
Pen>Sword focuses on underreported stories related to Palestine, censorship on social media, and broader issues of Middle Eastern politics, racism, and Islamophobia. It challenges mainstream narratives, highlights the human cost of conflicts, and explores the intersectionality of identity, resistance, and global political dynamics.

Middle Eastern Politics Social Media Censorship Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism Palestinian Rights and Struggles Racism and Discrimination Global Political Dynamics Media Representation and Bias Cultural Heritage and Identity Refugee and Immigration Issues Human Rights and Social Justice

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2116 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 24
  1. During Ramadan, while many Muslims globally choose to fast, the people in Gaza have no choice but to starve due to genocide.
  2. Gaza faces severe food insecurity, with a majority experiencing famine, worsened by deliberate actions like destroying bakeries and controlling water supply.
  3. The Israeli regime's strategic actions to restrict aid, destroy food supplies, and target important infrastructure have intensified the starvation and suffering in Gaza, particularly during Ramadan.
1617 implied HN points β€’ 20 Mar 24
  1. Joe Biden is being accused of playing a significant role in a perceived genocide in Gaza
  2. There are strong allegations that Biden's actions or inactions have contributed to the ongoing crisis in Gaza
  3. The writer contends that Biden has the power to end the genocide in Gaza but has chosen not to do so
2675 implied HN points β€’ 25 Dec 23
  1. Shaun King was banned from Instagram for his advocacy for Gaza, sparking concerns about silencing voices speaking up for critical causes.
  2. King's removal from Instagram reveals the power of digital platforms in shaping public narratives and movements, emphasizing the importance of individuals like King as symbols.
  3. The incident serves as a warning to the public, especially youth, that speaking up on controversial issues like Palestine could lead to suppression by social media platforms.
2496 implied HN points β€’ 11 Dec 23
  1. Instagram is actively suppressing Palestinian voices and their allies, enforcing this censorship online.
  2. Instagram's suppression tactics include flagged accounts, disabled features, restricted reach, and suspended accounts, particularly targeting pro-Palestinian content.
  3. Instagram's strategic partnerships with Israeli government bodies like the Israeli Cyber Unit reveal a deep collaboration that supports digital suppression against voices in and for Gaza.
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1976 implied HN points β€’ 01 Jan 24
  1. Biden's actions near the Gaza border transformed his image from 'Sleepy Joe' to 'Genocide Joe', catalyzed by aiding Israeli aggression.
  2. Biden's administration poured billions into Israel, supporting a violent war as civilian casualties, especially children, continued to rise.
  3. An exploration of how Biden's actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict redefined his presidential legacy, painting him as a war criminal facilitating genocide.
1677 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 24
  1. Muslim Americans face challenges and discrimination in the wake of global crises like the genocide in Gaza, leading to identity struggles and perceptions of being foreign or even 'terrorists'.
  2. The experiences of Arab and Muslim Americans are shaped by events happening both domestically, like hate crimes and stereotypes, and internationally, like wars and conflicts, affecting their sense of belonging and humanity.
  3. Acts of violence, discrimination, and suspicion towards Muslim Americans highlight the ongoing struggle for acceptance, safety, and recognition of their shared pain and experiences amidst global crises and local hostility.
2236 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 23
  1. The demonization of Palestinian men is deeply rooted in historical Orientalist narratives and modern-day Islamophobic discourses.
  2. Palestinian men are instantly perceived as terrorists without the presumption of innocence or due process.
  3. The media and governments contribute to the dehumanization of Palestinian men by omitting their individuality and humanity in narratives and calls for action.
1937 implied HN points β€’ 20 Dec 23
  1. Piers Morgan is criticized for his coverage of Gaza, accused of exploiting the situation for personal gain.
  2. Morgan is accused of focusing on sensationalism, ratings, and controversy rather than providing balanced journalism on the Palestinian perspective.
  3. Critics argue that Piers Morgan's approach to discussing the Gaza crisis shows a lack of understanding and sensitivity towards the complexities of the situation.
1737 implied HN points β€’ 30 Dec 23
  1. Gaza's resistance is deeply rooted and not for show; it is about survival and dignity, not media attention.
  2. The essence of Gaza lies in its relentless resistance despite hardships, symbolizing a powerful and unwavering spirit.
  3. Mahmoud Darwish's depiction of Gaza highlights its unique value, strength, and significance to its people and the world.
2096 implied HN points β€’ 03 Dec 23
  1. Yemen, the poorest Arab nation, took significant maritime actions in support of Palestinians in Gaza, impacting Israeli economics and logistics in the region.
  2. The Houthis in Yemen stood out by their bold actions while wealthier Arab nations remained idle, showcasing a contrast in courage and impact.
  3. Despite Yemen's support for Gaza, the country faced consequences such as halting food distribution by the World Food Program, revealing the harsh realities of realpolitik.
1737 implied HN points β€’ 18 Dec 23
  1. Christmas won't be celebrated in Gaza due to the local Christian population facing extinction.
  2. Only 700 Palestinian Christians are left in Gaza out of 2.3 million total population.
  3. The genocide in Gaza is erasing the Christian community with little outcry from the broader world.
1278 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Imperial power is not just about military might, but also about imposing a perspective on distant lands and people, leading to conflicts between rulers and the ruled.
  2. American strategic interests in the Middle East have historically focused on securing oil supplies and supporting Israel, shaping its policies and perspectives in the region.
  3. The Orientalist view has perpetuated a denial of Arab self-determination, portraying them as incapable and fundamentally violent, contributing to ongoing turmoil in the Middle East.
1038 implied HN points β€’ 17 Jan 24
  1. The American assault on Yemen is not a recent development, but has roots in a humanitarian crisis preceding the current events in the Red Sea and Yemen.
  2. Yemen gained global attention when it affected commerce, specifically impacting Israeli revenue in the Red Sea, leading to swift American action against the region.
  3. The United States has played a significant role in sustaining the Yemen war through arms sales, military support, and bombings, contributing to a devastating humanitarian crisis with millions at risk of starvation.
1298 implied HN points β€’ 26 Dec 23
  1. Ghassan Kanafani's novel 'Men in the Sun' powerfully portrays the harsh existence of displacement and statelessness, reflecting the Palestinian identity and struggle.
  2. The characters in the novel symbolize various aspects of the Palestinian experience, highlighting resilience, hope, and the enduring nature of the Palestinian struggle against political and economic adversity.
  3. Kanafani's work remains a poignant reflection of the Palestinian condition, reminding readers of the human cost of political conflicts and the enduring trauma of displacement, making it essential reading amidst current events.
838 implied HN points β€’ 13 Jan 24
  1. The film 'The Battle of Algiers' showcases the struggle of people fighting for independence and challenges the labels of 'terrorist' and 'freedom fighter' in colonial contexts.
  2. Laws in colonial and settler colonial states often delegitimize self-determination and dehumanize resistance, labeling it as 'terrorism' along racial lines.
  3. Racial dynamics play a significant role in how individuals involved in conflicts are perceived, with white actors more easily perceived as 'freedom fighters' while non-white individuals are often labeled as 'terrorists'.
898 implied HN points β€’ 29 Dec 23
  1. Reading the work of postcolonial intellectual giants Fanon and CΓ©saire is crucial in understanding the flaws of activists falling into the trap of undermining others in the struggle for freedom.
  2. Online activists can perpetuate a 'divide and conquer' scenario by attacking their own comrades, pushing forward the colonial objective on digital platforms.
  3. CΓ©saire's message from 'Discourse on Colonialism' emphasizes the importance of not dehumanizing the colonizer in efforts for liberation, as it plays into the colonial project and harms the movement.
918 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. Netanyahu's plan involves forcibly displacing Palestinians from Gaza to make way for Israeli occupation and annexation.
  2. The plan includes pushing Palestinians towards the Egyptian border and even towards the Mediterranean Sea, leading to a dire situation for them.
  3. Despite global outrage and opposition, Netanyahu is persisting with his plan to eliminate the Palestinian population of Gaza, causing significant harm and suffering.
858 implied HN points β€’ 01 Dec 23
  1. Norman Finkelstein's book 'Gaza: An Inquest Into its Martyrdom' provides an intimate understanding of Gaza's pain and history.
  2. Finkelstein's book emphasizes the human cost of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza, providing a compelling narrative that humanizes Palestinians.
  3. The book challenges prevailing narratives about Gaza, calls for accountability for military actions, and urges readers to confront the human dimensions of conflicts in the region.
898 implied HN points β€’ 07 Nov 23
  1. The emergence of social media has revolutionized how protests can be carried out, offering virtual platforms for those in authoritarian nations where physical protests are impossible.
  2. Social media platforms showcase and even justify genocides, with images and videos of Gaza representing a new level of instant and widespread exposure to violence.
  3. Viewers today are exposed to graphic content from conflict zones in real time, leading to desensitization and a dangerous normalizing of human tragedy on social media.
658 implied HN points β€’ 28 Nov 23
  1. The ongoing violence in Gaza has reshaped the consumption and dissemination of mass death, especially on digital platforms like social media.
  2. Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are closely linked forms of bigotry rooted in white supremacy, with distinct but similarly inferior stereotypes about Jews and Muslims.
  3. The political cooption of anti-Semitism and the colonial tenets of Zionism undermine genuine reckonings with these forms of bigotry, perpetuating violence and hindering equality.
579 implied HN points β€’ 20 Nov 23
  1. Israeli military violence in Gaza has led to a landscape conducive to ethnic cleansing. Genocide and ethnic cleansing, while related, have distinct focuses – people vs. land.
  2. The destruction of hospitals and medical infrastructure in Gaza is a central component of the ethnic cleansing program, forcing Palestinians to flee due to lack of healthcare.
  3. Israel's promotion of 'voluntary migration' of Palestinians from Gaza is deceptive and a direct consequence of genocidal violence, aiming to push Palestinians out of their land against their will.
479 implied HN points β€’ 10 Nov 23
  1. Anaam's story reflects the long-lasting impact of displacement and tragedy, stretching across decades.
  2. The struggles of refugees, like Anaam, continue through generations, showing the cycle of suffering and loss.
  3. Despite being unseen, the quiet strength and resilience of individuals like Anaam speak volumes beyond words.
379 implied HN points β€’ 15 Nov 23
  1. Afro-Palestinians in the West Bank represent a unique intersection of identity and resilience in a region filled with complex struggles for justice and liberation.
  2. Despite facing challenges within Palestinian society and the broader Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Afro-Palestinians have managed to preserve their rich cultural heritage through music, dance, and storytelling.
  3. The Afro-Palestinian narrative adds a crucial layer to the broader understanding of the Palestinian struggle, highlighting the complexity of their identity and the need for a more inclusive vision of justice in the region.
319 implied HN points β€’ 02 Jul 23
  1. French suburbs like Nanterre are predominantly populated by brown, black, and non-white individuals, facing poverty and police brutality.
  2. The tragic death of Nahel highlights the racism against Arabs, Amazigh, and African descent individuals in France, sparking widespread protests.
  3. The French government's denial of race and continued segregation fuel a storm of protests, symbolizing a larger issue of racial discrimination in the country.
239 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jul 23
  1. Sinead O'Connor was known for her individuality and refusal to conform to pop culture norms, serving as an iconoclast in an industry filled with conformists.
  2. She embraced Islam in 2018, stating it was the logical conclusion of her theological journey, and proudly stood tall against Islamophobia in Europe.
  3. Sinead O'Connor's legacy reminds us of the importance of embracing our flaws and standing up against mainstream narratives that seek to overshadow our true identities.
259 implied HN points β€’ 01 Apr 23
  1. Islamophobia is a global phenomenon rooted in the American 'War on Terror', spreading across borders and cultures.
  2. The book 'The New Crusades' focuses on highlighting the struggles of Muslims facing Islamophobia worldwide, shedding light on unseen atrocities and the impact of global patterns of persecution.
  3. The author wrote the book to address the creation of global Islamophobia, aiming to challenge misconceptions, empower Muslim voices, and encourage vigilance against discrimination beyond the Holy Month of Ramadan.
179 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jun 23
  1. Mainstream media often prioritizes coverage of wealthy individuals over stories of marginalized groups like refugees
  2. The tale of two boats highlights the stark differences in attention and rescue efforts based on the socioeconomic status of the individuals involved
  3. Media coverage and societal value of human life are often disproportionately distributed
259 implied HN points β€’ 28 Dec 22
  1. The World Cup in Qatar showcased cultural fusion, breaking stereotypes and promoting inclusivity.
  2. The event emphasized the importance of true cultural exchange and challenged biases from Western perspectives.
  3. The tournament highlighted subaltern solidarity, resilience against Western supremacy, and represented a significant moment in history.
419 implied HN points β€’ 06 Aug 22
  1. When we see the faces and learn the names of victims of violence, it makes them real and helps us remember them.
  2. It's important to commemorate Palestinian children killed by violence, as they have names, stories, and families too.
  3. By remembering and sharing the names of Palestinian victims, we can honor their lives and keep them alive in our consciousness.
179 implied HN points β€’ 24 Mar 23
  1. The first Muslims to celebrate Ramadan in America were enslaved Africans.
  2. Ramadan has a deep history in the US, going back to the antebellum era with enslaved Muslims fasting against oppressive slave codes.
  3. Today, Ramadan in the US reflects a multicultural tradition, highlighting the diverse Muslim community and the need to acknowledge and integrate the history of enslaved Muslims.
99 implied HN points β€’ 06 Sep 23
  1. France has enacted laws banning Muslim girls from wearing abayas, forcing them to choose between religious observance and education.
  2. French Islamophobia disproportionately targets Muslim girls and women, reflecting fears of 'replacement' in the country.
  3. The policing of Muslim women's bodies in France extends to school checkpoints, with a lack of support from western feminists and women's organizations.
119 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jul 23
  1. Threads is a social media app launched by Meta that aims to fill the void left by Twitter's decline.
  2. Threads has raised concerns about privacy, speech, and censorship due to its data collection practices, restrictions on deleting accounts, and aversion to political content.
  3. The app's emphasis on 'kindness' and 'friendly spaces' is in contrast to worries about potential censorship and the impact on user freedom.
339 implied HN points β€’ 03 Aug 22
  1. The post is about a newsletter from Khaled Beydoun.
  2. The newsletter is named Pen>Sword.
  3. Interested readers can subscribe to this upcoming newsletter.
79 implied HN points β€’ 03 Aug 23
  1. Moroccan women's football team made World Cup history by advancing to knockout stages despite odds
  2. Nouhaila Benzina became the first footballer to wear a hijab in the World Cup, breaking a significant barrier
  3. Moroccan women's team defied expectations and beat Columbia, continuing to make history with their football prowess
159 implied HN points β€’ 12 Dec 22
  1. Morocco made history by becoming the first African nation to reach the World Cup semifinal, challenging the long-standing dominance of European teams.
  2. Football is interconnected with political and historical narratives, especially in the context of African nations competing against former colonial powers.
  3. The victory of Morocco symbolized unity and pride for the entire African continent, breaking the cycle of football drought and inspiring a sense of possibility and togetherness.
139 implied HN points β€’ 11 Jan 23
  1. Muslim-majority governments and leaders have failed to support the Uyghur Muslims facing persecution in China.
  2. Some imams and scholars are using Islam to justify the genocide and horrors inflicted on the Uyghur people.
  3. The Uyghur diaspora and author Khaled A. Beydoun strongly condemn the Muslim nations and leaders who are supporting China's propaganda against the Uyghurs.