A Particular Weird

A Particular Weird merges fantasy and philosophy through a post-academic lens, exploring individuality, narrative depth in games and fiction, themes of imperfection, income inequality, and the creative process. It weaves personal stories, especially around parenting, with insights on storytelling, the impact of societal issues on individuals, and reflections on personal motivation and growth.

Individuality and Authenticity Narrative and Storytelling Video Games and Society Creative Process and Writing Income Inequality and Social Commentary Parenting and Personal Growth Story Structure and Character Development Philosophy and Personal Reflection Fiction and Speculative Analysis Academic Perspectives on Creativity

The hottest Substack posts of A Particular Weird

And their main takeaways
18 implied HN points 12 Apr 23
  1. Discovering and embracing your own unique value and weirdness can lead to more authentic and resonant connections with others.
  2. It's important to practice and develop your individuality and uniqueness over time, rather than trying to fit into a predetermined mold.
  3. Creating a space for community interaction and discussion based on personal weirdness can foster connection and growth among like-minded individuals.
11 implied HN points 12 Jun 23
  1. Lisa Cron's book 'Story Genius' helps authors understand the importance of a character's 'third rail' and emotional journey in crafting a compelling story.
  2. John Truby's 'The Anatomy of Genres' complements Cron's approach by showcasing how genres revolve around core thematic questions, providing a reliable starting point for writers.
  3. Crafting a riveting story involves determining the message, creating impactful characters, and outlining plot points that force characters to confront their past.
11 implied HN points 28 Mar 23
  1. Perfectionism in creative work can be a barrier but also a motivator to get started.
  2. Being a parent teaches about the concept of beauty in imperfection.
  3. Striving for wholeness and authenticity in creative work leads to more meaningful outcomes.
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9 implied HN points 11 Feb 21
  1. The author talks about becoming a new dad and introduces his son, Rowan.
  2. The author reflects on his writing process and the changes he wants to make in his newsletters to focus more on personal stories and human elements.
  3. The author discusses his approach to writing and promises to provide valuable insights in a more concise and focused manner.
7 implied HN points 09 Jan 20
  1. Money can translate potential into reality and provide freedom to pursue passions.
  2. Discussion surrounding the film Joker often overlooks its commentary on income inequality and austerity.
  3. The film Joker uses the character Arthur Fleck to distract from broader economic antagonisms in society.
1 HN point 28 Sep 22
  1. Counting out of order can help control anxiety.
  2. Parenting teaches the lesson of transience.
  3. Mastery in art comes from personal motivation and storytelling.
3 implied HN points 11 Apr 21
  1. Impingement in writing creates a sense of movement and causal relationships, enhancing drama
  2. Active voice and anthropomorphism add depth to fiction by implying agency and intention
  3. Philosophical implications and relational causality in storytelling mirror our expectations of real life
3 implied HN points 13 Mar 21
  1. The importance of prioritizing and adjusting goals when faced with unexpected circumstances or challenges.
  2. Exploring the concept of profanity in a broader sense beyond just swear words, in terms of sacred spaces and everyday life.
  3. Embracing neglect and ignorance as a strategy for creativity, innovation, and breaking free from obligations that limit creativity.
3 implied HN points 02 Oct 20
  1. Making it to the final review round doesn't guarantee acceptance
  2. Setting a clear tone in writing is important
  3. Balancing revision time based on feedback is crucial
3 implied HN points 23 Jun 20
  1. Comparison can steal joy; focus on self-improvement instead.
  2. Plot in storytelling should be a discoverable process, not an engineered one.
  3. Plot outlines can help stretch a story without rigidly constraining its creativity.
3 implied HN points 22 May 20
  1. MFA programs focus on writing projects with feedback, while PhD programs in English emphasize specialized topics and scholarly writing.
  2. PhD programs involve extensive reading, disciplined work habits, and the ability to deeply understand complex subjects, which can help in fiction writing.
  3. Academic training can enhance critical analysis skills for storytelling, but may limit creative freedom and playfulness in writing fiction.
3 implied HN points 29 Feb 20
  1. Thinking of your first book as a draft can help de-risk your larger writing ambitions.
  2. It's not necessary to buy multiple writing books; focus on practice and learning through doing.
  3. Being a 'Plotter' or a 'Pantser' does not matter; use the tools that help you finish your project.
1 implied HN point 25 Feb 21
  1. Making the choice to become a morning person can lead to feeling great and being more productive.
  2. The decisions characters make in fiction can greatly impact the story and reflect deeper meanings.
  3. Fictional characters, whether active or passive, serve as models for interpreting our own experiences and understanding agency and responsibility.
1 implied HN point 14 May 20
  1. Don't half-ass anything, give full effort and explanation if needed.
  2. Self-criticism and self-care should go hand-in-hand.
  3. Consistency and persistence are crucial for growth and success, both personally and professionally.
0 implied HN points 16 Jul 20
  1. Speculative fiction explores what it means to be human by pushing boundaries and questioning humanity's definition.
  2. Competition and mimicry play significant roles in relationships, affecting dynamics and emotional outcomes.
  3. In dire circumstances, love can be a motivator and a source of both affection and potential conflict, especially within queer relationships.
0 implied HN points 06 Jun 20
  1. The article discusses the impact of absolute political failure and the questioning of God's role in a world filled with suffering.
  2. It explores the concept of
  3. The novella