The hottest Accountability Substack posts right now

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Top U.S. Politics Topics
The Status Kuo 20165 implied HN points 26 Jan 24
  1. Legal troubles are mounting for Steve Bannon due to his involvement in fraudulent schemes and contempt of Congress.
  2. Bannon faces state criminal charges in New York related to fraud, money laundering, and conspiracy.
  3. Financial struggles, legal battles, and potential prison time indicate a challenging road ahead for Bannon, as accountability catches up to him.
Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter 5791 implied HN points 13 Jan 24
  1. Iowa is a mysterious place full of history and meaning beyond its surface appearance.
  2. The Iowa caucuses, once deemed important, now raise questions about accountability, diversity, and their relevance in today's political landscape.
  3. 2024 marks a significant time post-coup, post-covid, and post-truth, where election races serve as harbingers of political apocalypse and the erosion of democracy.
Popular Information 13718 implied HN points 02 Oct 23
  1. North Carolina Republicans have created a 'secret police force' through a legislative committee with extraordinary investigative powers.
  2. The new rules by North Carolina Republicans could potentially compromise privacy, attorney-client privilege, and accountability.
  3. Changes in public records laws in North Carolina give lawmakers more authority over what documents are considered public, raising concerns about transparency and accountability.
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Robert Reich 25000 implied HN points 15 May 23
  1. Trump's recent actions and statements are alarming, signaling a dangerous shift toward authoritarianism.
  2. There is concern about the lack of accountability for Trump's actions, particularly related to the Capitol riot and ongoing lies.
  3. Calls for action include holding Trump accountable, condemning media complicity, and mobilizing to protect democracy and equal rights.
Emerald Robinson’s The Right Way 4324 implied HN points 27 Dec 23
  1. Georgia election officials, including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, are not defending the state's electronic voting system in court.
  2. Acting chairman of the State Election Board, Matt Mashburn, voted against investigating Raffensperger as his tenure is ending.
  3. SOS officer Gabriel Sterling is still addressing allegations from the 2020 election and has been invited by citizen investigator Joe Rossi to discuss election facts in a public meeting.
Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's substack 2299 implied HN points 15 Jan 24
  1. 231 current and former U.S. service members want military leaders court-martialed over forced COVID vaccines
  2. The declaration highlights concerns about corruption and failures in key institutions like the Department of Defense
  3. Military leaders are accused of infringing on laws, rights, and religious freedom with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate
Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's substack 1906 implied HN points 14 Jan 24
  1. Forgive those who wronged you to free yourself from anger and rage.
  2. Seek full accountability for the actions of others, even after forgiveness.
  3. Investigate and uncover the truth behind deceitful actions for justice.
The Status Kuo 10534 implied HN points 27 Jun 23
  1. The audio tape provides direct evidence of Trump's willful dissemination of national security information.
  2. Trump has a history of being caught on tape admitting to or in the process of committing crimes.
  3. The importance of holding Trump accountable for compromising national secrets is crucial, regardless of the final legal outcome.
Alexander News Network -Dr. Paul Elias Alexander's substack 1670 implied HN points 17 Jan 24
  1. Support for no amnesty for those involved in COVID actions and policies.
  2. Advocacy for holding accountable high-society individuals like the common criminal.
  3. Emphasis on the need for courts and juries to make decisions on punishment.
The Line 3360 implied HN points 23 May 23
  1. The special rapporteur's report reveals concerning truths about Chinese electoral interference.
  2. Johnston suggests a broken system has hampered the government's ability to combat interference.
  3. The report highlights deficiencies in the government's response to crises and lack of accountability.
The Line 3223 implied HN points 03 May 23
  1. The government often fails to follow through on promises and recommendations, eroding trust in the system.
  2. There is a pattern of systemic problems being identified but not properly addressed by government institutions.
  3. Accountability and transparency are lacking, leading to a cycle of issues not being resolved and a lack of trust in the government.
bad cattitude 146 implied HN points 12 Mar 24
  1. Eliminating the concept of 'qualified immunity' can shift power towards accountability to the people
  2. Individuals with power and influence should be held to higher standards and face consequences for transgressions
  3. Supporting civil liability for bad actors, rather than hiding behind 'just doing my job,' can promote accountability and deter misconduct
The Upheaval 812 implied HN points 12 Oct 23
  1. A whistleblower revealed bribery and manipulation by top officials to change conclusions on the origins of Covid-19
  2. Fauci and his colleagues engaged in a widespread effort to cover up the true origin of the virus
  3. Despite evidence piling up for a lab-leak scenario, accountability for the actions of those involved, including Fauci, seems unlikely
Singal-Minded 1813 implied HN points 15 Mar 23
  1. They will never stop lying about everything, but don't give them the attention they want.
  2. Ignore the rumors and defamatory comments online to avoid getting caught up in negativity.
  3. Focus on your work and don't engage with those who aim to bring you down on social media.
Tilting At Windmills 157 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. The author's personal experience attending both public and private schools influenced their support for school choice.
  2. School choice advocates argue that accountability is better in a market-driven system compared to traditional school boards.
  3. The author highlights the discrepancy in decision-making between closing public schools and private schools based on individual parent choices.
Can We Still Govern? 157 implied HN points 09 Jan 24
  1. The first impeachment reveals how Trump thinks about public power and governs.
  2. Trump's actions during the first impeachment show he prioritizes personal interests in foreign policy and seeks to usurp Congressional power.
  3. In a second Trump administration, expect evasions of accountability, loyalty to political hacks, and attacks on career officials who do the right thing.
In My Tribe 516 implied HN points 07 Aug 23
  1. The managerial class has caused a shift in societal values by emphasizing mass organization and control
  2. The United States is described as a soft managerial regime that relies on narrative management rather than direct force
  3. There is a pushback against the managerial elite to restore individual autonomy and reduce dependency on external controls
Can We Still Govern? 215 implied HN points 15 Nov 23
  1. You can take action against Trump's attempt to politicize the federal government by commenting on a proposed rule to neuter Schedule F.
  2. Public comments on rules can influence policy decisions and help protect the independence of the bureaucracy.
  3. Increasing politicization of government agencies can lead to lower performance, reduced accountability, and less responsiveness to Congress and the public.
Gordian Knot News 131 implied HN points 27 Oct 23
  1. Lessons learned from Three Mile Island highlighted the inadequacies in nuclear power safety and regulatory systems.
  2. Two major lies in the nuclear establishment were exposed at Three Mile Island, showing the need for accountability.
  3. The NRC's incompetence and flaws showcased at Three Mile Island suggest the need for a complete overhaul of the regulatory system.