The hottest Violence Substack posts right now

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Common Sense with Bari Weiss 2453 implied HN points 29 Feb 24
  1. Violence should not be tolerated on college campuses as it undermines the principles of free speech and debate.
  2. Consequences must be implemented for those who engage in violent behavior or disrupt events on campus.
  3. Universities must actively defend free speech and academic freedom while maintaining zero tolerance for violence.
Sarah Kendzior’s Newsletter 5831 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. Boomland, a fireworks emporium in Missouri, serves as a symbol of American complexities and fears.
  2. The region, historically marked by the New Madrid earthquake zone, faces a looming threat of catastrophic seismic activity.
  3. The author reflects on the state of America, the government's handling of crises, and the need for individuals to define moral principles amidst chaos.
Erin In The Morning 4127 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Chaya Raichik, creator of Libs of TikTok, was appointed to make schools safer but her posts led to violent threats.
  2. Raichik's appointment to the Library Media Advisory Committee has sparked controversy due to her history of targeting LGBTQ+ individuals.
  3. Despite criticism, Oklahoma Superintendent Ryan Walters supports far-right influencers and causes, impacting LGBTQ+ policies in the state.
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Chartbook 2532 implied HN points 01 Jan 24
  1. In 2023, there was a surge in violence globally, with factors like weak state power and new rivalries fueling conflicts.
  2. Poor-country conflicts are influenced by global forces, but the impact on the larger picture is limited.
  3. The world is facing a historical shift with conflicts like the Israel-Palestine dispute challenging traditional models of geopolitical alignment.
Wrong Side of History 527 implied HN points 16 Mar 24
  1. No one wants to be The Man - the trend of symbolic attacks on protected art can escalate to include violence against people.
  2. Violence must be halted to prevent escalation - unchecked destruction often leads to more severe acts of violence.
  3. The escalation of violence against symbolic objects is alarming and can lead to greater conflicts - recent attacks have been linked to the Palestinian cause.
Julie Bindel's podcasts and writing 1395 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Kevin Ashdown, a former school friend, turned into a sadistic murderer who killed his girlfriend after years of abuse and control.
  2. The tragic story highlights the long-term impact of childhood abuse on individuals and how unaddressed anger and misogyny can lead to extreme violence.
  3. Reflecting on the past with empathy sheds light on how lives can diverge drastically, and how early experiences can shape a person's future choices and actions.
Caitlin’s Newsletter 2104 implied HN points 30 Nov 23
  1. Israel's actions in recent conflicts have been so shocking that it can be difficult to fully comprehend the extent of the brutality.
  2. Reports of Israeli forces targeting innocent civilians and infants in hospitals have sparked outrage and disbelief around the world.
  3. The widespread destruction caused by Israeli military actions in Gaza has raised concerns about the true motives behind the assaults.
CrashOut by Ioan Grillo 569 implied HN points 03 Jan 24
  1. Cartels in Mexico are larger and more powerful than street gangs, controlling entire territories and influencing local governance.
  2. The division of cartels is analyzed in three levels: major transnational cartels, powerful regional cartels, and local cartels.
  3. Cartel control varies in intensity across different areas in Mexico, with some places experiencing more overt control while others have quieter, but still impactful, operations.
Wrong Side of History 322 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. A Conservative Member of Parliament in London decided not to run for re-election due to threats from violent extremists.
  2. There have been several anti-Semitic incidents in London, including arson attacks, assaults, and threats to Jewish individuals.
  3. Despite these incidents, London is generally a safe city, but there are areas with security concerns.
The Ruffian 178 implied HN points 24 Feb 24
  1. The play Macbeth explores themes of toxic masculinity, manhood, and violence, showcasing the complexities of showcasing strength and expressing emotions.
  2. Macbeth delves into the concept of legitimate violence versus illegitimate violence, examining the distinctions and societal perspectives on celebrating different forms of killings.
  3. Shakespeare uses Macbeth to analyze the transition from feudalism to a centralized state, questioning the monopoly of legitimate violence held by modern states.
CrashOut by Ioan Grillo 707 implied HN points 15 Nov 23
  1. Massacres in Mexico, like the one in Allende, have gone unnoticed for years, revealing a dark history of violence and cover-ups.
  2. Understanding and documenting these massacres is essential not just for legal purposes but also to prevent their repetition and preserve Mexico's historical memory.
  3. Mexico's drug war has resulted in horrific mass killings since 2010, demonstrating the extreme violence and chaos caused by the conflict.
Thing of Things 255 implied HN points 25 Jan 24
  1. Medieval warfare in 'A Song of Ice and Fire' is depicted fairly accurately according to military historian Bret Devereaux.
  2. The size of armies in medieval settings and the logistical challenges they faced were realistically portrayed in the novels.
  3. Warfare in medieval Europe involved widespread devastation, looting, and rape, challenging the idealized portrayal often seen in popular media.
Chartbook 1616 implied HN points 01 Jul 23
  1. The Wagner group in Russia had a major impact on the world economy, particularly on energy markets.
  2. The dynamics of war show the complexity and rivalry within armed forces, particularly evident during conflicts like the Russian-Ukrainian war.
  3. The Wagner group's mutiny and Putin's response highlight the potential risks of power struggles and succession disputes in Russia, posing concerns for the future.
CrashOut by Ioan Grillo 707 implied HN points 26 Oct 23
  1. The term 'cartel' is commonly used to describe organized crime networks in Mexico, but it can be criticized for being inaccurate and misleading.
  2. Despite critiques, there is clear evidence of powerful criminal networks in Mexico unleashing violence and running various illegal activities.
  3. While there are debates about the terminology, 'cartel' remains a widely understood term to represent these organized crime groups, even though nuances in their structures and operations exist.
sebjenseb 255 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. Far-right political violence in the United States has resulted in numerous terror attacks and deaths.
  2. Terrorism, including far-right violence, has historically been ineffective in achieving its objectives and often leads to negative consequences.
  3. Engaging in violent political actions is risky and usually counterproductive, with little impact on policy or societal change.
Painful Signs, Or, Joel's Substack 99 implied HN points 05 Mar 24
  1. Book 21 of the Iliad portrays Achilles' extreme violence and cosmic impact, highlighting the danger he poses and his conflict with gods.
  2. The narrative in the Iliad marks Achilles' actions as excessive and transgressive, questioning the traditional heroic depictions in battle.
  3. Ancient readers and scholia saw the behavior of Achilles in book 21 as excessive and indicated a shift in the epic's storytelling approach.
Public 248 implied HN points 11 Jan 24
  1. Ecuador is facing a rise in mafia violence which could worsen the border and migration crisis.
  2. The crime in Ecuador is escalating, with a recent attack on a TV station illustrating the depth of the issue.
  3. The interconnected problems of crime and drug gangs in Latin America contribute to migration issues and destabilize governments.
CrashOut by Ioan Grillo 727 implied HN points 21 Sep 23
  1. Cartels in Mexico are one of the top employers with a large number of recruits that need to be replaced constantly to maintain their operations.
  2. Reducing cartel recruitment is crucial in lowering violence in Mexico and preventing youths from joining these criminal organizations.
  3. Mathematical modeling can provide insights into understanding and addressing the complex issue of organized crime in Mexico.
White Hot Harlots 19 implied HN points 15 Apr 24
  1. Active shooter drills focus on liability protection rather than actual life-saving during a mass shooting.
  2. The tactics used in school shootings by young individuals highlight how easy it can be to commit acts of violence.
  3. Columbine serves as the template for processing mass violence, with inaccurate narratives shaping public perception and responses.
Think Future 59 implied HN points 14 Mar 24
  1. The movie 'Civil War' is an illustration and warning about a potential future, not a forecast or prediction.
  2. Do not expect the sides in the movie to make sense; they are purposely meant to be nonsensical to emphasize the chaos of a civil war.
  3. The movie 'Civil War' is likely designed as a dystopian road movie, aiming to unsettle viewers with various scenes and portray violence-makers as foolish rather than heroic.