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Logging the World 199 implied HN points 04 May 23
  1. Many royals in history have played a significant role in supporting and patronizing mathematics, creating environments where mathematicians could thrive and contribute to important work.
  2. Royal figures like Ptolemy I Soter and King Charles XII of Sweden had direct connections to mathematics, either through patronage or making contributions to the subject themselves.
  3. Monarchs like Queen Victoria and al-Mu'taman of Zaragoza have interesting mathematical connections and stories associated with them, showcasing how math and royalty intersected in various ways throughout history.
A Hitchhiker's Guide to Token Engineering 19 implied HN points 15 Aug 23
  1. Self-sovereignty as a contributor involves taking ownership and collaborating effectively with others.
  2. We need to move away from centralized leadership roles in open source projects to foster true decentralized organizations.
  3. Motivation plays a key role in contributing to projects, balancing intrinsic and extrinsic motivators is crucial.
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Once a Maintainer 0 implied HN points 09 Jun 23
  1. Josh Branham transitioned from desktop support and systems engineering to software development by following his curiosity in automation and building tools.
  2. Getting into open source projects can be intimidating due to the asynchronous nature, contribution steps, and potential challenges in collaborating with maintainers.
  3. Being incentivized and supported by companies to contribute to open source projects can encourage mentorship and help junior engineers get involved in community-driven initiatives.