The hottest Organizational dynamics Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
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The Beautiful Mess β€’ 1048 implied HN points β€’ 01 Mar 24
  1. A company strategy is actually a collection of individual strategies. Each person within a company has their own strategy they try to advocate for.
  2. The communicated strategy in a company is often a negotiated narrative, and the real strategy might not be fully disclosed. There are subtleties and contexts behind the scenes.
  3. Strategies are a negotiation. What may seem objectively right might not align with the current status quo. Different people in different roles might perceive and act on strategies uniquely.
The Beautiful Mess β€’ 993 implied HN points β€’ 15 Jun 23
  1. Being stuck in a state of 'doing ok' is dangerous for a company.
  2. Companies can be in a 'doing ok' basin where they neither thrive nor fail, leading to eventual decline.
  3. To disrupt the 'doing ok' situation in a company, try seeding new behaviors, increasing connectivity, and introducing disturbances.
The Leading Sapiens Weekly β€’ 29 implied HN points β€’ 29 Feb 24
  1. Recognize the importance of adjusting your approach based on who you're working with, especially dealing with power differentials in organizational settings
  2. Learn to identify leader stereotypes and their preferences to improve stakeholder interactions
  3. Understand that stakeholders have unique styles that require tailored approaches for effective communication and collaboration
The Radar β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Companies can fall into the trap of using internal propaganda to influence their employees, but this often backfires, eroding trust and confidence.
  2. Staged interactions and lack of authenticity in leader propaganda can make employees disengage and lose confidence in leadership.
  3. Highlighting frontline workers' stories can build unity and purpose within a team and should be prioritized over showcasing senior executives in internal communications.
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The Radar β€’ 19 implied HN points β€’ 09 Jan 24
  1. Leadership potential involves connection and building bridges between people and organizations beyond operational delivery and political skills.
  2. Strategic leaders build bridges to foster cohesion and unity of purpose, enabling effective decision-making and problem-solving in dynamic environments.
  3. Bridge builders in organizations facilitate interconnectedness, reduce factionalism, and enhance speed and alignment in achieving strategic goals.
Counting Stuff β€’ 54 implied HN points β€’ 02 May 23
  1. Teams are often created to fill niche use cases, leading to specialized roles and organizational politics.
  2. Being type-cast into a specific role can limit opportunities for growth and variety in work tasks.
  3. To break out of being type-cast, showcase your ability to do different kinds of work and actively seek out diverse opportunities.
Data People Etc. β€’ 36 HN points β€’ 24 Apr 23
  1. Orchestration is essential and will continue to be important in the future of managing data pipelines.
  2. Orchestration involves coordinating and managing multiple systems and tasks to execute workflows.
  3. Tools like Dagster provide a control plane for managing data assets and metadata, ensuring a structured and cohesive data platform.