Fight to Repair

Fight to Repair focuses on advocating for the right to repair electronics, highlighting issues like planned obsolescence, anti-repair lobbying, and the environmental impact of electronic waste. It covers repairs for diverse products from printers to vehicles, criticizes monopoly practices, and reports on legislative developments globally.

Right to Repair Legislation Electronic Waste and Environmental Impact Consumer Advocacy and Corporate Accountability Planned Obsolescence and Product Longevity Digital Rights Management (DRM) and Software Locks Monopoly Practices and Market Control Repair-Friendly Product Design Legislative and Policy Developments Consumer Electronics and Appliances Vehicle Repair Laws and Telematics

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138 implied HN points โ€ข 08 Feb 24
  1. EU has agreed on new repair laws requiring manufacturers to repair common household products and provide repair information to consumers.
  2. The new repair laws also allow consumers to borrow a device while theirs is being fixed and offer refurbished units as alternatives.
  3. Advocates are pushing for more expansive legislation beyond the new repair rules to increase repair accessibility and spare parts availability.
138 implied HN points โ€ข 18 Jan 24
  1. E-waste is a significant problem globally, causing harm to people and ecological systems through pollution, inhumane extraction of raw materials, and other disasters.
  2. The idea pushed by some, like the World Economic Forum, that e-waste can be seen as a financial opportunity and a way to boost the economy is criticized as overlooking the true impact and complexity of the issue.
  3. Repairing electronics rather than constant disposal is highlighted as a more sustainable solution that could lead to a more resilient community, a reduction in repair costs, and the circulation of money locally.
118 implied HN points โ€ข 25 Jan 24
  1. The fight for the right to repair is closely tied to the fight against monopolies. Companies like Apple use control over repairs to limit competition and maximize profit.
  2. Monopolies can hinder a circular economy by prioritizing profit over repairability. The push for a real circular economy requires challenging traditional capitalist notions.
  3. Legislation like the Digital Markets Act can help combat the restrictive practices of monopolies and create a more repair-friendly future. Advocating for right to repair policies and regulations is crucial in this fight.
118 implied HN points โ€ข 04 Jan 24
  1. 10 states have introduced right to repair legislation in 2024, showing strong momentum for repair laws.
  2. The bills cover various categories, from electronics to farm equipment, and some propose new types of right to repair laws.
  3. Recent successes in passing right to repair laws hint at a changing landscape, with more support for consumer repair rights.
138 implied HN points โ€ข 08 Dec 23
  1. The Google ad campaign conveys the message of 'Buy, Don't Repair' by promoting replacing products over repairing them, highlighting the impact of consumer culture and convenience.
  2. There is a significant focus on increasing the longevity of products through right to repair initiatives, emphasizing the importance of repairing, reusing, and reducing waste before resorting to recycling.
  3. Various issues related to repair and longevity, such as companies limiting repair resources, the spread of 'Deere disease' affecting maintenance, and the impact of support policies on vintage products, are highlighted in the text.
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118 implied HN points โ€ข 15 Dec 23
  1. The National Association of Manufacturers released a report against the right to repair but it recycled industry talking points and presented weak arguments.
  2. The report falsely claims that right to repair harms the environment, but in reality, creating and shipping replacement parts are more environmentally friendly than replacing entire devices.
  3. Different state right to repair laws can be burdensome, but they are a step towards a federal law that grants repair rights to all Americans, while still allowing for state-level legislation.
98 implied HN points โ€ข 28 Dec 23
  1. New Yorkers have the right to repair electronics starting today due to the Digital Fair Repair Act, signed by Governor Kathy Hochul last year.
  2. The law necessitates manufacturers to provide repair information, tools, and parts for digital electronic equipment sold after July 1, 2023, but there are some exemptions like medical equipment and motor vehicles.
  3. Enforcement and implications of the law, along with challenges from industry groups, are expected, but it's already encouraging manufacturers like Apple and Google to enhance repair options.
39 implied HN points โ€ข 15 Feb 24
  1. Apple supported a right-to-repair law in California but opposed a similar bill in Oregon due to concerns on part pairing, despite citing safety and privacy reasons for their stance.
  2. Part pairing allows companies like Apple to control repair processes, maximize profits, and hinder the use of cheaper third-party components, impacting consumer choice and costs.
  3. Oregon legislators passed the proposed right-to-repair legislation despite Apple's opposition, indicating a shift towards giving residents a robust right to repair and recognition of Apple's contradictory stance.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 29 Dec 23
  1. 2023 was a significant year in the fight for Right to Repair, with more states enacting laws to support repair rights.
  2. Key victories in 2023 included the enactment of right to repair laws in New York, Minnesota, California, Colorado, and Maine, covering a wide range of electronic and mechanical devices.
  3. The push for Right to Repair gained momentum in 2023, with hearings on Capitol Hill, legal actions against manufacturers like John Deere, and support from various government bodies like the EPA and FTC.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 12 Jan 24
  1. Google endorses the right to repair, changing its corporate position and supporting a legal right for users to repair their devices.
  2. Google is backing comprehensive right to repair legislation in Oregon and actively lobbying for its passage.
  3. Although Google's endorsement is a significant shift, their focus on parts assemblies over individual components has been critiqued by right to repair advocates.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 21 Dec 23
  1. Polish hackers faced legal pushback after repairing a train that a manufacturer attempted to render inoperable remotely, highlighting the risks of DRM and anti-competitive behavior.
  2. DRM controls extend to various devices like farm equipment and cars, restricting repairs to authorized technicians and limiting consumer choice, highlighting the need for right to repair laws.
  3. Companies use DRM and legal threats to control products, emphasizing profit over consumer rights, leading to the rise of the 'landlord economy' where users pay for ownership and usage rights.
39 implied HN points โ€ข 01 Feb 24
  1. Colorado's legislature passed a resolution calling for a national scoring system for electronic device repairs, aiming to make repairability of products easy to understand when buying electronics.
  2. Repair scores, like the one adopted in France, have been shown to influence consumer behavior and create awareness about repairability options.
  3. Repair scores are part of a broader effort to reduce e-waste and empower consumers by making hidden costs of device purchases more apparent.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 16 Nov 23
  1. Several states have been passing comprehensive right-to-repair laws, indicating that the movement is gaining traction and popularity.
  2. The concept of the Overton window helps understand how companies like Apple are adjusting their stance on repair due to legislative and consumer pressure.
  3. The focus is shifting towards challenges beyond just access to parts and information, with emerging concerns surrounding software restrictions and product design in the right-to-repair movement.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 27 Oct 23
  1. Apple is pushing for a national right-to-repair law in the US after California's legislation, aiming to balance repairability with product integrity, usability, and safety.
  2. Apple's announcement reveals a strategic shift to shape the national law and potentially exclude certain aspects by emphasizing safety and privacy concerns.
  3. The tech industry is exploring creating Memorandums of Understanding to navigate right-to-repair laws, aiming to standardize repair practices and influence legislation.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 22 Nov 23
  1. Black Friday and Cyber Monday shopping in the U.S. far exceeds voter turnout and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade viewership, showcasing the scale of consumerism.
  2. Cheap clothes bought during holiday sales often involve cheap labor, highlighting the importance of sustainable clothing practices and supporting fair wages for garment workers.
  3. Repairing and reusing items we already own can bring happiness and connection, offering a sustainable alternative to constant consumerism.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 10 Nov 23
  1. Maine voters strongly support the right to repair automotive vehicles, mirroring efforts in other states. Voting yes on Question 4 allows car owners to choose where they get their vehicles repaired.
  2. Denver's Waste No More initiative promotes deconstruction over demolition to recycle and reuse construction materials, reducing landfill waste and lowering carbon footprint. Transitioning to deconstruction on a large scale faces challenges.
  3. Recognizing the environmental impact of construction waste, Denver residents passed the Waste No More ballot initiative. The ordinance requires the separation and recycling of several materials in construction and demolition activities.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 07 Nov 23
  1. Right to repair is a common sense issue that is supported by the general public as it is a fairly simple concept that people can relate to.
  2. The right to repair movement goes beyond just fixing phones and computers; it touches on labor, ecological systems, and technology, providing a critical lens to view larger societal problems.
  3. Repair is a global concern that transcends national and cultural boundaries, highlighting its universal importance as a human activity.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 05 Oct 23
  1. Planned obsolescence is deeply rooted in our economic systems; addressing it requires a larger systemic approach rather than just focusing on eliminating it.
  2. Repair activities offer a practical way to understand broader economic issues of consumerism, waste, and sustainability by extending the lifespan of goods and reducing environmental impact.
  3. Some governments, like France, are taking action against planned obsolescence, but challenges remain in enforcing laws and shifting from a throw-away culture to a repair mindset.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 24 Oct 23
  1. Companies often use buzzwords like "green" and "circular" in misleading ways, but repair can provide a more mindful approach to consumption.
  2. Promises of innovation and technology solving climate change often overlook the real costs of production, labor, and environmental impacts.
  3. Narratives of a 'clean energy economy' gloss over the human and ecological violence inherent in the pursuit of convenience and consumption, highlighting the importance of repair and addressing the true costs of our consumption habits.
39 implied HN points โ€ข 01 Dec 23
  1. Tesla won an antitrust case on repair restrictions, but Deere's lawsuit is moving forward. Tesla uses practices inflating repair costs.
  2. California is pushing for standardized EV diagnostic laws to make repairs more accessible and affordable.
  3. John Deere faces an antitrust lawsuit alleging constraints on repair services. The plaintiffs have succeeded in pursuing their claims against the company.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 20 Oct 23
  1. International Repair Day is an occasion to celebrate repair skills, promote sustainability, and advocate for a more circular economy worldwide.
  2. Significant progress has been observed globally with the adoption of repair laws in various regions, including the US, Canada, India, and the EU.
  3. The movement for the right to repair is growing, aiming for repair accessibility for all, with events, advocacy, and initiatives globally to support a shift towards a more repairable world.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 06 Sep 23
  1. A John Deere dealership employee was caught on tape discussing the possibility of using software updates to block third-party competitors from working with John Deere equipment.
  2. The mention of using software updates to push out competition raises questions about anti-competitive behavior, which could potentially violate U.S. antitrust laws.
  3. The conversation highlights the importance of 'Right to Repair' legislation and the need for transparency from major agricultural equipment manufacturers in creating an open and competitive precision agriculture ecosystem.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 24 Aug 23
  1. NHTSA reversed its opposition to Massachusetts' expanded vehicle right to repair law, allowing for access to telematics data for repairs.
  2. NHTSA proposed a compromise for vehicle telematics access using Bluetooth connections to reduce cybersecurity risks.
  3. Auto Care Association does not support the Bluetooth solution, stating it doesn't create a fair playing field as expected by voters.
39 implied HN points โ€ข 03 Nov 23
  1. The REPAIR Act advanced in the U.S. House, a critical step towards a federal law for car repair, though it still has a long way to go.
  2. The bill aims to ensure access to vehicle diagnostic data for consumers and independent repair shops, based on a Massachusetts law updated in 2020.
  3. The bi-partisan support for the REPAIR Act highlights the importance of preserving consumer choice and access to fair vehicle repair options.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 15 Sep 23
  1. California Legislature passed a Right to Repair Act, a big win for consumers, small repair shops, and the environment, following years of lobbying resistance from tech firms.
  2. Designer Ollee Means breathes new life into old chairs by restoring and revitalizing them, highlighting the importance of repair and sustainability in modern design.
  3. Google agrees to 10 years of Chromebook support and sustainability measures like adaptive charging, saving costs, reducing waste, and promoting longer-lasting devices.
138 implied HN points โ€ข 27 Jan 23
  1. Activation locks on Macbooks are causing perfectly functional devices to be discarded due to the security feature preventing refurbishing or re-selling.
  2. Harvard Business Review article suggests that right to repair laws might lead manufacturers to counterproductive actions, like adjusting prices or promoting device replacement over repair.
  3. Advocates highlight the importance of right to repair laws in promoting refurbishing and reusing devices to reduce e-waste and keep toxic chemicals out of landfills.
98 implied HN points โ€ข 14 Jun 23
  1. The NHTSA advised automakers to not comply with the Massachusetts vehicle right to repair law due to safety concerns and federal regulations.
  2. The Massachusetts law, approved by voters, requires automakers to provide vehicle owners with access to telematics data for car repairs.
  3. NHTSA expressed concerns about the safety risks associated with the Massachusetts law's open remote access to vehicle systems.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 17 Jul 23
  1. The U.S. House will hold a hearing to explore the concept of 'right to repair'
  2. The hearing will cover various topics including intellectual property issues and potential policy changes
  3. The hearing will feature experts and panelists discussing laws like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and proposed bills like The REPAIR Act
39 implied HN points โ€ข 12 Oct 23
  1. California became the 3rd state to enact a broad electronics right to repair law, following New York and Minnesota.
  2. The California Right to Repair Act expands repair protections for consumers, guaranteeing access to repair materials for a wide range of products and setting minimum support periods.
  3. State right to repair campaigns are gaining momentum, with more states considering similar legislation to improve repair access and combat planned obsolescence.
98 implied HN points โ€ข 24 May 23
  1. Minnesota Governor Tim Walz signed the Digital Fair Repair Act into law, giving residents the legal right to repair electronics, joining New York as one of the first U.S. states with comprehensive repair laws.
  2. The new law requires manufacturers to provide documentation, parts, and tools for repair within 60 days of a product's sale, though some products like cars are exempt from these regulations.
  3. Minnesota's right to repair legislation includes measures to prevent manufacturers from evading repair requirements under the guise of 'cybersecurity,' marking progress in consumer rights and product longevity.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 17 Aug 23
  1. Security researchers hacked Tesla's seat-warmers to challenge paywalls for features, showcasing vehicle owners' tech skills
  2. Attempts to jailbreak devices demonstrate the growing demand to free devices from vendor constraints, empowering users to reclaim control
  3. Companies face backlash for using software to restrict features, leading to calls for legislation to prevent device disabling and the creation of repair barriers
98 implied HN points โ€ข 14 Mar 23
  1. Tool libraries offer a low-cost option for people to access tools, fostering repair and community building.
  2. Investing in social infrastructure like tool libraries can create more resilient, sustainable, and connected communities.
  3. Funding directly to support tool libraries can confirm their value to the community, rather than heavily relying on constant fundraising efforts.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 04 Aug 23
  1. California is investigating how car companies collect data, emphasizing the importance of data transparency and ownership for vehicle owners
  2. Vehicle data is projected to be worth $800 billion by 2030, highlighting the lucrative nature of data collection from cars for companies
  3. Consumers often lack awareness of the data being collected from them, leading to potential privacy concerns and issues with car companies' practices
39 implied HN points โ€ข 28 Sep 23
  1. The Agricultural Right to Repair Act aims to give farmers more flexibility in repairing their own equipment by requiring manufacturers to provide necessary tools and information.
  2. Corporations, including those in the agricultural industry, may publicly support repair efforts but use tactics behind closed doors to extract profit, highlighting the need for legislation like the Agricultural Right to Repair Act.
  3. While there is a history of right to repair bills failing at the federal level due to political divisions, there is potential for progress at the state level, where repair laws have started passing through legislatures and being signed into law.
39 implied HN points โ€ข 21 Sep 23
  1. Apple aims for sustainability but restricts repairability, showing a nuanced approach to environmental impact.
  2. Mounting public pressure is pushing companies towards repair-friendly policies despite initial resistance.
  3. Google faces criticism for lack of repair options for Pixel Watches, while offering repair parts for Pixel Fold, highlighting differing approaches to repairability.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 30 May 23
  1. Manufacturers like Bosch refuse to provide service manuals, making it challenging and expensive for customers to repair appliances themselves.
  2. Consumers are advocating for right to repair laws to ensure they have access to repair information and tools for products they own.
  3. Demand for service manuals and DIY repair is growing, with one-third of appliance owners choosing to repair their own devices.
78 implied HN points โ€ข 26 May 23
  1. Powerful forces are challenging the traditional concept of ownership, making people 'buy' and 'rent' simultaneously, like throttled iPhones and gated features on cars.
  2. Digitization, with software and Internet connectivity, has enhanced products but also limits consumer control, leading to issues like prohibitive repair costs and locked features.
  3. The erosion of ownership rights extends beyond repair laws, touching on political influence, outdated copyright laws, and enforcement challenges, highlighting the need for broader reforms.
59 implied HN points โ€ข 14 Jul 23
  1. Consumer Reports campaign seeks to make safety features like Automatic Crash Notifications (ACN) standard rather than paid subscriptions by car companies.
  2. The trend of companies turning safety features like Apple's Emergency SOS into subscription services raises concerns about access to potentially life-saving features.
  3. Regulators like the FTC are taking steps against companies like Tesla and John Deere for using software controls to enforce subscriptions and deny access to users, highlighting the need for government intervention to protect consumer rights.