The hottest Substack posts of Experimental Learning

And their main takeaways
39 implied HN points 07 Jan 24
  1. Spaced repetition systems help combat forgetting by managing optimal review times and intervals.
  2. Incremental reading systems allow users to enjoy the review process by prioritizing and adding interesting content to the queue.
  3. A potential open recommender system blends the best elements of spaced repetition, incremental reading, and platforms like YouTube shorts for personalized content recommendations.
19 implied HN points 09 Feb 24
  1. Abstract ideas and concepts can lead to new unexpected connections between ideas.
  2. Data is in the eye of the beholder, and it's up to programs to interpret meaningless symbols into something useful.
  3. Computational universality allows computers to perform any computable algorithm, expanding the set of programs that can be expressed.
4 HN points 02 Feb 24
  1. Learning programming is best achieved through working on projects rather than just reading or doing tutorials. Spend 80-90% of your time on projects and the rest on learning materials.
  2. Projects are essential not only for learning but also for showcasing your skills to potential employers or collaborators. Start building an online presence to market your programming skills.
  3. Use incremental reading and spaced repetition systems like RemNote to effectively learn programming by connecting new concepts with prior knowledge and making learning fun and engaging.
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0 implied HN points 05 Jan 24
  1. Twitter offers a level playing field for sharing ideas based on content, not followers.
  2. Engaging on Twitter can lead to unexpected opportunities, like finding jobs or connecting with like-minded individuals.
  3. Posting quality content on Twitter can help build a portfolio, attract interest, and receive real feedback from engaged audiences.