The hottest Legitimacy Substack posts right now

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Top Philosophy Topics
Contemplations on the Tree of Woe β€’ 1628 implied HN points β€’ 07 Feb 24
  1. The legitimacy of government is crucial for its stability and acceptance by the populace.
  2. The two main theories of governmental legitimacy are the mandate of heaven and the mandate of the people.
  3. The right of revolution is a fundamental aspect of both theories, with differing justifications and implications.
Who is Robert Malone β€’ 36 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 24
  1. The discussion sheds light on the potential threat to free speech and democracy from the influence of the military and national security state.
  2. Efforts to control narratives and censor information are not just limited to previous eras, with modern censorship affecting freedom of speech without regard to accuracy.
  3. The conversation highlights the interconnectedness of various entities like the government, tech platforms, and media in shaping public narratives and potentially restricting democratic freedoms.
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Never Met a Science β€’ 50 implied HN points β€’ 23 Mar 23
  1. The United States should consider banning TikTok due to concerns about data privacy and national security.
  2. TikTok, like other social media platforms, may not be secure in handling user data, raising questions about their responsibility.
  3. Banning TikTok could be a strategic move against Chinese influence and may lead to more regional internet platforms.
The Discourses β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 23
  1. Democracy is often defended through the doctrine of popular sovereignty, but it can lead to hubris among Western peoples and leaders.
  2. Successful institutions balance competing interests and have effective mechanisms for realignment and stability.
  3. The shift towards unadulterated popular sovereignty in modern democracies can undermine the necessary undemocratic checks and balances that help maintain stability and prevent short-termism and populism.
the best of a great lot β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 07 Mar 23
  1. Rank Choice Voting may not significantly increase people's preference for their representative due to limited candidate options.
  2. More candidates running in Rank Choice Voting could potentially increase accountability for representatives.
  3. Rank Choice Voting has the potential to improve the legitimacy of governance by preventing spoiler candidates.