Bytes, Data, Action!

My personal thoughts on tech, data, and automation. New posts whenever inspiration strikes.

The hottest Substack posts of Bytes, Data, Action!

And their main takeaways
109 HN points 28 Feb 23
  1. Open core business models may have conflicting incentives with profit goals.
  2. Open core companies often start with free products to attract users, then shift focus to monetizing through premium features and services.
  3. There are alternative strategies to align incentives better in open source businesses, such as keeping proprietary data, clear expectations, and open source components.
19 implied HN points 05 Sep 23
  1. Public transit and data pipelines both aim to move things from point A to point B smoothly and quickly.
  2. Issues like delays, lack of visibility, and missed connections can disrupt the experiences of both public transit and data pipelines.
  3. Efficient, transparent, and reliable practices are key to ensuring a smooth journey for both public transit users and data pipelines.