The Future of Education $5 / month

The Future of Education Substack by Michael B. Horn examines major trends and news in education, focusing on innovation and systemic change. It covers topics from the challenges and opportunities in higher education, K-12 education strategies, education technology, and policy impacts, to the role of new learning models and financial aspects of education.

Higher Education K-12 Education Educational Innovation Online Learning Education Policy EdTech Learning Models Financial Aspects of Education

Top posts of the year

And their main takeaways
491 implied HN points 02 Jan 24
  1. In the dialogue on college campuses, there is a need to broaden perspectives and engage in deeper conversations to foster resilience.
  2. University leaders should maintain neutrality on controversial issues, creating an environment for open debate without imposing specific viewpoints.
  3. Higher education institutions should focus on developing students' abilities to engage with complexity, debate ideas, and build humility for better societal cohesion.
255 implied HN points 17 May 23
  1. System transformation in education is difficult because it usually involves replacing the existing system with a new one.
  2. Existing systems have interconnected components with consistent and reinforcing structures that resist external changes.
  3. Simply introducing new ideas or programs into an established system may not work if they do not align with the existing structures and incentives.
235 implied HN points 24 May 23
  1. States promote dual-credit programs for high schoolers to earn college credits.
  2. Lack of external validation in dual-credit programs poses risks for students.
  3. Students transferring credits may face challenges, losing a significant percentage.
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176 implied HN points 28 Jun 23
  1. Education technology has become an integral part of schools post-COVID.
  2. Digital learning is prevalent in classrooms, with technology often replacing traditional teaching tools.
  3. Schools are blending online learning with traditional methods, but many are still cramming technology into existing structures.
176 implied HN points 29 May 23
  1. Focus on student outcomes, not inputs when it comes to policy and education.
  2. Consider learner mobility and credit transfer between educational institutions.
  3. Encourage continuous improvement by focusing on outcomes and empowering individuals in education.
157 implied HN points 13 Dec 23
  1. Education research needs to move beyond just identifying 'best practices' and look for nuanced insights that work for specific individuals.
  2. Researchers should focus on deductive research to identify anomalies that can lead to a better understanding of interventions.
  3. Acknowledging anomalies in research can help in providing actionable insights that actually benefit educators and students.
98 implied HN points 16 Aug 23
  1. The current higher education system lacks incentives for institutions to focus on student outcomes and financial returns.
  2. Accreditors play a gatekeeper role for federal financial aid, but are not incentivized to focus on student outcomes.
  3. Policy should shift focus to student outcomes, transparency in pricing, and requiring colleges to share in the risk of student loan repayments.
58 implied HN points 15 Dec 23
  1. The importance of making higher education accessible to everyone, not just the privileged few
  2. The need for a shift in the grading system to focus more on mastery-based learning
  3. Concerns and potential changes regarding regulations in higher education and outside partnerships
58 implied HN points 30 Jan 24
  1. Student success efforts in college campuses are crucial, especially with concerns about completion rates and student retention.
  2. Engaging learners post-pandemic involves innovation in high school education, such as dual enrollment and integrating internships.
  3. Institutions need to focus on providing tangible value to students, addressing cost structures, and prioritizing student success in a changing higher education landscape.
19 implied HN points 14 Sep 23
  1. Colleges are facing financial challenges as federal funding decreases and there's pressure to bring in more revenue, even impacting athletic programs like the Pac-12.
  2. Many colleges are criticized for excessive spending that doesn't align with providing value to students, contributing to the overall cost crisis in higher education.
  3. It's important to rethink incentives and challenge the idea that spending more equates to delivering a better education at colleges.