Optimism of the will

Optimism of the will explores intersections of data, business, philosophy with a critical angle on technological and societal trends. It discusses the implications of emerging business models, the role of AI in professional development, the socio-economic impacts of tech industry practices, and the dynamics of content creation and consumption.

Business Models and Monetization Strategies Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications Socio-Economic Impacts of Technology Content Creation and Consumption Cryptocurrency and Financial Markets Social Networks and the Internet Philosophy and Ethical Considerations of Tech Public Health and Society

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98 implied HN points 26 Apr 23
  1. Infinite prep enables seeking out and exploiting every edge in an activity for professionalization.
  2. AI enhances learning and practice in fields like programming through interactive feedback and personalized examples.
  3. AI supports professionals in various sectors like law and medicine by aiding in training for complex scenarios and interactions.
39 implied HN points 14 Jul 23
  1. Language models can sometimes output inaccurate information due to initial mispredictions.
  2. In AI, achieving justified true beliefs does not necessarily equate to knowledge.
  3. Integrating knowledge graphs with language models can enhance the accuracy of responses.
117 implied HN points 12 Jul 22
  1. There is a tradeoff between agency and risk in different job roles.
  2. Some roles offer more agency but come with higher brain damage risk.
  3. Finding optimal risk levels is important for personal and societal value.
78 implied HN points 13 May 22
  1. Crypto ponzi schemes can impact civilians and lead to regulatory scrutiny.
  2. DeFi mechanisms can be designed to confuse and obfuscate to attract retail investors.
  3. Income and wealth inequality have been exposed, influencing the rise in retail trading and investment behaviors.
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58 implied HN points 10 Aug 22
  1. In highly competitive environments, success often comes from groups of specialized individuals rather than generalists.
  2. As individuals move up the skill distribution, the variance between them increases significantly, impacting comparisons and chances of winning.
  3. Creating specialized teams, like archipelagos, can be more effective in handling complex problems and scaling up, compared to having all-round generalists.
19 implied HN points 04 Feb 23
  1. AI today relies heavily on pattern-matching.
  2. Success in art may require a level of mental deviation.
  3. Big tech will likely dominate gains from AI, but human-made creations will always have a market.
117 implied HN points 20 Apr 21
  1. Original ideas are hard to come up with and sell to others
  2. Twitter is shifting its advertising mix to focus more on performance ads
  3. Medium's business model of platform subscription revenue is not sustainable for funding content creation
157 implied HN points 13 Jul 20
  1. Creator subscriptions are seen as the future over platform subscriptions
  2. Platform subscriptions face challenges coexisting with ads
  3. Twitter may benefit from creating its own content subscription model to enhance monetization
39 implied HN points 19 Jan 22
  1. Crypto platforms need to adapt quickly due to low switching costs and intense competition.
  2. Long-term survival in the tech industry requires consistent iteration and team commitment.
  3. Tech debt reflects the short-term focus of solving immediate challenges over long-term planning.
98 implied HN points 31 Jan 20
  1. Rich people use social networks differently than others, focusing on maintaining status.
  2. Exclusive networks claiming to offer diversity often lack authenticity and credibility.
  3. Supporting independent voices and content creators can be more meaningful than elitist platforms.
78 implied HN points 27 May 20
  1. Tech worker compensation depends on value generation and living costs, balancing between value-minus and cost-plus models.
  2. Remote work shifts control from companies to workers, impacting schedules and freedom.
  3. Tech companies retain most revenue generated by employees, creating a need for more worker-focused incentives in startups.
19 implied HN points 01 Feb 22
  1. Entropy is a constant in life, always changing and evolving.
  2. In times of growth, people cooperate to achieve common goals.
  3. When growth stops, competition intensifies, leading to PvP situations.
58 implied HN points 02 Mar 20
  1. Prepare for various levels of illness: from not getting sick to potentially needing hospitalization.
  2. Consider societal implications when stocking up on supplies, such as disruptions in supply chains and potential societal breakdown.
  3. Prioritize variety and balance in your food stockpile to combat boredom and ensure nutritional needs are met.
19 implied HN points 26 Apr 20
  1. People are cooking and ordering more, eating out less during lockdown.
  2. Pizza delivery demand has increased significantly with the pandemic.
  3. Chinese food delivery has not seen significant growth, consider supporting local Chinese restaurants.
19 implied HN points 15 Mar 20
  1. Social distancing is crucial to prevent the spread of diseases, even if you feel well.
  2. Government decision-making should prioritize public health over economy.
  3. Short selling in the market may prompt necessary government action in times of crisis.
19 implied HN points 18 Feb 20
  1. Debt can allow for building sustainable, non-moonshot companies that do not need to reach billion-dollar valuations.
  2. Investing in startups with cash flow and competing against Softbank-funded companies may offer strategic opportunities.
  3. Securitizing debt, like ISA's, can enable new business models and create value, even though it may raise concerns such as mispricing risks.
19 implied HN points 03 Feb 20
  1. Investigation revealed GrubHub mix up with 'Kin Khao'
  2. Cloudkitchens operate under various names to maintain anonymity
  3. Column focused on billionaires lacks diversity in perspectives
0 implied HN points 10 Jan 20
  1. Streaming platforms are offering more exclusive contracts as the market becomes overcrowded.
  2. Patreon's Pro Plan adoption may be hindered by creators being price-conscious.
  3. AB5 legislation in California is impacting freelance content creators and services that support them are needed.
0 implied HN points 15 Jan 20
  1. Platforms are paying more for streamers as the market becomes more competitive.
  2. Investment funds are financializing popular songs to benefit from hit songs.
  3. Subscriptions are becoming the main revenue source for non-gaming apps, especially in apps like Tinder and Netflix.
0 implied HN points 23 Jan 20
  1. Content subscriptions can be profitable by bundling and unbundling content.
  2. Companies successful in unbundling content include Patreon, Substack, and Twitch.
  3. Reader-funded journalism can allow publications to speak truth to power without worrying about ad sales.
0 implied HN points 17 Jan 20
  1. Creator economies are hit-driven, and owning the reader relationship is valuable.
  2. In subscription models, ownership of consumer relationships differs between individual creators and platforms.
  3. Advertising products tend to worsen over time, and Amazon's vast offerings can hinder user experience.
0 implied HN points 27 Nov 19
  1. Scribd operates like Spotify in paying rightsholders per download, not like Netflix with fixed costs.
  2. Scribd's capped usage model may impact user experience and renewal rates.
  3. Patreon's future revenue growth might rely on increasing take rates and not demand generation.
0 implied HN points 25 Nov 19
  1. High quality and differentiated content is valuable on the internet.
  2. People care about writers and their unique voices.
  3. Traditional media properties are disintegrating, providing opportunities for excellent writers to become free agents.
0 implied HN points 03 May 19
  1. There are two types of subscriptions: platform-focused and creator-focused.
  2. Creator-focused subscriptions can create an effective growth loop with network effects and viewer lock-in.
  3. Sophisticated subscription-based models are highly efficient in price discrimination, creating and capturing significant value.
0 implied HN points 10 Feb 20
  1. Accuracy in machine learning is context-dependent and can have significant consequences.
  2. Using technology in elections can create challenges and a need for transparency in processes.
  3. Movies like 'Parasite' provide nuanced depictions of complex themes, challenging traditional narratives.
0 implied HN points 26 Dec 19
  1. The 2010s were characterized by an excess of anxiety, worry, and stress, leading many to feel overwhelmed.
  2. Technological development entered a new phase of abundance in the last decade.
  3. Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and the influence of figures like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos had significant impacts on society during the 2010s.