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Freddie deBoer 3556 implied HN points 20 Feb 24
  1. The author believes that every season of True Detective has been disappointing, including the first season, which many consider a classic.
  2. There is a criticism that True Detective relies heavily on high budgets, stunning visuals, and star-studded cast, but lacks in plot coherence, thematic depth, and meaningful character development.
  3. The post points out the concept of 'Prestige Disease,' where a show's credentials and production values overshadow its actual artistic merit, leading to widely accepted but flawed acclaim.
The Shift With Sam Baker 878 implied HN points 28 Mar 24
  1. The post shares a bank holiday bonanza of things to read, watch, and listen to, providing a variety of recommendations for entertainment and information consumption.
  2. It features insights on effort, productivity, and decision-making, emphasizing the importance of giving it your all but also learning to tolerate unknowns and knowing when to give up on certain endeavors.
  3. Recommendations include books read, shows watched, and podcasts listened to, offering a diverse range of content suggestions for different tastes and interests.
The Audacity. 1886 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. The Audacious Bookclub is reading 'Martyr!' by Kaveh Akbar and will have a conversation with the author on February 27th.
  2. Roxane Gay's newsletter features personal professional news, including upcoming events and a new 'Work Friend' column.
  3. The newsletter includes a roundup of reading material ranging from obituaries to Grammy highlights, new shows, and recent journalism news.
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The Shift With Sam Baker 958 implied HN points 08 Feb 24
  1. The Shift With Sam Baker newsletter and podcast explores moments in TV shows or movies that resonate with audiences due to their truthful impact, sparking strong emotional reactions from viewers.
  2. The post discusses a powerful monologue from the character Rose Aguineau in True Detective, highlighting the theme of self-acceptance and finding peace with one's past and present.
  3. There's a focus on the idea of reaching a point of 'having enough' in life, symbolizing a turning point where individuals may reassess their choices and seek a quieter, more meaningful existence.
The Ankler 923 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Actors can benefit from the Double Exposure Effect when they have multiple great performances out at the same time, boosting their chances in award competitions.
  2. Timing is crucial in the entertainment industry; a well-timed release can elevate an actor's Oscar campaign, while an ill-timed one can damage it.
  3. The overall career and public perception of an actor can also influence their chances in award shows like the Oscars, showcasing the importance of a strong body of work.
HIDDEN.RSRCH 687 implied HN points 07 Feb 24
  1. The Sopranos, created by David Chase and HBO, made television history 25 years ago with the iconic character Tony Soprano.
  2. The series by Chase introduced a new breed of anti-heroes and redefined the glorified image of gangsters.
  3. The world-building and character development in The Sopranos set a new standard in television storytelling.
Rich Text 923 implied HN points 10 Jan 24
  1. Claire and Emma share their recommendations for books, TV shows, and podcasts.
  2. They discuss their efforts to cut back on impulse buying and focus on special, quality purchases.
  3. Emma raves about a specific moisturizer she loves and Claire talks about her resolution to write daily in a five-year memory notebook.
Men Yell at Me 419 implied HN points 23 Feb 24
  1. The 'Dingus of the Week' is Nic Pizzolatto for his reactions to the TV show True Detective's latest season, which featured indigenous women and received criticism from him.
  2. Some recent positive highlights include a strippers' bill of rights, a stingray in North Carolina who reproduced without a mate, and Beyonce becoming the first Black woman to top the country charts.
  3. Celebrating personal victories, like having a book published, can be surprisingly down-to-earth, even involving mundane tasks and moments with loved ones.
Development Hell 631 implied HN points 20 Jan 24
  1. The life of a screenwriter is filled with surprises, challenges, disasters, and triumphs, constantly learning new aspects of the business and ways to work and cope.
  2. The television industry is currently facing turmoil due to various factors like Covid, WGA strike, and Wall Street, making it difficult for new projects to materialize, but classics like The West Wing, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Battlestar Galactica remain timeless.
  3. New tools like Plottr for novelists and screenwriters or strategies like time-blocking mornings for writing and afternoons for other tasks can enhance productivity and creativity.
Bastiat's Window 373 implied HN points 19 Jan 24
  1. The Swedish Academy could award the Nobel Prize in Literature to TV writers/producers Vince Gilligan and David Simon for their exceptional storytelling.
  2. Television has evolved from a 'vast wasteland' to a medium producing significant literary works, raising questions about the enduring legacy of modern TV series.
  3. Gilligan and Simon's works like 'Breaking Bad' and 'The Wire' have profound impact, deep ethical questions, and memorable characters that rival classic literature.
Wrong Side of History 299 implied HN points 21 Jan 24
  1. The author discusses the rise of new theists and the benefits of religion despite a decline in observance.
  2. Reflections on the TV show 'The Sopranos' and the author's fear of flying are shared.
  3. The newsletter also covers topics like London's housing crisis, diversity statements, conspiracy theories, sobriety culture, and societal changes in France.
Read, Watch, Binge 196 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Living in another country can make migrants wonder about the life they could have been living back home.
  2. Movies and books can explore the feeling of being divided between where you live and where you came from.
  3. Relationships and experiences can represent the life that could have been lived, sparking reflections on choices made.
Letters from Fiddler's Greene 609 implied HN points 05 Nov 23
  1. Telling stories with no clear resolution can keep an audience engaged, even if it lacks a traditional ending.
  2. Modern media often presents entertaining narratives that ultimately unravel, leading to self-referential gibberish and a lack of satisfying conclusions.
  3. Nostalgia for a past era, like the 1990s, is often rooted in a desire for the hope, community, and optimism that characterized that time.
Fisted by Foucault 136 implied HN points 05 Feb 24
  1. Joe Piscopo was a significant figure in the early 80s SNL era but faced challenges with changing cast and producers.
  2. Phil Hartman's portrayal of Frank Sinatra on SNL was iconic, portraying him in a comedic light and causing controversy.
  3. Humorous exchanges and misinterpretations from the SNL sketch 'The Sinatra Group' have left a lasting impact on viewers, showcasing the power of memory and humor.