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Why is this interesting? β€’ 1266 implied HN points β€’ 06 Mar 24
  1. Birdwatching can be a rewarding hobby that connects us with nature and can lead to deep emotional connections with birds.
  2. Ecological grief is a real and intense response to environmental losses, including bird deaths caused by human-driven changes.
  3. Efforts like building natural bridges and enacting bird-friendly legislation demonstrate steps we can take to protect wild animals amidst ongoing environmental challenges.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1684 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Batteries have greatly improved energy density over the last century, making them more practical for cars and other uses.
  2. The rapid progress in battery technology is expected to continue, with increasing energy density, affordability, and innovation.
  3. Efforts are being made to ensure ethical sourcing of materials for batteries, address social inequities, and push for sustainable growth in the battery industry.
RESCUE with Michael Capuzzo β€’ 7567 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jun 23
  1. Whales are dying along the East Coast due to offshore wind turbines and oil & gas drilling, raising concerns about environmental impacts.
  2. There is uncertainty and disagreement among experts and agencies about the connection between offshore wind activities and whale deaths.
  3. Offshore wind projects may have limited impact on global emissions and climate change, but they are still considered integral for state plans.
Airplane Mode with Liz Plank β€’ 864 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Fox News has acknowledged the reality of carbon emissions after reporting on Taylor Swift's private jet use.
  2. Private jets contribute significantly to carbon emissions, with celebrities like Swift producing much more than the average person.
  3. Progressives have proposed various solutions to address private jet emissions, but face resistance from conservatives.
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The Microdose β€’ 845 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. San Pedro, a cactus containing mescaline, is threatened by factors like poaching and climate change.
  2. It's crucial for communities to cultivate their own medicine to build a sustainable relationship with the plant.
  3. Global interest in psychedelics like San Pedro must be managed to protect both the plant and its cultural traditions.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 393 implied HN points β€’ 26 Jan 24
  1. In the Anthropocene era, humans must protect and restore the Earth given our excessive impact on its ecosystems.
  2. We need to become rational and compassionate managers of the planet to address climate change and ecological disruptions.
  3. Storms, while disruptive and dangerous, also serve as a reminder of our place in nature and the need to prepare for managing the impacts of extreme weather.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1574 implied HN points β€’ 08 Sep 23
  1. The video illustrates the impact of climate change through unprecedented floods in Greece.
  2. The urgency to take action against climate change is emphasized, as we witness extreme weather events becoming more common.
  3. Global efforts to meet climate targets, such as the Paris Agreement, are falling short and require more substantial commitments.
The Forgotten Files β€’ 334 implied HN points β€’ 31 Jan 24
  1. William T. Hornaday highlighted the tragic extinction of American Bison and its causes in his report.
  2. The extinction of bison was driven by factors like man's greed, lack of protective measures, and advanced firearms.
  3. Hornaday's efforts led to his influential role in wildlife preservation and saving species from extinction.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 393 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. The Endangered Species Act has had successes in saving various species from extinction over the years.
  2. There is a growing resistance against the Endangered Species Act, largely driven by political and industry interests.
  3. Challenges facing the ESA include legislative and judicial attacks, as well as the broader threat of climate change and biodiversity loss.
Bird History β€’ 379 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Before pesticides, birds were valued by farmers for their role in controlling bugs on crops, and economic ornithologists calculated the precise worth of each bird in dollars.
  2. The Bureau of Biological Survey was established to study the economic impact of birds on agriculture, shifting focus to quantify the benefits and drawbacks of various bird species on crops.
  3. Studies conducted by economic ornithologists resulted in a widespread belief in the economic significance of birds in pest control, but the field eventually lost credibility as pesticides and modern agricultural practices took over.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 334 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. All living things have a right to exist in this world according to the Endangered Species Act.
  2. Conservation efforts need more support to combat political and industry threats to environmental protections.
  3. Future of the ESA requires broader landscape-scale conservation, increased funding, and alignment with modern conservation strategies.
The Crucial Years β€’ 1145 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jul 23
  1. Water can be a powerful lens to explore issues of memory, resilience, and environmental impact.
  2. The film by dream hampton about Detroit highlights the flooding's impact on communities and memories.
  3. Specific histories of unfairness compound devastation in places like Detroit, emphasizing the importance of addressing systemic issues.
The Crucial Years β€’ 876 implied HN points β€’ 27 Jun 23
  1. John Goodenough, who invented a powerful lithium-ion battery, helped keep the Texas power grid run smoothly during a heatwave.
  2. Batteries like the ones Goodenough invented are crucial for storing solar power and preventing energy crises.
  3. The use of batteries is growing worldwide to support renewable energy sources and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
This Week in Birding β€’ 157 implied HN points β€’ 08 Jan 24
  1. The American Ornithological Society is changing bird names named after controversial figures to be more inclusive and reduce offensive associations.
  2. The decision to change bird names may lead to confusion among birders about identifying species.
  3. Organizations like the Kirtland's Warbler Alliance are grappling with financial and awareness impacts due to the naming decision.
Bird History β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. Canvasbacks were once America's most famous and exclusive dish, known for their unique appearance and diet.
  2. The demand for canvasbacks led to fraudulent sales, with some buyers being tricked by vendors substituting them with similar-looking but cheaper ducks.
  3. Conservation efforts have helped stabilize the canvasback population, but threats like habitat loss still pose risks to these birds in the present day.
Surfing the Future β€’ 99 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. System change can often creep up on us, and we adapt without realizing it, leading to the 'shifting baseline syndrome'. We tend to imagine today's world as how it was yesterday, which may not be the case.
  2. The concept of rewilding offers a chance to reset our baselines, allowing nature to rebound faster than expected. This shift could lead to 'Knepp' potentially becoming a verb symbolizing unexpected transformation.
  3. In the sustainability space, there has been a dilution of the original system change ambition over time due to mainstreaming. The concept of triple bottom line has evolved and must continue to adapt to drive urgent systemic changes.
Public β€’ 432 implied HN points β€’ 14 Aug 23
  1. A new documentary reveals the connection between high-decibel sonar from wind industry vessels and specific whale deaths.
  2. The documentary exposes a major scientific scandal and a lack of transparency in government agencies like NOAA.
  3. The film urges viewers to understand that the increase in cetacean deaths is linked to wind industry activities, contradicting official statements.
The Crucial Years β€’ 647 implied HN points β€’ 08 May 23
  1. Permitting reform is crucial for building renewable energy efficiently and quickly.
  2. Reforming housing zoning laws can help address high home prices and rents.
  3. When advocating for permitting reform, consider implementing a climate test, fairness test, and promoting public ownership of energy projects.
backstory β€’ 290 implied HN points β€’ 05 Aug 23
  1. Communities can have obsessional collective delusions like paranoia about sorcerers or other irrational beliefs.
  2. Supernatural stories and irrational beliefs can be baffling and hard to understand.
  3. Survival often involves adapting and finding ways to coexist within challenging environments.
Bird History β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 04 Jan 24
  1. Conservationists in the early 1900s clashed with Italian immigrants over the tradition of eating songbirds, leading to heated conflicts and even fatal incidents.
  2. Enforcement of laws protecting songbirds led to heavy fines and long prison sentences for Italian immigrants caught hunting, sparking significant tensions and occasional violence.
  3. Efforts to educate Italian communities about bird protection laws included posting bilingual signs and organizing lectures, with varying degrees of success in changing behaviors.
Field Guide to the Anthropocene β€’ 235 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jul 23
  1. The world is facing extreme climate changes due to greenhouse gas emissions affecting temperatures and ecosystems.
  2. Human actions and inactions are contributing to the worsening climate crisis, leading to heatwaves, wildfires, and extreme weather events.
  3. Efforts to address climate change include clean energy initiatives, conservation victories, and legal actions against fossil fuel companies.
Bird History β€’ 79 implied HN points β€’ 05 Dec 23
  1. In the Progressive era, children learned to build birdhouses in school to protect birds and cultivate important life values.
  2. Building birdhouses in schools was not just about conservation, but also about nurturing a love for birds and nature in children.
  3. Birdhouse building contests were a common community event that engaged boys, taught craftsmanship, and promoted bird protection on a larger scale.
Bird History β€’ 59 implied HN points β€’ 28 Dec 23
  1. Italian immigrants in the early 20th century hunted and ate songbirds, conflicting with American conservationists.
  2. Americans blamed Italian immigrants for the decline in bird populations, regarding them as a threat to agriculture and the food supply.
  3. There was a strong xenophobic sentiment towards Italians, with harsh punishments called for those caught killing songbirds.