Systematic Hatreds

A personal view of international relations and political science: research, teaching, and current events

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746 implied HN points 22 Jan 24
  1. The term "mature content" in movies often glamorizes adulthood but really means responsibility like taxes and laundry.
  2. Contemporary U.S. pickup trucks like the KidCrusher 350s are criticized for being oversized and causing safety concerns, especially for children.
  3. Owning and driving large trucks like the KidCrushers reflects a toxic mix of legal freedom and appealing power that may not match practicality or safety.
235 implied HN points 23 Jan 24
  1. Taller vehicles, especially SUVs, are more likely to kill pedestrians due to their higher front-ends.
  2. The size and height of vehicles matter more than weight when it comes to pedestrian safety in collisions.
  3. Rising vehicle heights have been associated with approximately 1,000 excess pedestrian deaths.