Assisted Everything

Thoughts around practical applications of AI in hardware engineering by Marco Witzmann

The hottest Substack posts of Assisted Everything

And their main takeaways
110 HN points 27 Mar 23
  1. GPT-powered startups need to overcome 3 obstacles for long-term success: Productivity Enhancements, Non zero-sum-game Value, and Moat = Value from Context.
  2. Applications of GPT fall into 3 levels of success: Productivity Hill, Tug-of-War Valley, and Value Peak.
  3. To succeed, GPT companies must reach Level III by building a moat that generic GPT-applications can't compete on.
2 HN points 23 Feb 23
  1. Today's AI can assist in engineering tasks and lead to faster and safer product design.
  2. Assisted Engineering involves AI assisting engineers in brainstorming, retrieving information, triggering simulations, reviewing work, system modeling, and documenting.
  3. To ensure safety, AI in engineering should be complemented with math, engineering structure, and proper verification processes.