The hottest Trees Substack posts right now

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Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 06 Oct 22
  1. Inverting a binary tree is a classic problem that demonstrates important concepts like recursion and trees.
  2. This problem can help build a strong foundation for tackling more complex coding challenges involving recursion, trees, graphs, and dynamic programming.
  3. The process of inverting a binary tree involves swapping left and right children recursively starting from the root.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 15 Jun 22
  1. The post discusses a coding interview question about finding the number of distinct ways to create a max heap from a list of integers.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of practicing unique interview questions to prepare for a variety of challenges.
  3. The author shares personal anecdotes and encourages engaging with the content by sharing preferences for future topics.
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