The hottest Election Analysis Substack posts right now

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Bulwark+ β€’ 8431 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. The 2024 Republican primary campaign illustrated strong motivated reasoning in predicting Donald Trump as the nominee.
  2. Basic lies from political actors should not be normalized by the media, and accountability is crucial in political analysis.
  3. The 'Biden crime problem' actually began under Trump, and recent data shows a decline in violent crime rates.
Bulwark+ β€’ 7291 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Republican leaders continue to support Trump despite alarming behavior, leading to a disturbing transformation in the political landscape
  2. The comparison to absurdist literature suggests a prophetic quality in the current political climate
  3. The metaphor of 'rhinos all the way down' reflects the deepening entrenchment in supporting controversial figures
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Breaking the News β€’ 577 implied HN points β€’ 03 Feb 24
  1. Three important factors have broken Biden's way: US economy news, head-to-head polls, and Nikki Haley's critique of Trump.
  2. Historical narratives about Biden have shifted from negative to positive over time.
  3. Different stages of Biden's presidency have been marked by shifting media narratives, from concerns about Biden's popularity to the state of the economy.
The Liberal Patriot β€’ 609 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Pennsylvania experienced modest population growth over the past decade with significant gains in certain counties due to new jobs brought by e-commerce giants.
  2. Pennsylvania is a mostly white state with diverse racial populations concentrated in certain areas.
  3. Voting patterns in Pennsylvania show trends of white voters leaning Republican, differences in voter demographics by age, education, and union affiliation, and the importance of retaining support across various groups.
Logging the World β€’ 299 implied HN points β€’ 03 Feb 24
  1. The post discusses the impact of the JN.1 wave and the implications for COVID-19 infections, admissions, and deaths.
  2. Upcoming in-person talks by the author in different locations are highlighted, emphasizing the return to normalcy and connecting with audiences.
  3. The American football documentary 'Kelce' is explored, focusing on the themes of personal sacrifices, risks, family dynamics, and the portrayal of masculinity in the modern context.
The Ruffian β€’ 190 implied HN points β€’ 02 Mar 24
  1. Delusional self-belief can be a powerful asset but can also lead to disaster.
  2. A certain level of self-deception is common and can contribute to human happiness and progress.
  3. Successful politicians often exhibit a mix of delusions of grandeur and the ability to align with reality, which can be a crucial element in leadership.
Beck of the Pack β€’ 98 implied HN points β€’ 25 Jan 24
  1. Raw masochism unifies Roche cult members despite other lacking qualities.
  2. Criticism is directed towards David and Megan Roche and their coaching methods.
  3. Many individuals in the running community are described as self-important and masochistic.
Worcester Sucks and I Love It β€’ 255 implied HN points β€’ 07 Sep 23
  1. Overall turnout for the election was low at 9.1%, similar to past preliminaries.
  2. The chosen candidates from Worcester Sucks for different districts performed well and are advancing to the general election.
  3. Progressive candidates like Bilotta and Haxhiaj have strong chances in the upcoming elections, potentially leading to a shift in power dynamics within the City Council.
Wide World of News β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 12 Jan 24
  1. Don't underestimate the impact of the Iowa Poll on generating or killing campaign momentum.
  2. Be cautious about drawing conclusions from live cable news coverage of select caucuses.
  3. Pay attention to the semiotic significance of where candidates deliver speeches and how well they are covered.
Wide World of News β€’ 0 implied HN points β€’ 17 Feb 23
  1. Republican voters are interested in Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis as potential nominees and presidents.
  2. A focus group showed that most participants preferred Trump or DeSantis, with concerns about Trump's communication style but praise for DeSantis' people skills.
  3. The group also expressed interest in Mike Pompeo as a potential candidate, praising his foreign policy record.