The hottest Substack posts of A Hitchhiker's Guide to Token Engineering

And their main takeaways
196 implied HN points 22 Dec 21
  1. Live sessions on token model generation and cryptoeconomics patterns are coming up soon.
  2. The process of bootstrapping a token economy involves early adopters, co-design, and understanding various value capturing mechanisms.
  3. Token model generation involves resonance tests and experiment-driven development to ensure a viable model.
216 implied HN points 16 Jun 21
  1. Web3.0 networks can create value in unique ways through factors like network effects, low costs, resource pooling, and automation.
  2. Understanding the value of web3.0 protocols involves focusing on the value behind their native tokens and how they accrue value.
  3. Decomposing tokens into Value Capturing Mechanisms (VCMs) and Value Creation Patterns (VCPs) helps to identify different mechanisms for capturing and distributing value in digital tokens across various sectors of the economy.
19 implied HN points 15 Aug 23
  1. Self-sovereignty as a contributor involves taking ownership and collaborating effectively with others.
  2. We need to move away from centralized leadership roles in open source projects to foster true decentralized organizations.
  3. Motivation plays a key role in contributing to projects, balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivators is crucial.
58 implied HN points 09 Jan 22
  1. Session #2 focused on understanding value flows within ecosystems and identifying feedback loops for sustaining and growing value.
  2. Valueflow diagrams can assist in sorting through ideas of value creation and value addition by visualizing concepts like policies, value stocks, and agents.
  3. Defining vision and mission collectively in web3 communities can have a significant community-building effect and help in creating alignment for creating value.
58 implied HN points 13 Apr 21
  1. Upcoming events focus on Token Engineering and community collaboration
  2. Opportunities to participate and give feedback in various Token Engineering workshops
  3. Mark your calendars for events like Token Model Generation and Legal Engineering
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58 implied HN points 21 Dec 20
  1. Applied Token Engineering is like a mashup of Science & Engineering, focusing on relevant disciplines.
  2. Lisa Tan's textbook covers fundamentals of token economics and DeFi, representing years of research and courses.
  3. Token Engineering involves ethical considerations and challenges in designing systems that balance automation and human deliberation.
19 implied HN points 02 Jan 22
  1. Identifying values and value capture mechanisms of tokens are crucial in token engineering.
  2. Valueflows help visualize where the value originates in an ecosystem.
  3. Exploring different value capture mechanisms like bonding curves and staking/vesting can enhance token network design.
39 implied HN points 16 Dec 20
  1. Community-sourcing and crowdfunding a book on Token Engineering is happening
  2. The book aims to cover a wide range of topics related to token engineering, from architecture to ethics
  3. Collaborative and crowd-sourced writing for the book is a new experience, involving various platforms like Google Docs and GitHub
1 HN point 24 Oct 21
  1. Programmable value exchange over the internet has huge potential, but limitations exist in participant motivations and infrastructure.
  2. Value attributes like origin, date, signature, and intrinsic value are well-captured by current blockchain infrastructure, leading to the success of DeFi and NFTs.
  3. Tokens on blockchain platforms can encode intrinsic value, allowing for preservation and unique digital representations, yet energy consumption remains a concern.