What's Left

What's Left offers weekly political analysis and commentary with a critical perspective on current events, social issues, and media from the left. It explores themes like the challenges of democracy, the implications of technology on journalism, the dynamics of U.S. politics, and the critique of cultural practices through a progressive lens.

Political Analysis Social Issues Media Criticism U.S. Politics Technology and Society Cultural Critique Religion and Atheism Climate Activism Foreign Policy Judiciary Politics Racial and Social Justice Film and Entertainment

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294 implied HN points 01 Aug 22
  1. A new kind of atheism can address the twin crises of religious extremism and declining conventional religion.
  2. Communitarian atheism can provide purpose, ethics, and community for those moving away from organized religion.
  3. Organized atheist movements, like the proposed 'communitarian atheism,' can help counter religious overreach and offer a positive alternative to traditional religion.
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117 implied HN points 27 Apr 23
  1. The movie 'How to Blow Up a Pipeline' challenges viewers with the question of whether property destruction is a justifiable tactic for climate activism.
  2. The film is inspired by a book advocating for radical climate action through sabotage to make mainstream advocacy seem more moderate by comparison.
  3. The director emphasizes the importance of storytelling in bringing academic discussions on climate activism to a broader audience.
176 implied HN points 08 Mar 22
  1. The U.S. refusal to reconsider Ukraine's NATO status was a critical mistake in the lead-up to Russia's invasion.
  2. Russia perceives NATO as an existential threat due to its history and political goals.
  3. It is important for the U.S. to understand its adversaries and act judiciously in a multipolar world to avoid escalating conflicts.
157 implied HN points 20 Apr 22
  1. Reducing everything to optics of affiliation is short-sighted.
  2. Engaging across the political spectrum can be beneficial for the left.
  3. Effective communication and disciplined messaging can lead to successful advocacy.
137 implied HN points 29 Mar 22
  1. Admitting double standards can help prevent World War III.
  2. Recognizing inconsistencies in narratives can lead to more moral behavior.
  3. Consistency in how we describe the world is crucial for better decision-making.
157 implied HN points 04 Jan 22
  1. Zeeshan Aleem is restarting his newsletter after a hiatus
  2. The newsletter will now focus on sharing his MSNBC columns and social media posts
  3. Readers can expect new content a few times a month
98 implied HN points 17 Jun 22
  1. Sentience in artificial intelligence is a complex and undefined concept, often associated with consciousness and self-awareness.
  2. Large language processing systems like LaMDA may not be sentient due to lacking connections to the world beyond language and memory.
  3. Experts can be fooled by AI that simulates human communication, raising questions about assessing the capacity of AI to exhibit true sentience.
255 implied HN points 19 Feb 21
  1. Online discourse can often lead to misinterpretation and bad faith arguments.
  2. The climate of social media can make it challenging for genuine and productive debates.
  3. There is a growing trend towards polarization, tribalism, and disinterpretation in online discussions.
235 implied HN points 26 Mar 21
  1. The British royal family appointing a 'diversity czar' reveals issues with modern antiracism conversations.
  2. Markle's experience with racism in the royal family highlights the limitations of seeking social change through symbolic representation.
  3. Rather than just focusing on symbolic inclusion, more emphasis should be placed on addressing power imbalances and actively working towards egalitarianism and antiracism.
117 implied HN points 11 Feb 22
  1. REI is accused of using diversity programs to suppress worker unionization efforts.
  2. DEI initiatives focus on identity-based discrimination, while unions combat economic exploitation and give workers power.
  3. Companies like REI may use social justice performance to avoid addressing workers' actual concerns.
117 implied HN points 06 Jan 22
  1. Trump's use of humor, intentional and unintentional, was crucial to his political rise and legacy.
  2. Trump's ability to entertain and shock, especially through humor, played a significant role in his popularity and media coverage.
  3. Trump leveraged humor to create solidarity with his followers, deflect responsibility for extreme statements, and perpetuate his political beliefs.
78 implied HN points 10 Mar 22
  1. Meaningful dissent requires confronting discomfort and possible isolation.
  2. 80% of college students self-censor, but it may not indicate a new culture of conformity.
  3. Discomfort and isolation are part of dissent, not censorship.
176 implied HN points 13 Aug 20
  1. Kamala Harris was chosen as Biden's VP for risk mitigation and to appeal to the 2020 zeitgeist.
  2. Despite her moderate campaigning, Kamala Harris has a liberal voting record, reflecting shifts in American political scene.
  3. Speculation about Harris' impact on voter behavior is historically limited, but her influence could be significant in tight races.
157 implied HN points 30 Sep 20
  1. The first presidential debate was chaotic, with Trump dominating with interruptions and lies.
  2. Early feedback and polls suggest viewers favored Biden over Trump.
  3. Trump's refusal to commit to a peaceful election was the most alarming aspect of the debate.
117 implied HN points 05 Mar 21
  1. Celebrating politicians, like Jen Psaki, as truth-tellers may overlook their job to manipulate information for power.
  2. Politicians, including those perceived as good, will lie as part of their pursuit of power.
  3. In politics, press secretaries are central to the dissemination of untruths to strengthen the president's brand and power, despite appearing honest.
137 implied HN points 28 Oct 20
  1. Leftists should consider voting for Biden to advance socialism.
  2. Voting for Biden could pave the way for policies like Medicare-for-all and the Green New Deal.
  3. Encouraging turnout for Biden may influence down-ballot races and help control the Senate.
137 implied HN points 24 Sep 20
  1. The Supreme Court nomination fight highlights norm-breaking beyond Trump, showing a wider trend of party-wide norms violations.
  2. If the vacant spot in the Supreme Court is filled, it could have significant impact on reproductive rights, workers' rights, immigration, voting, and progressive initiatives.
  3. Expanding the Court or implementing term limits are potential reforms to reduce the Court's power and recognize that justices are essentially political actors.
117 implied HN points 02 Jan 21
  1. The US is facing challenges that question its status as a rich and successful nation.
  2. There are concerns about the ability to address climate change globally.
  3. The leftist media scene is showing signs of internal struggles and divisions.
18 HN points 07 Dec 22
  1. Sam Bankman-Fried's downfall exposes the perils of effective altruism.
  2. Effective altruism can be easily hijacked by bad faith actors or lead to extremist beliefs.
  3. Mainstream effective altruism lacks understanding of systemic issues and can intensify problems it aims to solve.
117 implied HN points 28 Sep 20
  1. Condemning the film 'Cuties' requires considering the director's clear critique of the hyper-sexualization of Western youth.
  2. Criticism of the film needs to address the filmmaking process that prioritized child protection and the actors' well-being.
  3. Calls for canceling 'Cuties' should be consistent with the criticism of similar exploitative content and consider the broader cultural context.
117 implied HN points 21 Aug 20
  1. The DNC framed Biden's election as a moral choice, not a political one, focusing on inclusivity and personal stories over policy.
  2. The DNC welcomed Republicans but didn't give much spotlight to the left, indicating a center-focused election strategy.
  3. Biden's campaign lacks a clear policy mandate, mainly highlighting his role as a Trump-slayer rather than specific policy plans.
39 implied HN points 21 Jan 22
  1. The Biden administration is continuing the war in Afghanistan through economic shock tactics.
  2. The Afghan people are suffering from mass starvation and collapse due to severe economic sanctions.
  3. The policy of withholding Afghanistan's foreign currency reserves is exacerbating the country's economic crisis.
98 implied HN points 07 Aug 20
  1. Growing concerns about Trump's challenges to democratic institutions and authoritarian signaling.
  2. Potential scenarios include electoral complications and challenges to election results.
  3. Deep dive on the implications of Trump's actions, the resilience of institutions, and historical comparisons.
78 implied HN points 03 Nov 20
  1. This summer's protests showcased power and ideas in crowds
  2. Antiracist protests were a mix of funeral, festival, and democracy lab
  3. Radical left protest energy is crucial post-election, regardless of outcome
58 implied HN points 01 Feb 21
  1. Kamala Harris is being positioned as a possible successor to Joe Biden if he doesn't run for reelection.
  2. Harris could benefit from a strong vice presidency with involvement in important legislation.
  3. Cultural narratives around diversity and symbolism play a significant role in Harris's potential political success.
58 implied HN points 15 Jan 21
  1. Biden's first legislative proposal is ambitious and significant
  2. There are debates about specific details of the proposal, such as the amount of cash payments and the involvement of Republicans
  3. Norms regarding fiscal policy have significantly changed since the Obama era
58 implied HN points 07 Dec 20
  1. Progressive politicians, like Rep. Ro Khanna, should engage with platforms like Fox News to communicate their message to a different audience.
  2. There are opportunities for cooperation between the populist left and populist right on issues like foreign policy, despite their differences on other matters.
  3. Engaging with mainstream platforms, even if controversial, can help reach a broader audience and spark important conversations, even if the views may differ.
58 implied HN points 31 Aug 20
  1. Riots can alienate some voters and push them away
  2. Historical contexts limit the direct comparison of past events with present situation
  3. Riots can mobilize sympathizers and inspire nonviolent dissent
78 implied HN points 11 Jun 19
  1. Ta-Nehisi Coates has taken a break from conventional journalism and focused on other projects like film and novels.
  2. Coates gained a large following that both revered and criticized him, turning him into a symbol instead of just a writer.
  3. Many white liberals embraced Coates' work as a badge of commitment to fighting racism, which raised questions about genuine engagement versus virtue signaling.
39 implied HN points 09 Oct 20
  1. Trump's behavior during illness showcases his worldview
  2. His actions have modeled a sociopathic empire of self
  3. Trump's denial of reality is harmful and potentially disastrous
19 implied HN points 23 Apr 21
  1. The Chauvin trial verdict may not lead to real change in police behavior.
  2. Symbolic victories like the trial outcome can decrease pressure for meaningful reform.
  3. Convicting officers like Chauvin doesn't necessarily address systemic issues in policing.
39 implied HN points 26 Feb 19
  1. Consider supporting newsletter creators financially through platforms like Patreon to enable them to produce content consistently.
  2. Producing quality journalistic content requires time, effort, and resources.
  3. Support independent newsletters to counter the impact of the attention economy on media and encourage critical thinking within political discourse.
19 implied HN points 09 Jul 20
  1. The Harper's letter on 'justice and open debate' received mixed reactions and lacked specificity in its claims.
  2. Targeting people's jobs as a form of punishment is criticized for its potential harsh consequences and impact on society's weak safety nets.
  3. Trump's emphasis on divisive culture wars may not be as effective as he hopes, especially amidst current crises and changing public opinion.
19 implied HN points 11 Oct 18
  1. The Kavanaugh confirmation process revealed the raw exertion of power in politics today.
  2. Democrats need to consider adjusting their strategies to mirror the GOP's disregard for procedural norms.
  3. Nikki Haley's resignation was a politically savvy move to leave on a high note before anticipated challenging times.