The hottest Fiction Substack posts right now

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Astral Codex Ten β€’ 4749 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Book review contest for 2024 on Participants can write reviews between 2,000 and 10,000 words, with no word count requirement. Entries must be submitted through a Google Form by May 5th.
  2. Contest rules emphasize blinding the judging process to ensure fairness. Personal information that could identify participants should not be included in the Google Doc submissions.
  3. Diversity in review topics encouraged through affirmative action. A quarter of finalist slots reserved for books from nontraditional categories like fiction, poetry, or older works.
The Audacity. β€’ 5188 implied HN points β€’ 10 Jan 24
  1. Favorite book: _All the Sinners Bleed_ by S.A. Cosby - a gripping Southern noir.
  2. Second favorite: _Family Meal_ by Bryan Washington - a poignant story of grief and finding love.
  3. Not every book is great - it's okay to have differing opinions on what you read.
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The Art of Enchantment, with Dr Sharon Blackie β€’ 2436 implied HN points β€’ 03 Feb 24
  1. The author rediscovered and reread her own novel, which had been set aside for years, reflecting on the transformative power of myth and fairy tales in her work.
  2. A new online fairy tale psychology training program will be offered at Pacifica Graduate Institute, focusing on narrative techniques for therapy and personal development.
  3. Recommendations for thought-provoking novels are shared, emphasizing the importance of being open to unsettling stories and the beauty of rich prose styles.
Counter Craft β€’ 1991 implied HN points β€’ 11 Feb 24
  1. Finishing your writing projects is crucial - don't get stuck tinkering, but complete and move on to the next
  2. The best writing advice is often simple - just finish your work before worrying about other aspects like querying agents or publicity
  3. Failure is part of the process - finishing means making mistakes, learning from them, and improving your writing over time
The Pomp Letter β€’ 3714 implied HN points β€’ 27 Dec 23
  1. Reading is a valuable way to learn and gain fresh ideas across different topics.
  2. Books recommended by successful individuals can provide insights and lessons applicable to personal and professional growth.
  3. Investing time in reading can be rewarding and essential for personal development and career advancement.
Astral Codex Ten β€’ 2202 implied HN points β€’ 29 Jan 24
  1. Genes matter 2x as much as the environment in schizophrenia, not 4x as previously thought
  2. A study on political reasoning errors failed to replicate, questioning a larger literature on the topic
  3. Humans merging with AI may not be unprecedented, as evidenced by a medieval Italian man merging with a knife
Letters of Note β€’ 2790 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jan 24
  1. Lewis Carroll's father exhibited playful absurdity in his letters, which likely influenced his son's fantastical writing.
  2. Charles Sr. wrote a whimsical letter to his son, Charles Jr., showcasing imaginative and humorous storytelling.
  3. Through the letter, Charles Sr. creatively fulfilled his son's request for a file, screwdriver, and ring from Leeds with a vivid and whimsical tale.
Brain Pizza β€’ 794 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. Maximising happiness is not the only goal in life, different societies value different aspects of well-being.
  2. Current thinking on happiness is evolving to include the concept of psychological richness as a facet of a fulfilling life.
  3. Exploring the idea of benign masochism reveals that some activities initially seen as unpleasant can bring joy and pleasure.
Atlas of Wonders and Monsters β€’ 661 implied HN points β€’ 15 Mar 24
  1. Different types of argument representations exist, like straw man, steel man, and gold man, each serving unique purposes in discussions.
  2. Beyond the classic argument representations, there are variations such as glass man, diamond man, and pyrite man, each with distinct characteristics and impacts.
  3. Some argument representations, like lead man, uranium man, and wax man, may have negative effects on discussions by either polluting the debate or ascribing malicious intent to the opponent.
Everything Is Amazing β€’ 1425 implied HN points β€’ 06 Feb 24
  1. Space exploration faces challenges like the vastness of space and technological limitations.
  2. JPL has a track record of extending mission goals for spacecraft, showcasing innovation and efficiency.
  3. Theoretical concepts like FTL drives and warp drives may be intriguing, but the feasibility remains uncertain due to scientific principles and practical challenges.
The Biblioracle Recommends β€’ 1179 implied HN points β€’ 21 Jan 24
  1. Arts criticism is becoming less important in our day-to-day lives due to algorithms taking over the role of critics.
  2. Criticism plays a role beyond just recommending what to buy; it offers unique perspectives and interpretations.
  3. Subscription platforms like Substack may offer hope for supporting sustainable work, but there are challenges in finding space and audience for new writers.
History, etc β€’ 1788 implied HN points β€’ 21 Dec 23
  1. The writer expressed gratitude to the readers for their support throughout the year.
  2. The newsletter has grown to over 12,000 readers with various engaging content like Q&A, interviews, and history quizzes.
  3. Future plans for the newsletter include more content like monthly interviews, history quizzes, and maintaining subscription prices until 2025.
Life Since the Baby Boom β€’ 918 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Pitching literary agents for fiction work is challenging, with low acceptance rates.
  2. Receiving rejections in the publishing industry is common, even with limited feedback.
  3. Personal stories and experiences can influence career choices and life decisions.
Colin Meloy's Machine Shop β€’ 1002 implied HN points β€’ 19 Jan 24
  1. Chapter Two of 'How Ruthie Ended the War' reveals a soldier's story of being caught in a dangerous ice field while on a mission.
  2. The soldier recounts the harrowing experience of the ship battling ice, leading to chaos and fear among the crew.
  3. Ruthie, the central character, listens silently to the soldier's tale, adding an element of intrigue to the unfolding narrative.
The Shift With Sam Baker β€’ 818 implied HN points β€’ 01 Feb 24
  1. Discover new book recommendations to get out of a reading slump, including Strong Female Character, One of the Good Guys, and A Killing in November.
  2. Explore different genres like fantasy, thrillers, and memoirs to find engaging reads, such as A Court of Thorns and Roses, House Woman, and Hermit.
  3. Consider joining a book club like The Shift Bookclub to immerse yourself in discussions and new perspectives on books, such as The List of Suspicious Things.
Meaningness β€’ 359 implied HN points β€’ 04 Mar 24
  1. The book being written focuses on meta-rationality, with previous parts discussing rationalism and reasonableness.
  2. The author plans to release the book in separate paperbacks/Kindle editions before putting it online for free.
  3. The concept of meta-rationality emphasizes caring for the situation more than abstractions, questioning what the situation needs, and understanding when rationality is relevant.
Granted β€’ 7906 implied HN points β€’ 28 Jan 23
  1. Tim Urban's book 'What's Our Problem?' offers insightful analysis on societal issues and how to combat polarization and tribalism.
  2. Nedra Glover Tawwab's 'Drama Free' provides valuable advice on handling family relationships, emphasizing the importance of mental health in families.
  3. Bill Hammack's 'The Things We Make' unravels the engineering behind human masterpieces, making engineering concepts accessible even for those who don't love math.
Justin E. H. Smith's Hinternet β€’ 622 implied HN points β€’ 30 Jan 24
  1. There can be a philosophy of whatever we intuitively imagine there can be a Form of, which is close to saying whatever is universal.
  2. Introducing a creative dimension into philosophy is urgent in an era where machines handle knowledge tasks, making it necessary to reconceive humanities as partly creative endeavors.
  3. Philosophy can also be seen as incitement of the imagination through creative means, presenting a valuable approach to understanding the world in different ways.
sweater weather β€’ 5346 implied HN points β€’ 16 May 23
  1. Redemption in fiction has evolved from demanding likable characters to morally gray characters proving themselves worthy.
  2. A show like _Succession_ illustrates the complexities of morality within its storyworld and challenges traditional redemption arcs.
  3. Moments of grace in fiction, where characters are seen and accepted without judgment, can be more impactful than traditional redemption arcs.
Richard Hanania's Newsletter β€’ 4657 implied HN points β€’ 10 May 23
  1. Consider opportunity costs when deciding to read a book cover-to-cover versus shorter pieces like articles.
  2. Categories for books worth reading fully: history books, books of historical interest, and works by brilliant storytellers on important topics.
  3. Be cautious of valuing ancient writings for wisdom over modern insights; focus on gaining wisdom from a diverse range of sources, including contemporary writers.
Risk Musings β€’ 458 implied HN points β€’ 05 Feb 24
  1. During the pandemic, there was a surge in manuscript submissions to publishers.
  2. AI technology like ChatGPT is being used to generate online book content, affecting discoverability and quality.
  3. The future of novel-writing as a career is uncertain due to AI's impact on the industry, with potential polarization into superstars and hobbyists.