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TK News by Matt Taibbi 3722 implied HN points 16 Feb 24
  1. There are official reports and papers that demonstrate the existence of a spying campaign and other abuses related to the Trump-Russia investigation.
  2. Documents like FISA warrant applications, operational plans involving informants, and unmasking requests provide concrete proof of surveillance and monitoring of Trump campaign associates.
  3. Key figures like FBI Chief James Comey and informant Stefan Halper were involved in activities that raise questions about their handling of information and motivations, prompting the need for further investigation.
Rob Henderson's Newsletter 1685 implied HN points 06 Mar 24
  1. Success is about training, mentorship, rigor, and standards, not just representation or diversity programs.
  2. A book event in San Francisco is happening on March 7 at 8VC, with limited space available for registration.
  3. Interesting findings include preferences of both men and women in partners, historical insights on human evolution and chewing, and marriage rates by income quintile in the US.
The Generalist 1320 implied HN points 13 Feb 24
  1. Founders need to be creative in their hiring practices to find the right talent for high-growth startups.
  2. Assessing a candidate's writing, backchanneling with previous employers, and focusing on cultural fit are key strategies for hiring exceptional talent.
  3. Conducting non-traditional interviews like principles-based interviews can help in identifying candidates who align with the company's values and work style.
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Silver Bulletin 1000 implied HN points 19 Feb 24
  1. Biden's re-election prospects are diminishing due to poor approval ratings, trailing in polls, and concerns about his age.
  2. The White House may be strategically limiting Biden's public appearances to avoid negative outcomes and protect his image.
  3. Critics suggest Biden should engage in more challenging interviews to prove his mental sharpness and suitability for a second term.
The Profile 1022 implied HN points 31 Dec 23
  1. The Profile features original interviews with interesting people like self-made billionaire Anthony Geisler and age-gappers in relationships.
  2. The motto for the new year is to do one hard thing in 2024, inspired by Jesse Itzler's advice of taking on challenges for personal growth.
  3. The Profile offers insights from various personalities in interviews, sharing stories like Laura Dekker's solo sailing journey and Ron Shaich's advice on building iconic brands.
Range Widely 530 implied HN points 06 Feb 24
  1. Pablo Torre's podcast _Pablo Torre Finds Out_ covers a wide range of topics beyond sports, aiming to entertain and inform across various subjects.
  2. Pablo Torre's show structure includes deep-dive episodes, talk show-style segments with friends, and one-on-one interviews with notable personalities, allowing for a diverse range of content.
  3. Balancing investigative reporting with entertaining content, Pablo Torre's podcast provides insightful stories while treating sports fans like adults.
The Shift With Sam Baker 299 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. Samantha Morton, 46, found solace in acting after nine years in foster care, receiving a BAFTA fellowship.
  2. Explore diverse topics like the gender gap in supplements, a dreamy morning routine from Kate Winslet, and the influence of women like Gloria Steinem at 90 years old.
  3. Discover intriguing stories like turning crossword constructing into a boys' club and the experience of a husband creating a murder podcast about his own family.
More Than Moore 210 implied HN points 07 Mar 24
  1. Jim Keller, an accomplished CEO and architect, emphasizes the value of reading books to gain ideas, interact with concepts, and expand knowledge.
  2. He has shared a list of book recommendations, including titles like 'Against Method' and 'Grendel,' to offer insights and learning opportunities to others.
  3. Keller's book list includes a variety of genres and authors, showcasing a diverse collection of readings for personal growth and development.
Men Yell at Me 248 implied HN points 25 Feb 24
  1. The book 'This American Ex-Wife' has sparked conversations about love, marriage, and relationships in American society.
  2. The author has received mixed feedback - from angry men questioning her views to women thanking her for the impact of her book on their lives.
  3. The author's book was reviewed by various publications and sparked discussions on important topics like divorce, marriage, and feminism.
Archedelia 904 implied HN points 26 Nov 23
  1. Conversation with Andrew Sullivan on the Dishcast podcast covered a wide range of topics from personal anecdotes to societal issues
  2. The conversation included discussions on bureaucracy, childhood supervision, diversity, and the impact of technology on society
  3. Andrew Sullivan is praised for being a gifted interviewer who brings humanity to his conversations
Useful Idiots 2397 implied HN points 15 Jun 23
  1. Dr. Cornel West is running for president with the Green Party to spread his progressive message to a wider audience, including challenging Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
  2. Jake Tapper's mind was blown as he heard Cornel West call out 'milquetoast neoliberals' who aid fascism and explain why the militaristic machine needs to be stopped.
  3. Katie and Aaron highlight Trump's response to his indictment, RFK Jr.'s unusual behavior regarding Israel, and the importance of diverse viewpoints in media.
SINGULARITY WEEKLY 1356 implied HN points 02 Apr 23
  1. There are concerns about the risks and impact of advanced AI technology on society.
  2. Multiple experts are calling for a halt to the development of powerful AI systems due to potential negative consequences.
  3. The rapid advancement of AI technology is causing panic and hysteria as global leaders struggle to address the potential threats posed by AI.
Textual Variations 231 implied HN points 26 Dec 23
  1. 2023 was a breakout year for the author, leading to more productivity and stronger writing skills.
  2. The author reflected on their best work in 2023, including topics like film catalogs, George R.R. Martin's progress, and Apple TV features.
  3. A revisit of 'Home Alone 2' led to a new perspective, highlighting enjoyable moments and quotes in the movie.
Flagging Down the Double E's 432 implied HN points 25 Oct 23
  1. Gregg Sutton, Bob Dylan's 1984 bassist, was a huge Dylan fan and had a deep connection with him during their tour.
  2. The 1984 Bob Dylan tour had memorable moments with famous musicians like Santana, and unique experiences like Bono's extended rendition of 'Blowin' In The Wind'.
  3. Bob Dylan's live record 'Real Live' from the 1984 tour didn't capture all the magic of the performances and had shortcomings according to some band members.
BAD AT KEEPING SECRETS 648 implied HN points 31 Aug 23
  1. New York Times columnists Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg interview people to share honest stories about topics not commonly discussed.
  2. Their book 'How We Got By' features unique yet universal stories about addiction, career changes, relationships, and more.
  3. The work by Julia and Shaina aims to provide perspective, comfort, and a sense of connection by addressing taboo topics openly.
News Items 117 implied HN points 03 Feb 24
  1. The Weekend Edition of News Items will be posted tomorrow.
  2. There were three podcasts this week with different hosts.
  3. Interesting subscriber 'op-ed' will be posted at News Items.
Flagging Down the Double E's 471 implied HN points 23 Sep 23
  1. The Dylan Drummers Summit brought together three legendary drummers who reflected on their time playing with Bob Dylan.
  2. The conversation was engaging, charming, and at times moving as they shared memories and anecdotes.
  3. Body language and subtle cues were crucial in playing with Bob Dylan, and drummers had to be fearless and attentive to contribute effectively.