Rust Byte's Substack

Rust Byte's Substack is a weekly newsletter dedicated to the Rust programming community, featuring updates on events, resources, projects, and discussions on Rust's development challenges. It covers advancements like IDE development, interoperability initiatives, and Rust's application in software development, whilst providing insights into the Rust community’s dynamics, including contributor burnout and project advancements.

Rust Community Events Rust Development Resources Software Development Challenges Rust Project Insights Programming Language Interoperability Rust Career Opportunities Rust Learning Materials

The hottest Substack posts of Rust Byte's Substack

And their main takeaways
19 implied HN points • 11 Feb 24
  1. Google contributes $1 million to enhance C++/Rust Interop Initiative, aiming to improve compatibility between Rust and C++ codebases for smoother transitions.
  2. Rust Analyzer is a valuable Rust compiler front-end tool for IDEs, offering coding assistance and issue highlighting.
  3. Analysis on exploited vulnerabilities highlights the need for continuous vigilance in software development and stresses collaboration in addressing security challenges.
19 implied HN points • 28 Jan 24
  1. Rust Bytes newsletter features job opportunities and resources for Rust developers.
  2. Actix Web is a powerful web framework for Rust that supports HTTP/1.x and HTTP/2.
  3. The newsletter includes awesome links to articles and tutorials on Rust development.
19 implied HN points • 14 Jan 24
  1. Rust Bytes newsletter showcases remarkable Rust projects and helps you master Rust with high quality pieces.
  2. Learn the simplest way to deploy Rust backend applications with Koyeb in just minutes.
  3. Support Rust Bytes newsletter by recommending it to friends, sponsoring it, or providing feedback.
19 implied HN points • 07 Jan 24
  1. Learn about state machine implementation in Rust from Abhijit Roy's series
  2. Discover some of the most downloaded Rust crates like Syn, proc-macro2, and quote
  3. Explore Rust job opportunities like Senior Software Engineer roles at Arkeus and Freeform
Get a weekly roundup of the best Substack posts, by hacker news affinity:
19 implied HN points • 01 Jan 24
  1. Rust Rover IDE is being developed by JetBrains and is set to debut around September 2024.
  2. Rust learning resources highlighted include ebooks, blogs, talks, and videos for developers.
  3. Support for Rust Bytes newsletter can be shown by recommending it to friends, sponsoring, or providing feedback.
19 implied HN points • 25 Dec 23
  1. Exciting upcoming events in the Rust community like hacknights and meetups.
  2. The Rust 2023 survey is live for community members to share feedback.
  3. Insightful pieces on topics like 'Memory Safety' and 'How to Approach Unwrap' are featured in the newsletter.
19 implied HN points • 18 Dec 23
  1. Rust version 1.74.1 has significant improvements in memory management and clarity.
  2. The Async Rust Book by Maxwell Flitton and Caroline Morton is now in pre-release, offering accessible chapters.
  3. Various articles explore Rust topics like borrowing system challenges and struct implementation.
0 implied HN points • 18 Dec 23
  1. Rust Bytes has a Substack newsletter coming soon.
  2. Visit to learn more.
  3. Subscribe for updates on Rust Bytes.