The hottest Political engagement Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top U.S. Politics Topics
The View from Rural Missouri by Jess Piper β€’ 1074 implied HN points β€’ 12 Nov 23
  1. The author left her job as a teacher to run for office due to political motivations and a specific event that ignited her passion for change.
  2. The author's disagreement with her State Representative on women's rights spurred her to take action and challenge his viewpoints through various means like calls, social media posts, and letters.
  3. The author's husband's unexpected success in getting a call back from the Representative after advocating for women's bodily autonomy played a pivotal role in inspiring the author to further engage in politics and eventually run for office.
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Do Not Research β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 06 Jun 21
  1. Internet users' attention is fleeting, with online trends rising and disappearing quickly, posing challenges for sustained activism.
  2. Attention bubbles cover diverse topics but share ephemerality, reaching peaks rapidly but crashing equally fast.
  3. Activism relying on online engagement faces challenges of sustainability and real-world impact, emphasizing the need for cohesive, collaborative efforts offline.