The hottest School choice Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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Erick Erickson's Confessions of a Political Junkie β€’ 1434 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. Some schools in Illinois have no children reading on grade level, sparking a call for school choice.
  2. School choice is seen as a winning issue for Republicans because it empowers parents and benefits children.
  3. Republican opposition to school choice is being questioned, as data suggests its positive impact.
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper β€’ 517 implied HN points β€’ 28 Nov 23
  1. School choice arguments often promote a free-market approach to education, but they may not be suitable for all communities.
  2. Rural towns might not have the necessary market conditions for school competition or choice to be effective.
  3. Public school funding issues, particularly in rural areas, are a significant concern and can be exacerbated by privatization schemes.
Tilting At Windmills β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. The author's personal experience attending both public and private schools influenced their support for school choice.
  2. School choice advocates argue that accountability is better in a market-driven system compared to traditional school boards.
  3. The author highlights the discrepancy in decision-making between closing public schools and private schools based on individual parent choices.
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper β€’ 378 implied HN points β€’ 30 Sep 23
  1. The topic of school funding can lead to hateful and extreme rhetoric, especially from those pushing for privatization of public schools.
  2. There is a concerted effort by certain groups to defund public schools and redirect funds to private, often unaccountable institutions.
  3. Extreme rhetoric against public school advocates is often driven by profit-seeking individuals and politicians, rather than genuine concern for children's education.
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper β€’ 199 implied HN points β€’ 07 Nov 23
  1. Criticism of Jean Evans for pushing for school choice in rural Missouri despite concerns about poisoned water in public schools
  2. Questioning the motives of those advocating for privatization of public schools and the impact on rural communities
  3. Highlighting the lack of real school choice options and the challenges faced by rural families in accessing alternative education
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