6033 implied HN points 14 Jun 23
  1. A growing number of transgender individuals are fleeing their home states due to anti-trans legislation.
  2. Data reveals that 130-260k transgender people have already left their communities in the US.
  3. States are enacting sanctuary laws to protect transgender individuals and their families from persecution.
Erin In The Morning 5817 implied HN points 17 Jun 23
  1. A Trump-appointed judge blocked an Indiana law banning gender affirming care for transgender youth, stating it likely violates the constitution and harms trans kids.
  2. Many anti-trans and anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been blocked in courts across the U.S., showing a trend of legal victories for advocates of LGBTQ+ rights.
  3. Judge Hanlon found that banning gender affirming care would cause irreparable harm to trans youth and that similar bans in other countries have taken less restrictive approaches.
Erin In The Morning 6446 implied HN points 26 May 23
  1. A Republican Senator in Louisiana rejected a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender youth after a report showed the care is safe and effective.
  2. Louisiana became a vital refuge for transgender youth seeking care due to defeating the ban, offering a source for medical needs in neighboring states.
  3. Contrasting reports in Louisiana and Florida on gender-affirming care reflect differing approaches and outcomes, impacting the legislative decisions.
Erin In The Morning 5169 implied HN points 05 Jul 23
  1. Transgender people are moving across the United States in search of safe places to live and finding states that are welcoming and protective.
  2. Some of the top states to be transgender in have legal protections and inclusive environments, but may also have high costs of living and pockets of transphobia.
  3. States like Minnesota, California, Washington D.C., Colorado, and Washington State stand out as some of the best places for transgender individuals to live due to their laws, healthcare systems, and LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
Erin In The Morning 5287 implied HN points 22 Jun 23
  1. Elon Musk declared that 'cis' is not a slur on Twitter.
  2. The term 'cisgender' is an important descriptor in conversations about gender identity and has a long history.
  3. Using terms like 'cisgender' is essential for clear communication in medical, psychological, and social contexts.
Reality's Last Stand 373 implied HN points 11 Feb 24
  1. The Weekly Reality Report provides a roundup of articles, reading lists, and news headlines for paying subscribers, but this week's report is free.
  2. An interview with Dr. Carrie Mendoza sheds light on challenges faced by detransitioners due to lack of medical services and billing codes.
  3. Various articles critique gender-affirming care, the evolution of HR departments, and the application of intersectionality in social discourse, sparking debates on societal values and well-being.
The Washington Current 19 implied HN points 15 Mar 23
  1. Prominent figures in politics and media are openly supporting transgender Americans despite challenges.
  2. President Biden and actress Drew Barrymore recently vocalized their support for the transgender community.
  3. Drew Barrymore featured trans activist Dylan Mulvaney on her talk show to elevate transgender voices.