The hottest Climate Impacts Substack posts right now

And their main takeaways
Top Climate & Environment Topics
The Crucial Years โ€ข 3816 implied HN points โ€ข 24 Jan 24
  1. Biden's decision to halt the biggest fossil fuel expansion on earth is a major win in standing up to the fossil fuel industry.
  2. Exporting natural gas can raise prices for American consumers, and Biden's stance could help in reducing inflation.
  3. The decision is seen as both brave and strategic, aiming to gain support from young climate-conscious voters and addressing concerns about future impacts on greenhouse gas emissions.
The Crucial Years โ€ข 1434 implied HN points โ€ข 20 Feb 24
  1. Growing climate anxiety is affecting young people who feel let down by political and economic institutions not addressing the climate emergency.
  2. Institutions like banks, car companies, and universities resisting change are contributing to generational theft as today's practices guarantee future upheaval.
  3. The emotional toll of climate change on children and youth, exacerbated by governmental inaction, poses mental health risks and highlights the need for urgent, proactive responses.
The Liberal Patriot โ€ข 1316 implied HN points โ€ข 07 Jan 24
  1. Climate discussions often mention limiting global warming to avoid the worst impacts, but there's no scientific consensus on specific limits.
  2. Focusing on the 1.5ยฐC threshold as crucial is arbitrary, without solid scientific basis.
  3. Considering the costs of limiting warming is essential as it involves trade-offs and impacts on human well-being.
The Climate Brink โ€ข 845 implied HN points โ€ข 31 Jan 24
  1. Recent developments and data do not support the idea that the climate is more sensitive to emissions than previously thought.
  2. Certain climate models have high sensitivity to CO2, but community reviews have suggested narrowing down the range of climate sensitivity.
  3. The exact climate sensitivity estimates can vary across studies, but regardless, the priority remains the urgent need to decarbonize our society.
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The Crucial Years โ€ข 1225 implied HN points โ€ข 12 Sep 23
  1. California passed a significant climate law to force big companies to disclose their carbon emissions
  2. Activism led to New York University finally divesting from fossil fuels after a decade-long battle
  3. Record rainfall in Libya resulted in a tragic loss of life, signaling the urgent need to address climate change
ยกDo Not Panic! โ€ข 628 implied HN points โ€ข 05 Jul 23
  1. Parts of the US with the biggest population growth are also the most at risk from climate change.
  2. Climate change is already impacting areas like Texas, Florida, and South Carolina with projections of increasing dangers in the future.
  3. Factors like denial, optimism bias, and group risk-taking contribute to people moving to high-risk climate areas despite the warnings.