The hottest President Substack posts right now

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Top U.S. Politics Topics
Lucian Truscott Newsletter β€’ 3419 implied HN points β€’ 08 Feb 24
  1. The Supreme Court is debating the 14th Amendment and its application to disqualify individuals from office.
  2. The argument of whether the 14th Amendment is self-actuating faced skepticism and challenges during the court proceedings.
  3. There is uncertainty on how the Supreme Court will rule regarding the interpretation of the 14th Amendment and its implications for future cases.
Caitlin’s Newsletter β€’ 2612 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. A dementia patient holding the office of the US president demonstrates that the person in power doesn't significantly impact the functioning of the US empire.
  2. The reality is that the US government is largely controlled by unelected empire managers who have consistent influence across different administrations.
  3. Voting might not lead to meaningful changes in crucial aspects of US government behavior, suggesting the need for alternative methods to bring about real change.
Breaking the News β€’ 872 implied HN points β€’ 10 Feb 24
  1. Biden's age is a complex topic, with some seeing him as a 'superager' like Oliver Wendell Holmes and John Paul Stevens.
  2. Biden's experience might make him more capable of making sound judgment calls compared to younger presidents.
  3. Biden's stutter affects his speech but not his intelligence, showcasing his resilience in navigating his condition.
The Rubesletter by Matt Ruby (of Vooza) | Sent every Tuesday β€’ 427 implied HN points β€’ 12 Mar 24
  1. The upcoming election highlights the dilemma of feeling like a vegan at a BBQ joint, with both sides having their quirks and pitfalls.
  2. The focus on Biden's age isn't just media-driven, but a genuine concern due to public observations.
  3. Having a boring President might be good because politics should be functional and uneventful, unlike the chaos of previous administrations.
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CrashOut by Ioan Grillo β€’ 569 implied HN points β€’ 03 Jan 24
  1. Cartels in Mexico are larger and more powerful than street gangs, controlling entire territories and influencing local governance.
  2. The division of cartels is analyzed in three levels: major transnational cartels, powerful regional cartels, and local cartels.
  3. Cartel control varies in intensity across different areas in Mexico, with some places experiencing more overt control while others have quieter, but still impactful, operations.
Unreported Truths β€’ 68 implied HN points β€’ 09 Feb 24
  1. Prosecutors found no basis for criminal charges against Joe Biden for handling classified documents
  2. Report suggests Biden may be too senile for criminal charges, making his ability to stay as President questionable
  3. Biden's memory issues highlighted in the report, impacting his portrayal and political implications
Gideon's Substack β€’ 16 implied HN points β€’ 22 Jan 24
  1. Ron DeSantis dropped out of the Republican primaries and endorsed Trump, showcasing democracy in action
  2. The Republican Party tends to close ranks behind one candidate, as seen with the endorsements of Trump's rivals
  3. It's important for the GOP to end the primary charade early and for the country to understand the election dynamics to make informed decisions