The hottest Citizenship Substack posts right now

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The Liberal Patriot 1729 implied HN points 31 Jan 24
  1. Many voters view politics negatively and feel disheartened by the current state of American politics.
  2. Engaging in non-political activities and discussions can provide a refreshing break from partisan divides.
  3. Reinvigorating democracy requires looking beyond partisan politics and working together in various civic roles to address societal challenges.
Pen>Sword 1677 implied HN points 06 Jan 24
  1. Muslim Americans face challenges and discrimination in the wake of global crises like the genocide in Gaza, leading to identity struggles and perceptions of being foreign or even 'terrorists'.
  2. The experiences of Arab and Muslim Americans are shaped by events happening both domestically, like hate crimes and stereotypes, and internationally, like wars and conflicts, affecting their sense of belonging and humanity.
  3. Acts of violence, discrimination, and suspicion towards Muslim Americans highlight the ongoing struggle for acceptance, safety, and recognition of their shared pain and experiences amidst global crises and local hostility.
Not On Your Team, But Always Fair 1100 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Australia Day citizenship ceremonies are for immigrants to formalize their introduction to the country.
  2. The celebration of Australia's 1988 Bicentenary highlighted nation-building aspects despite controversies.
  3. Australian national identity and values are rooted in historical concepts like citizenship and democracy, contributing to national cohesion.
Contemplations on the Tree of Woe 1176 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. The number of House seats and electors each state gets is based on total population, not just the voting population.
  2. Undocumented immigrants can indirectly impact elections by altering voting districts.
  3. Historical compromises like the Three-Fifths Compromise show how population count affects political power.
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Common Sense with Bari Weiss 5513 implied HN points 04 Jul 23
  1. American exceptionalism is real, unique, and tied to the country's history of freedom and individual freedom.
  2. Key historical figures like Washington, Lincoln, and MLK embodied American exceptionalism through their actions and beliefs.
  3. The American experience embraces freedom, innovation, and the pursuit of possibilities, shaping a sense of identity among immigrants and citizens.
The Redneck Intellectual by C. Bradley Thompson 334 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. Different political communities shape distinct ways of life based on principles, values, and customs unique to them.
  2. Constitutions and forms of government play a central role in determining a society's way of life and cultural mores.
  3. The American Revolution and Founding transformed American society, promoting principles of individualism, meritocracy, and freedom.
Dilan’s Newsletter 78 implied HN points 30 Jun 23
  1. The 14th Amendment grants citizenship to all persons born in the United States, regardless of their parents' immigration status.
  2. The argument to deny citizenship to children of immigrants based on 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' is unfounded and contradicted by historical legal decisions.
  3. Concerns about 'anchor babies' are not a valid reason to undermine the foundational principles of the 14th Amendment.
Unpopular Front 58 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. The Republican party is conducting a sustained attack on the citizenship rights of certain Americans.
  2. There is a historical struggle over the concept of citizenship and who gets to be considered a citizen in America.
  3. The erosion of birthright citizenship is a real concern and has significant implications for the political landscape.
Faridaily 58 implied HN points 18 Apr 23
  1. The Russian government is implementing a significant military reform, involving a complex digital system to track and monitor military-eligible citizens.
  2. The reform aims to militarize society through strong enforcement of military service, with military gaining unprecedented power over citizens.
  3. The new law allows for electronic conscription notifications, restrictions on individuals avoiding military service, and cross-agency data sharing to enhance military registration.
First principles trivia 118 implied HN points 28 Mar 22
  1. To apply for Czech citizenship, you need to have lived in the Czech Republic with a permanent residency permit for a specific duration, which varies based on different criteria like EU citizenship or total residency time.
  2. Having Czech citizenship offers integration into Czech society, guarantees the right to stay in the country, and provides the benefit of visa-free travel to a significant number of countries.
  3. The application process for Czech citizenship involves submitting a comprehensive set of documents, attending interviews if required, and awaiting a decision that typically takes around a year.
First principles trivia 98 implied HN points 28 Mar 22
  1. The process of obtaining Czech citizenship involves waiting for document review, submitting additional documents if requested, and attending a citizenship ceremony.
  2. After approval, individuals can attend a citizenship ceremony where they take an oath and receive confirmation of Czech citizenship. Name changes can be made by following specific procedures.
  3. Upon obtaining Czech citizenship, individuals need to update various documents, such as residency cards, health insurance cards, and driver's licenses. They can also apply for a Czech passport for international travel.
Humanities in Revolt 59 implied HN points 11 Nov 21
  1. Understanding veterans' experiences requires more than empty gestures like saying thanks. It involves empathetic dialogue and genuine exploration of their challenges.
  2. War is often abstract to many, shaped by media portrayals that oversimplify the complexities and realities of military service. A deeper understanding is needed beyond superficial praise.
  3. As citizens, we bear responsibility for the decisions our elected officials make regarding war. Genuine appreciation for veterans involves engaging in civic responsibility by questioning the rationale and ethics of sending individuals to war.