The hottest Dynamic Programming Substack posts right now

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Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. The problem discussed in the post is about finding unique paths in a grid using dynamic programming and recursion.
  2. The example solutions provided in the post illustrate how a robot can navigate from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner in different grid sizes.
  3. The author also shares personal information about being a university student seeking work post-graduation and invites readers to check out their resume and LinkedIn profile.
Technology Made Simple 79 implied HN points 16 Sep 22
  1. The post discusses a solution for the climbing stairs problem with dynamic programming, logic, recursion, and math.
  2. The problem involves finding the number of distinct ways to climb to the top of a staircase by either taking 1 or 2 steps at a time.
  3. The post provides examples and constraints for the problem, along with a link to test the solution on Leetcode.
Technology Made Simple 59 implied HN points 15 Sep 22
  1. The post discusses a problem related to climbing stairs, involving dynamic programming, logic, recursion, and math.
  2. The problem presents a scenario where you can climb a certain number of steps to reach the top, and you have to find the distinct ways to do so.
  3. Examples and constraints are given, along with a link to test your solution on Leetcode.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 07 Sep 22
  1. The post discusses a problem related to creating a suitable music playlist for a road trip, requiring a certain number of songs and buffer between repeats.
  2. It emphasizes the importance of dynamic programming, logic, and combinatorics in solving the mentioned playlist problem.
  3. The post also includes requests to engage with and share the newsletter, showcasing the value of community support and feedback.
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Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 18 May 22
  1. The 'Recursive Leap of Faith' technique is a powerful approach in recursion where we assume our recursive calls will work as expected, simplifying our problem-solving process.
  2. By using the Leap of Faith, we can break down recursive problems into base cases and recursive steps, making it easier to navigate through complex coding challenges.
  3. To master the Recursive Leap of Faith technique, consistent practice is key. Breaking down problems into base cases and making assumptions about recursive calls helps build proficiency over time.
Technology Made Simple 39 implied HN points 13 Apr 22
  1. Developing recursive solutions involves creating conjectures, working from base cases, and simplifying complex problems into already solved ones.
  2. Starting with a brute force solution is crucial before attempting dynamic programming for optimal solutions.
  3. Building a strong foundation in recursive thinking is key to mastering more complex concepts like dynamic programming.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 18 Mar 22
  1. The problem involves arranging coins in a staircase with specific row numbers, and the solution focuses on finding the maximum number of complete rows that can be built.
  2. The solution involves analyzing the input (number of coins) and output (number of complete rows), and working through a simple approach using math to determine the complete rows.
  3. To improve the solution further, simplifications can be made to optimize the algorithm, aiming for a faster runtime complexity close to square root of n.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 16 Mar 22
  1. Optimal solutions in coding interviews can impress interviewers and require O(1) time and space complexity.
  2. In a coding problem like this one involving arranging coins in a staircase, understanding the complete rows and incomplete rows is key to solving it.
  3. Preparation for coding interviews, like practicing on Leetcode, can help in tackling similar problems and improving problem-solving skills.
Technology Made Simple 19 implied HN points 03 Feb 22
  1. Understand and identify the recursive nature of a problem before moving on to find solutions.
  2. Recognize and handle terminal cases effectively, such as stopping at the bottom-right corner and dealing with cells in the last row or column.
  3. Optimize solutions by applying techniques like memoization in dynamic programming to store and reuse calculated values.
  4. Tip: Lead an interviewer to show understanding even if it's a complex problem with an exponential runtime solution.
Technology Made Simple 0 implied HN points 23 Dec 21
  1. The problem involves minimizing cost while ensuring no neighboring houses have the same color. This can be represented using a matrix.
  2. Brute force can be initially used to explore all combinations, but dynamic programming is a more efficient approach in this scenario. Dynamic programming optimizes calculations by avoiding unnecessary computations.
  3. By utilizing dynamic programming, we can efficiently calculate the minimum cost of painting the houses with different colors. This method involves maintaining a matrix cache to track the costs and ensure the color constraint is met.