An Engineering Self-Study

An Engineering Self-Study Substack chronicles the journey of an inventor aiming to innovate in the hockey equipment industry. It details challenges in design, prototyping, and the quest for creative freedom, illustrating perseverance, adaptation, and a shift towards embracing data and external insights in the invention process.

Innovation and Creativity Engineering and Design Prototyping and Testing Career and Personal Development Sports Equipment Design

The hottest Substack posts of An Engineering Self-Study

And their main takeaways
945 implied HN points 18 Dec 23
  1. The inventor had a change of heart about going back to a 'normal' job.
  2. During job interviews, the inventor realized the desire for creative freedom and experimental work.
  3. The inventor is now seeking funding to continue pursuing the dream of creating innovative hockey equipment.
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333 implied HN points 09 Feb 23
  1. Continuing to evolve the hockey product design with experimentation and improvement
  2. Addressing issues like chafing by implementing new solutions like double braid rope
  3. Enhancing safety measures by ensuring a fail-safe mechanism in the product design