The hottest Electronic Devices Substack posts right now

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Fight to Repair 59 implied HN points 02 Jun 23
  1. Repairable devices need software support to last longer, not just physical repairs.
  2. Software plays a crucial role in the obsolescence of devices, like limiting the lifespan of smartphones with discontinued software updates.
  3. Right to repair laws address physical repairs, but not the need for updated software as devices age, highlighting the importance of focusing on software longevity.
Fight to Repair 39 implied HN points 19 Jul 22
  1. Microsoft's Surface Laptop SE marks a significant moment where big tech is starting to take the right to repair seriously, offering repairable and available parts.
  2. The US is moving towards self-repair with bipartisan bills introduced in Congress to protect consumer rights to repair their products and vehicles, amid issues of warranty voiding and data ownership concerns.
  3. College campuses, including the students, are criticized for being unaware and uninvolved in countering corporate power and abuses, focusing more on other issues like diversity and politically correct speech.
Fight to Repair 19 implied HN points 15 Mar 22
  1. Ownership of Tesla vehicle data is a complex issue that goes beyond just who owns it, including access, repurposing, and usage.
  2. Wheelchair users in Massachusetts face challenges with slow repairs and limited legal protections, highlighting the need for stronger state laws.
  3. Manufacturers employing tactics like limiting repair options restrict consumer choice and have economic consequences, spurring the need to protect the right to repair.
Stemble - for the love of STEM! 0 implied HN points 02 May 23
  1. Swedish researchers have created the first wooden transistor, a sustainable alternative to traditional silicon-based transistors.
  2. The wooden transistor is made from wood-derived materials, offering biodegradability and potential for higher energy efficiency.
  3. This innovation paves the way for eco-friendly electronic devices, reducing carbon footprint and promoting a greener planet.
Fight to Repair 0 implied HN points 23 Mar 23
  1. Groups are pressuring John Deere to comply with open-source code sharing rules, emphasizing the importance of transparency in software modifications.
  2. The proposed EU right to repair law is being criticized by advocates for not going far enough in promoting repair over replacement and addressing anti-repair practices.
  3. Source code sharing is crucial for innovation, especially in areas like farming equipment where it could lead to more accessible repair solutions and cost-effective operations.
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