The hottest Climate Crisis Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Crucial Years β€’ 2630 implied HN points β€’ 28 Dec 23
  1. The global climate crisis is not receiving the attention it deserves in mainstream media.
  2. Record-high temperatures and other alarming climate events are being overshadowed by more 'headline-friendly' news stories.
  3. The urgency and scale of the climate crisis require swift and unprecedented action, even though these changes may not fit into traditional news narratives.
The Crucial Years β€’ 2062 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. The global economy is facing increasing friction due to the impacts of the climate crisis.
  2. The insurance industry is experiencing challenges in modeling risks and providing coverage due to climate change.
  3. Renewable energy capacity is growing rapidly, but there are significant challenges in transitioning away from fossil fuels.
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The Crucial Years β€’ 1913 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jan 24
  1. Some politicians are demonstrating real political courage by taking a stand against expanding fossil fuel production
  2. The UK's decision to open the North Sea to new oil and gas drilling is being challenged by a Conservative MP's resignation
  3. There is growing pressure for countries to halt the expansion of fossil fuel production to combat the climate crisis
The Crucial Years β€’ 1684 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Batteries have greatly improved energy density over the last century, making them more practical for cars and other uses.
  2. The rapid progress in battery technology is expected to continue, with increasing energy density, affordability, and innovation.
  3. Efforts are being made to ensure ethical sourcing of materials for batteries, address social inequities, and push for sustainable growth in the battery industry.
HEATED β€’ 3223 implied HN points β€’ 28 Sep 23
  1. A new paper highlights the need for systemic changes in behavior to prevent ecological overshoot.
  2. Mainstream media still runs fossil fuel ads in climate reporting, undermining the message.
  3. Insurance companies promising to cut coal coverage are found secretly funding it, violating their own policies.
The Crucial Years β€’ 926 implied HN points β€’ 08 Dec 23
  1. The COP negotiations serve as a way to talk and pressure each other but do not have legislative authority
  2. The outcomes at COP reflect the current state of the world and political pressure from mobilized people
  3. Language and agreements at COP do not immediately translate into tangible action, requiring further activism at the local level
The Crucial Years β€’ 1096 implied HN points β€’ 18 Nov 23
  1. Efforts by TikTokers and influencers are gaining momentum in advocating for environmental causes.
  2. Older individuals are also making a difference by using traditional methods like letter writing campaigns.
  3. Department of Energy should pay attention to both younger and older generations advocating against fossil fuel projects.
HEATED β€’ 1670 implied HN points β€’ 12 Sep 23
  1. Climate scientist Rose Abramoff took a personal risk to protest against the Mountain Valley Pipeline construction.
  2. The Mountain Valley Pipeline faces opposition due to its environmental impact, regulatory violations, and public health concerns.
  3. Despite facing consequences, Rose Abramoff remains committed to civil disobedience as she believes direct action is effective in combating fossil fuel projects.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1375 implied HN points β€’ 25 Sep 23
  1. The fossil fuel industry is pushing to export large amounts of fossil gas to preserve their profits, even though renewable energy sources are cheaper and cleaner.
  2. The rapid expansion of LNG export terminals could cause American greenhouse gas emissions to remain stagnant since 2005, impacting global warming.
  3. It is crucial to stop the continued expansion of LNG build-out to accelerate the transition to clean and renewable energy sources worldwide.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1773 implied HN points β€’ 24 Jul 23
  1. Conspiracy theories distract from what's happening in plain sight, like Blackrock appointing the CEO of a major oil company to its board.
  2. Financial institutions are backtracking on their commitments to decarbonize portfolios, favoring profits over addressing the climate crisis.
  3. Leaders like Brad Lander are taking a stand against financial ties to the fossil fuel industry, recognizing the need for real accountability and action.
The Planet β€’ 314 implied HN points β€’ 16 Jan 24
  1. Global wealth inequality is increasing, with the ultra-rich getting richer while more than half of the world's population is becoming poorer.
  2. There is a need for effective and fair governments to address global issues like poverty, climate change, and inequality.
  3. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires a shift towards sustainable practices, reducing inequalities, and decoupling economic growth from environmental degradation.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1514 implied HN points β€’ 05 Jul 23
  1. Recently recorded extreme heat events are unprecedented and have significant impacts on the planet.
  2. The rise in solar power generation is proving to be a vital and reliable alternative to traditional energy sources during heatwaves.
  3. Transitioning to renewable energy sources like solar power is crucial in mitigating climate change impacts and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1175 implied HN points β€’ 14 Aug 23
  1. Teachable moments about climate change should be taught in schools to make the subject more immediate and engaging for students.
  2. It's concerning that misleading information and denial of climate change are being promoted in education, hindering students' understanding of the urgent issue.
  3. Educators and experts, like weatherman Jeff Berardelli, play a crucial role in providing accurate information and promoting climate education.
God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger β€’ 70 implied HN points β€’ 13 Mar 24
  1. Global warming is accelerating according to three key graphs, showing temperature rise, ocean surface temperature, and energy imbalance.
  2. The energy imbalance data reveals a significant increase in energy retained by the planet, indicating an accelerating rate of heat retention.
  3. Considering the potential collapse of the future economy due to climate change, the question arises about how much of the current economy people are willing to sacrifice to prevent a complete economic collapse.
DARK FUTURA β€’ 1493 implied HN points β€’ 11 May 23
  1. Carbon sequestration initiatives are part of a broader agenda by globalist authorities to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and control resource usage.
  2. Efforts to reduce carbon footprints are increasingly being institutionalized through systems like carbon credits, which track and coerce individuals to lower their CO2 emissions.
  3. The ultimate goal of carbon sequestration plans is to manipulate and control land use, leading towards a system where people are governed by their carbon footprint to maintain global financial stability.
The Joyous Struggle β€’ 395 implied HN points β€’ 22 Oct 23
  1. We live on a planet in outer space, which can be an amusing and perspective-shifting realization.
  2. There is a growing sense of 'planetization' where we are increasingly interconnected globally and feel a sense of responsibility towards the world as a whole.
  3. The current societal shift includes integrating a planetary perspective into our understanding and actions, making issue-based thinking within global contexts crucial.
Surfing the Future β€’ 39 implied HN points β€’ 13 Feb 24
  1. Bill Weihl advocates for companies to play a stronger role in climate policy.
  2. Weihl uses AI-generated audio to communicate due to ALS, highlighting the importance of sustainability professionals' collective voice.
  3. The LEAD statement calls for companies to leave obstructing trade associations, elevate climate policy, advocate for specific climate policies, and commit to transitioning away from fossil fuels.
Geopolitical Economy Report β€’ 299 implied HN points β€’ 23 Jun 23
  1. The debt crisis in the Global South is growing, requiring forgiveness and system change.
  2. Past debt crises in the 1980s had significant impacts, leading to lost decades of development.
  3. The current crisis is influenced by short-term financial perspectives, global commodity markets, and ecological destruction.
Daniel Pinchbeck’s Newsletter β€’ 16 implied HN points β€’ 28 Feb 24
  1. The author believes near-term human extinction is likely, possibly within the next 10-20 years, largely due to climate change feedback loops like methane release.
  2. The author expresses frustration with political leaders influenced by powerful interests and emphasizes the need for realistic action rather than optimism without grounds.
  3. The author links mental health issues to suppressed ecological grief and criticizes relying solely on medication rather than acknowledging and addressing underlying societal issues.
Activist Futurism β€’ 159 implied HN points β€’ 30 Dec 22
  1. Adapting to the new reality of 2023 involves dealing with ongoing challenges like the Forever Pandemic, Climate Catastrophe, AI threats, Crypto's impact, and potentially Extraterrestrial Disclosure.
  2. The inertia of the past is causing societal maladaptive decisions, leading to challenges like normalcy bias. The key is to shift attention from familiar concerns of 2019 to adjust to the demands of 2023.
  3. Personal growth parallels societal change; both require focus on the current reality to navigate the challenges ahead.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 05 May 23
  1. The Green Revolution Requires a Blue-Collar Revelation - Trades jobs are in high demand for the clean energy transition.
  2. If You Go to College, Study the Real World - Encouraging students to study practical skills, even alongside a college degree.
  3. Future Career Advice for Students - Emphasizing the importance of hands-on work and making a meaningful impact on the world.
God's Spies by Thomas Neuburger β€’ 60 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jul 23
  1. The stranded assets problem in the fossil fuel industry involves financial, political, and environmental challenges.
  2. There is a need for a more radical climate movement to address the inaction of the fossil fuel industry and financial institutions.
  3. Political means may not be sufficient to force the necessary changes, so alternate strategies must be considered.